Human King

Chapter 205: Stomach

Chapter 205: Stomach

"We will retreat from this place, follow me. We would go and regroup with Moris before doing anything else." Dawn said as soon as he arrived in front of Didi and the others.

Of course, as soon as Dawn said all those words, he disappeared again as he began to move and run from one tree to another.

And since their king has already given the order, the other goblins quickly followed right after him.

Right, they followed right after him without even thinking so much.

After all, there was no need for thinking when it was their king.

However, it seems that the goblins were getting tired as...they weren't able to follow Dawn that fast.

Right, the goblins were losing their speed, but it wasn't really that bad.

They were still able to jump from one tree to another, and they were still quite fast compared to the average speed of ordinary goblins.

However, due to them slowing down, Dawn...had to slow down as well.

After all, it's not like Dawn could just leave behind these goblins when these goblins were lagging behind.

Of course, he was able to feel that the goblins were starting to lag behind, which is why he started to slow down.

"Didi." Dawn said as he looked around and turned his head towards the book.

Of course, Dawn was still jumping from one tree to another, and Didi was...he pushed himself a little bit harder to keep up with Dawn, and when Didi was at an appropriate distance from Dawn, he answered.

"Yes...the goblins are starting to weaken due to the events that happened and the pressure is taxing not only their bodies but also their minds. What's more, the mental stress of not being able to fight against the monsters is also taking its toll now. After all, ever since we started this, the goblins are always on the run, and we...can't release the pent-up stress."

Didi explained to his king as fast as possible, and he said all those words without missing a single beat. He also cut to the point about the goblins weakening.

After all, Didi knew that the reason why Dawn slowed down and talked to him was about the goblins.

And it seems that that was indeed the truth that Dawn slowed down and talked to him was about the goblins as Dawn spoke as he turned his head back in front.

"Just make sure to keep up with me. Moris is probably around the parts here right now, so we don't have to rush it too much. Besides, he should be in the middle of a fight, so we can take our time."

Dawn said those words without missing a single beat. After all, it was indeed the truth that they didn't have to rush it too much.

Why? It was because Moris was still fighting. Dawn didn't want the goblins to join the fight that Moris was fighting when they were already getting tired as hell.

That would only be a burden to Moris, and that would actually just mean to make opportunities for enemies to take advantage of.

After all, the goblins were weak right now. Just that fact alone would mean opportunities for enemies to take advantage of and it would actually spell trouble for Dawn.

That was why Dawn didn't want the goblins to join Moris' battle even though they were on the way now to him.

That was also why he said that the goblin should just go on with their normal speed, but also to keep up with him.

Although it seems weird that Dawn said that the goblins should just go with their normal speed, and yet also keep up with him, it was actually not.

After all, Dawn wouldn't increase his speed now that he knows that the goblins were starting to get affected with this long battle that just started.

"Hmmm...this was a great time to strike back on the three legendary hyenas, does not matter anymore."

What Dawn said was the truth. The time right after the river of blood ravaged the forest was truly the right time for Dawn and the goblins to strike against the three legendary hyenas.

After all, they were literally defenseless, and since Dawn has already fought against Mabi, the fastest hyena in the group, Dawn could tell just from a single fight.

He could tell just from a single fight that he was a lot stronger than Mabi and that if they fought against each other, Mabi wouldn't stand a chance against Dawn.

Papi was also the same case. Dawn has felt that Papi was not really that strong and that he was similar to how Karkas works, and since they were similar, Dawn was pretty sure that he would be able to beat Papi to death without even taking him seriously.

That was why Dawn was confident about taking out the hyenas in this situation when it was really the perfect time to strike.

They were both weaker than Dawn, and they were both dependent on their number of monsters, which is why it was such a regret that Dawn was not able to kill them when it was the perfect time to kill them.

However, since it already happened and that Dawn already chose to retreat from this place, it no longer matters.

There was no need to regret these things since Dawn already planned for another counterattack when he gets together and regroups with Moris.

Regretting things now would just make it harder for Dawn to decide when it comes to it in the future, and Dawn knows that very well, which is why he didn't want to continue this thought process.

"Right now, the top priority is to meet Moris and then start another attack against the three legendary hyenas while they are still weak."

What Dawn said was the truth and it was exactly what he was planning to do from now on.

Well, it was the only thing that he could do in this situation, and it was something that he must do if he really wanted to conquer the southeast of the forest.

Of course, Dawn wanted to conquer the southeast of the forest badly as he has already exerted so many efforts just to take it down and what's more, the goblins have actually suffered a casualty.

Even though deaths and casualties were expected in a war, it still hurts to actually lose them, especially in Dawn's case right now when he only had like 50 goblins under him, and those goblins were blessed goblins as well who was blessed by the Blessings of the Battlefield.

That was why Dawn wanted to conquer the southeast of the forest, other than the reason for trying to see if he could still evolve.

" shouldn't be long now until we meet Moris again." Dawn thought as he used his senses to feel around the forest.

Ever since they started to retreat from the center of the southeast of the forest and went towards Moris' direction, Dawn has constantly used his senses to try and feel around the monsters.

And Dawn has started to feel monsters again, though it wasn't that many nor did he feel that the monsters were any strong.

However, just the fact that Dawn has finally able to feel a monster around the forest means that they have traveled quite a long distance now and that they would be able to meet Moris in a while.

And it was in this way that Dawn and the goblins retreated from the center of the southeast of the forest.


And while Dawn and the goblins were retreating from the center of the southeast of the forest and made their way towards Moris, there was a monster there that was left behind.

And that monster was, of course, the ape monster. The ape monster was not moving, and even though Dawn and the other goblins had already left this place alone, the ape monster showed no signs of moving at all.

Well, this just means that the ape monster was really dead and that Dawn was correct in thinking that the ape monster was dead even though it looked like it was still alive.

However, it was then that something happened to the ape monster, and that was...its stomach opened up all of a sudden.

Right, the stomach opened up all of a sudden without anyone or something doing anything.

In fact, there was no one else in this place, and that was why it was weird.

Why would the stomach of the ape monster suddenly open up just like that?

What's more, the ape monster's organs were spilling out crazily, but that was not important at all.

That was not important indeed as...something more hideous and something more crazy came out of the ape monster's stomach.

And that was...monsters. Right, monsters started to come out of the ape monster's stomach as if it was only natural.

What's more, it was not just one, or two, or three, but...hundreds of monsters came out of the ape monster's stomach.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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