Human King

Chapter 200: Explosion

Chapter 200: Explosion

Boom! An explosion resounded out as Dawn's fists that were full of Aura collided against the first monster on the way.

The explosion was...the monster's body that suddenly just went popped like a balloon.

The blood, organs, and bones of the monsters just went all over the place, but it just latched on the other monsters' bodies.

After all, there was no space for it to escape from this festival of monsters.

However, Dawn's instincts didn't just stop there as Dawn's body moved towards another monster.

Of course, that monster was so near Dawn right now that Dawn just needed to move his fists a little bit and he would be able to punch them with all of his might.

And that was exactly what he did as he punched the monsters!

Boom!!! Another explosion happened as another monster's blood and innards went towards all directions and dirtied another monster's body.

However, that was not all as Dawn was speeding up. Right, the first two were slow as fuck as Dawn's instincts were just testing things out.

Now that Dawn's Aura could kill almost all of the monsters with just a single touch, Dawn speeded up as he began to punch all of the monsters.

Of course, he speeded up while his perception was still slowed down, and the effect was tremendous as the monsters were only able to get destroyed as Dawn punched them all!

The blood of the monsters was flying so slowly for Dawn, but that was not all as even the rate of the monsters' bodies' exploding have slowed down as well.

It was as if everything really was in slow motion except for Dawn. would be more correct to say that Dawn's speed and perception were just faster than any monsters present in this place.

That was why Dawn could move so fast right now, but it seems that was not enough as Dawn could feel his instincts churning up more of his Aura to his fists.

Right, even though his fists were already full of his Aura to the point that his Aura was basically hurting himself every time he moved his fists, his instincts began churning up some more as if that was not enough.

---God damn it! What is it doing?!

Dawn thought as his instincts forced him to punch all the monsters with his fists.

Of course, even though Dawn knew that he would be able to fight against the monsters in this way, he was still alarmed that his instincts were doing something so crazy.

After all, he could feel that he was reaching his limits about the usage of Aura, and what's more, he could also feel that his fists were about to be blown away just from his Aura.

Even though Dawn was able to reconnect his cut-off arm before, if his hands were blown away like the monsters that he was killing right now, even Dawn wouldn't be able to heal his hands.

That was why he was alarmed that his instincts were doing something like this.

It wouldn't be funny if Dawn were to suddenly be handless, after all.

It was then that Dawn could feel that his Aura...all of his Aura were literally sitting on his fists right now as his instincts finally stopped churning his Aura.

The amount of mana stacked in his fists was so many that Dawn...could actually feel his arms getting heavy and numb by just carrying his fists around.

However, it seems that Dawn didn't have the time to think about that as Dawn's perception...returned back to normal.

Right, it returned back to normal and the monsters were all blasted away as the motion returned back to normal.

After all, Dawn was punching the monsters an extreme amount of Aura in his fists, so it was only natural that they would be blasted away once his perception would return back to normal.

However, as Dawn has his Aura to mind in this situation, he couldn't give a fuck as he just focused on his vision.

He focused on his vision as he prepared for the monsters that would soon appear in front of him so that he would be able to punch them and use the Aura!

---I'm sure it would blast this whole place away!

Dawn thought as he tried to move his fists, and it seems that he could now, just with great effort.

He had to put a lot of concentration just to move and a lot of strong will to move his fists.

That was why...when Dawn was sure that he got a grip on his body now, he looked for the monster that he would punch with this amount of Aura.

And as soon as he did, he soon saw a monster that he wasn't able to pulverize before.

"Haaahhhh!!!" Dawn shouted out loud as he moved his body that was as heavy as a mountain.

He moved as he began to punch with both of his fists the poor monster that he saw.

And as soon as he punched the monster, a loud explosion happened right in front of Dawn.

A loud explosion and a really bright light appeared right in front of him as he felt with his fists that the monster was pulverized to specks of dust right now.

---Shit, I have to get out now!

Since Dawn knew how much Aura he punched the monster with, he knew that the aftereffects of punching a monster with that amount of Aura would also be tremendous and something that he hasn't experienced before.

That was why he knew that he has to get out of this place right now before he gets caught up with the aftereffects.

However, before Dawn could even move, he soon felt something crawling in his skin.

Dawn whipped his head down to look at his body, thinking that it was some monster that survived or something like that.

However, he soon saw it was something else as he saw that his white body...was starting to blacken all over.

No, it would be more correct to say that his tattoo that was located in his stomach was moving like a living being as Dawn's tattoos...all took place in just a single second.

---What is this?!

Dawn thought as he was getting confused about this whole situation now.

After all, before this whole situation started, his perception started to slow down for some time again and again.

And that was weird since this was the only time that happened to Dawn.

What's more, his instincts actually took over and made some ridiculous amount of Aura to punch the monsters cornering him.

And now this tattoo marks all over his body that made his white body look was all confusing for Dawn as all of this only happened this time.

However, Dawn just decided to not mind as he could feel something hot touch his body now.

He could feel that the aftereffects were about to start, which is why he..turned around as he began to run.

He began to run towards wherever direction his feet would take him as long as it would take him away from this place.

And Dawn...disappeared from this place as he went on to run now.

And as if it was waiting for him to disappear from this place, the bright light shining from this place that originated from Dawn's Aura soon exploded!

Boom! Boom! Boom! The sound of the explosion resounded out in this place and the ones who were watching the monsters attack Dawn, the two hyenas, Mabi and Papi, were just standing around.

Why? It was because the wall of monsters was still going strong, even though Dawn has already killed many monsters.

However, it was the truth that they could feel that many monsters have died down from the inside.

"Hmmm..." Papi hummed as he thinks that something has started to go wrong in this situation.

"Mabi, go check the other side of the wall to see if that white goblin escaped." Papi said as he decided to send Mabi out.

However, it seems that Mabi thinks otherwise as he spoke.

"Huh? Can't you see how many monsters there are? Even if the white goblin is indeed strong, he wouldn't be able to kill that many monsters. Just look at them!"

Mabi said as he pointed in front of him. The monsters were so many that even the two hyenas couldn't see what was going on inside.

"The white goblin won't be able to escape from that!" Mabi said with intense emotions.

It seems that he was still angry that he got played around by Dawn when he was chasing him.

However, before even Papi could say his reasons why he wanted to send Mabi out to the other side, a monster got blown away.

One...two...three, so many monsters started to get blown away, and this caused the two hyenas to whip their heads at the wall.

And as soon as they did, they soon saw something horrible.

No, it was something that they were used to, but they just didn't expect it.

They just didn't expect that the wall of monsters would explode in blood all over the place as if the blood were tainting the forest!

"What the..." Papi murmured as he looked at the blood-red sky.

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