Human King

Chapter 32: Warmth (2)

Chapter 32: Warmth (2)

Dawn returned in the village after checking the location. After he returned, he called for the goblins that represent their village right now.

If there was one thing that needed to be done in order to defeat an enemy, it would be training. Of course, the goblins don't know the concept of training. They only trusted on the blessings of the battlefield. However Dawn was different.

He didn't blindly trust the blessings of the battlefield. The strength given to them by the blessings is just the body or vessel. The contents of it would be filled by the man himself.

Telling the story of what he saw, he quickly organized the goblins into groups. He instructed the goblins that later joined them to go and experience the battlefield themselves.

Just because they had a robust body from their birth, the goblins don't know how to use that. The difference between a blessed and a normal goblin is their ability to think and experience.

The blessed knows how to think and act for themselves. The foggy thoughts when they were normal were clearer. Even Dawn himself experienced that when he was younger.

And the second was that the blessed have experience with the battlefield. Naturally, the only way to be blessed is by the battlefield.

So of course, they have experience with battle. And by having experience, one's survival rate would drastically increase.

That was what Dawn wanted for his goblins, an ability to think and a body that knows its ins and outs in the battlefield.

He knew about the potential of the goblins from the first time he heard that they could evolve like he had. It was also the same time that he considered ruling the forest.

At first, he wasn't motivated about ruling the forest or anything. To Dawn who was basically born with nothing but his pride and instincts, the forest was boring. He knew the rule of the forest, the survival of the fittest. He wanted to be strong and all but at the end of it, Dawn had a thought.

---So what?

So what? Was the conclusion that he arrived at. Even if he became the ruler and dictated the survival of the fittest, there's nothing at the end of that path.

The forest was a place where many monsters lurk and all their life, fighting and ending lives was the only thing they did.

Dawn knew that if he conquered the forest, it would be a feat that cannot be easily achieved. However, in the end, he's just one of the many who conquered it.

Somewhere, someday, something or someone will replace him.

Dawn couldn't forgive that. No, he didn't want to become a ruler of such a boring place. He wanted a grander scale and a wider one! He wanted something far more suitable than the forest.

It wasn't the pride that told him this; it was Dawn himself that wanted it. Meaning, he had the ambition. It's just that the forest didn't have the proper stage for it to garner the attention of Dawn, of the king.

That's why when he saw the world, he was shocked. It was only a fraction that he saw but it was enough for Dawn to be satisfied.

He knew that what he was seeking, the place, the stage, the scale was there. He just had to go outside of the forest.

But, it's not like he could do something about it right now. He's weak. Too weak and Dawn knew that all too well.

He didn't know what lies outside but he knew that they have to be on the level of a monster greater than he.

To beat foes like that, he needed strength, an army that he could use as his limbs, the knowledge of various fields.

Dawn knew that not everything could be solved by strength. He noticed how the flowers wither when pitted against strength. He knew how the tress bent their trunks when pitted against strength.

And right now, the thing that he could think that could be called another factor besides strength is

"NumbersWe number too few."

That was the reason why the goblin high that used to be a member of Raen's forces remained in his humble home.

"Numbers? Do you wish to say that you want to gather more goblins?"

The goblin asked Dawn with a polite tone. Even though he was rude before, that was only because Dawn was just any other goblin. The king is something else entirely and Dawn accepted that easily.

"That's right. Do you know of any goblin villages here?"

Currently, the goblins under Dawn only number 150 or so. His village was growing but that wasn't clearly enough.

The goblin high seemed to think for a moment before answering.

"If I remember right, there are four big villages in here. Their numbers in total sum up to a thousand but"

The goblin swallowed his saliva before continuing on. Dawn didn't seem to mind it however.

"If I may be so frank, I don't think they'll come under you."

"Why is that?"

"May I receive permission to speak on what's on my mind?"

Dawn tilted his head at those words. In his mind, he already permitted for him to speak but it seems the goblin high was more careful than he looked.

He urged him on with a 'go ahead' while straightening his posture.

"Karkas told me a bit about the kingabout you. The king has a charm and a power that can bend any goblin to his will. Because of that, all types of goblins will gather around him. Howeverfrom what I have seen, you don't have that. I don't know if it is because of your title but if you don't have that, you as a king will have to get the pledge of loyalty from any goblin that you meet."

Pledge of loyalty, the goblin high was talking about the event that happened when the marks of the king appeared for the first time. To be honest, it didn't have to be that strict or anything but because it was, in a sense, the coronation of the king, it became like that.

The goblin high quickly lowered his head as he knew how rude and absurd that was.

While bowing, he sent a look towards the symbol of the king, positioned at the center of the stomach of Dawn, the black circle or rather sun that seems to have its own mind and its limbs of black light that look like it will crawl anytime, anywhere.

The goblin high had a thought.

'I don't think the king is a fake butthere must be something going on, for it to be like this.'

Whether he was true or not, he couldn't really do something about it. He already gave his loyalty to Dawn and that was recognized by the blessings for he gained the title of the fake king of the goblins.

A promise, gift, power or anything else recognized by the blessings of the battlefield is sacred, thus it cannot be overturned.

While he was having such thoughts, Dawn noticed his gaze and he also correctly guessed what the goblin high was thinking. Dawn spoke with a look of determination.

"It doesn't matter, does it? If I don't have that charm that you speak of, I can still bend them to my will. The blessings of the battlefield will do that for me."

The goblin high looked at Dawn's eyes with a shocked expression. Then his eyes turned sharp and cold, as if to condemn Dawn.

Seeing Dawn not having a change of mind, he sighed and he bowed his head. He spoke with certainty.

"This goblin will follow you to the end, your grace."

Dawn nodded his head and changed their topic.

"So? Where are they located?"

The goblin high had a bright expression on his face as he thought that he will be punished regarding how he spoke and looked at the king rudely, filled with animosity even. He then began his explanation.

"First of all, the goblins are located deeper in the forest, meaning to say, the south. If we go further south, the more villages of goblins we meet."

Dawn listened and gave the goblin his full attention. The information that he have is something that will help them down the line so he had to learn while he can.

Incidentally, Dawn hated this kind of meetings, especially when the goblins gather in his home. The meetings felt stiff to him and that it gave no chances for him to fight.

Dawn knew in his heart that being a king doesn't mean being strong but still, he didn't like how he only gave orders on the back and not fight in the front.

When the meeting ended, it was already night time and the various groups returned. He also had a talk with the leaders of the group, Hig, Una, and Dal. It was to know what they found during the hunt.

Ika wasn't dispatched this time as she needed a little bit more time to master her use of magic.

The results were normal but there was one thing that surprised Dawn. It was Dal. From the time Dawn met him when he evolved as a Goblin Baronet, he knew that Dal was feeling down when he received that rank but it seems that he got over it as he reported with quite an energetic tone.

The day ended but the long battle involving the goblins has just started

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