Human King

Chapter 211: Disappointment

Chapter 211: Disappointment

The goblins readied themselves for death when their king specifically said that they should ready themselves for death.

It was only natural for them to do so since it was their king who said so, but that was not all that they did as they also stopped running.

They stopped running as the goblins all took positions in the trees.

Some of them were stationed at the top of a branch of a tree, and some were standing on the ground.

Of course, they did this because Dawn himself told them to do this.

After all, they were about to face off against Mabi, the hyena who was able to move so fast that even Dawn had to use everything to catch up, so it was only natural for them to prepare even for a little bit.

It wouldn't be funny if they all died because they didn't prepare enough or something like that.

At least, it wouldn't be funny for the goblins if they really did die from something like unpreparedness or whatever.

After all, they were the ones who died. There was no way that they would be happy if something like that really did happen in this situation and case.

Anyways, the one who was leading this goblin, the white goblin that suddenly turned into a black goblin thanks to his tattoos and all those marks, Dawn, was currently just standing on top of the tallest tree as he looked at the far distance as he squinted his eyes.

He was looking into the far distance, but that was not all he was doing as he was also trying to feel the presence that was trying so hard to catch up to them.

With every step that the presence takes, the presence leaps a great distance that Dawn could tell that the presence would catch up in another minute or so.

And it was because of this that Dawn truly became sure that this presence was Mabi, who was able to escape from his and able to regenerate half of his head.

"Interesting, interesting, this situation is truly interesting," Dawn murmured as a fierce smile crept up to his face.

His fangs started to show their light to the world, and his face became scarier as he looked into the far distance where he expected Mabi would come out anytime now.

Why can Dawn tell that Mabi would be coming out now? It was because the forest started to shake up all of a sudden.

Of course, Dawn knew that the cause was the one who was chasing them from behind, which is why he knew that it wouldn't be long now until Mabi would be able to catch up to them, which is why he was getting excited about all this.

Although this situation was truly perilous and dangerous, it didn't matter to Dawn as he was getting excited about fighting Mabi again and trying to kill one another.

Of course, that didn't mean that Dawn didn't know what he should do now or something like that.

Although Dawn was indeed prone to losing his mind when he is fighting and all that, this time exception to that as Dawn was able to think clearly and rationally as he was able to think right now even though he was quite excited about the fight that Mabi would bring him.

"I doubt that you would come alone here as well! That other hyena should be with you or some other monsters that you have under your control!" Dawn murmured as his smile was getting dangerously scary right now.

It seems that he wants to go out of his way and meet Mabi as Mabi was still not in his field of vision or something like that.

Of course, Dawn could still feel the presence that was trying to catch up to them and he could also feel that the forest was shaking and quivering.

He could feel that the trees were getting disturbed and he could feel that the wind was blowing.

And that was why Dawn was getting impatient in this whole situation as his senses were so stimulated to the point that Dawn could see the ant that was trying to make a home underground.

Right, Dawn's senses were that absurd right now as he waited for Mabi or the presence that was trying to catch up to them. Dawn, the presence that was trying to catch up to them from a great distance was already Mabi.

In his mind, he was already sure and expects that Mabi was the one who was trying to catch up to them right now, which is why Dawn was getting excited.

Would Mabi be able to fight against his attacks? Would Mabi be able to run faster than Dawn? Would Mabi be able to fight back and injure Dawn at all? Would Mabi be even able to put up a decent fight against the black goblin now?

All sorts of questions were floating in Dawn's head and this was making him very excited as he wanted to know the answers to his question at this very moment.

However, it seems that...Dawn was wrong to expect anything from the presence or out of this whole situation as Dawn could feel something going wrong quickly.

He could feel that the presence that was trying to catch up to them from a great distance was...turning.

It was turning into another direction as the presence started to take off in that direction with the same speed it had when it was still trying to chase after the goblins.

Of course, since it was using the same speed that it had when it was still trying to chase after the goblins, the presence soon disappeared from behind the goblins and the forest returned to normal.

The forest didn't shake anymore, and the trees were no longer disturbed as well.

The wind was still blowing, but it wasn't that fierce anymore compared to the time when the presence was still chasing after them.

Of course, all of this happened very fast, and that was why...when Dawn got a hold of himself, his eyes widened so much that it looked like they were about to pop out of his eye sockets.

Well, it was only natural considering how excited Dawn was about this whole situation.

He was so excited that Dawn wanted to welcome Mabi himself by shortening the distance that Mabi would have had to travel to reach the goblins by going to Mabi himself.

That was how Dawn was looking forward to this fight, was as if a toy was suddenly taken away from him when Dawn felt that the presence suddenly turned and move away from this place in an instant.

No, it was more unsettling than that as Dawn even felt like prey was taken away from him right under his surveillance, which is why Dawn was getting angry right now.

And it seems that the goblins were able to notice the change in mood of the king as Didi and some other goblins were now right in front of the tree where Dawn was standing.

"King!" King!" King!" The goblins' voices resounded out in this place as the wind blew and brought it to Dawn's ears.

And as soon as Dawn realized that it was the goblins' voices, Dawn snapped back to reality as he looked at them with his blackish eyes.

"Haaaaaaaa." Dawn sighed as he felt heavy in his lungs and in his body, but that was only natural considering how adrenaline just basically rushed to his body and blood rushed to his brain when he realized that the presence was running away from this place now and he wouldn't be able to defeat them.

Of course, it didn't take long to calm himself down as Dawn was not a mindless goblin or something like that, and as soon as he calmed himself down, Dawn spoke.

"What happened? Did the presence came back or something like that in this place?" Dawn said and his voice resounded out in this place.

As Dawn knew that he slightly went crazy for a second there, he didn't want to trust his instincts right now as things might have just looked different for him since he was angry for a short amount of time.

That was why he asked the goblins about this one, seems that they were all feeling the same thing as the goblins' representative, Didi, spoke.

"No, king. The presence has not come to this place at all and it seems that it really left this place already as we can no longer feel the land and the forest shaking," Didi said as he bowed his head right in front of Dawn.

Didi saw that Dawn was getting angry about the presence getting away or something like that, which is why he tried so hard to be respectful and used his words carefully about this topic.

However, it seems that he didn't have to worry about this one as Dawn spoke as soon as he finished speaking.

"So they really left this place, huh...." Dawn said.

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