Human King

Chapter 35: Confusion

Chapter 35: Confusion

"A human is in the forest? What's more is that, near here?"

Karkas was shocked when he heard the Elder's story. Humans are a vague thing to him but he knew what his ancestors suffered. A goblin's tradition is passed down through the chief without a thing missing.

If there was unclear or missing information, that only meant one thing. The previous chief died with his knowledge. And that was a much bigger loss than the chief himself.

A normal goblin could talk if they were reared. As long as they had someone to guide them, they would naturally be able to form thoughts. So the loss of knowledge is equivalent to them losing their mind. Losing their mind is basically being the same with the monsters who only have their instincts.

It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that the chiefs were chiefs because they had the knowledge. It could be said that their sole existence was to protect the knowledge to prevent the falling of their race.

The Elder nodded his head solemnly. He was about to give his thoughts about the situation but Dawn spoke first.

"Good. We will look into that human first before we hear the response of the village of that Wos."


Karkas seemed to want to say something but he couldn't. His instincts were telling him to not talk, the same went for the Elder.

Dawn, with his same face and same attitude, was scary right now. Karkas couldn't tell why.

In the end, he and the Elder soon got out of the house. They bowed as they faced the outside.

As Karkas was walking, he could hear Dawn sighing. Curious, he looked back. What he saw was only the broad back of the goblin butfor some reason, that broad back made Karkas feel lonely. Noit was telling Karkas that Dawn was lonely.

The back of the king that mercilessly killed all of his enemies looks so small despite it being broadmade Karkas to feel sadness.


Karkas separated from the Elder after walking for some time. He then went straight ahead to the spot where he always slept.

The feelings that the king, intentional or not, conveyed to him made Karkas feel a burden. It wasn't too great but Dawn was the king. Karkas wanted to help Dawn in any ways possible. After some time, he finally saw his home.


He pushed the leaves aside to go inside his house. It wasn't much different from Dawn's house. It was just the trunks of the trees stacked together to make some space.

As he made his way inside, he looked for something. It seems to be an important piece as Karkas was quite impatient while he was searching.

"There you are."

Karkas' eyes flashed when he saw the object that he was looking for. He picked it up and rubbed it with his dexterous fingers.

The object had a round shape and it had the color of black. It was a tiny little bit but every time he does this kind of action, Karkas feels rejuvenated. Strength comes back to his tired limbs and his mind feels clearer.

It was something given to him by the previous chief in his village and it didn't have a function like this before but after they moved here, every time he did this, it made Karkas feel better.

It was quite the mysterious object that even Karkas with his name of Goblin Thinker couldn't figure it out.

After he felt better, Karkas plopped down to sit and think. He didn't forget why he went home.

"Why did the king look so lonely?"

When it came to the king, he always did his best to resolve it. Problems or entertainment, as long as it's involved with Dawn, Karkas always gave his all. That's why he's here, trying to solve it.

"The king was always truthful to himself"

Karkas was the one who invited Dawn to the location where they saw the horizon. Karkas clearly remembered the reaction of Dawn; bold, straightforward, strongThe reaction Dawn made that day was clearly one where he said what he felt.

And now, Dawn didn't say anything about it. There were only two thoughts swirling around on Karkas' mind.

"What made him feel that way and why did he react that way?"

Dawn's mood wasn't that bad even when he was being insulted by Mos. It happened after the Elder spoke about his report. There was only one thing that stood out in the story.

"A human?"

Of course, Karkas wasn't sure about this. Karkas knew about the history of the king; he asked Didi and the Elder about it. The king was probably alone when he was born so Karkas thought there might be some history between Dawn and the humans.

"If a human is making the king feel that way"

I will get rid of it. He didn't spoke it out loud but he burned it inside his heart. Karkas closed his eyes as he continued thinking about it, making sure to not let his fire burn out.


"How is it? You think you can win?"

"I can't. I think the chief can but..."

Two goblins were walking underneath the hot sun, surrounded by large trees. They were the goblins who visited Dawn's village, Wos and Mos.

The two brothers were talking and the one who asked the question was Wos and the one who mentioned their father was Mos.

"So not even you can winI thought things were off since that disgrace went missing and then news that a new goblin pack has appeared that took over his territory reached us."

"Raen, that guy huh?"

Mos nodded his head. He agreed with the words of his brother and he was even speaking seriously. It was an attitude completely different from before. It was as if he was a different goblin.

Mos asked before Wos could continue.

"His formI haven't seen anything like it but it seems to take after a marshal's. What do you think, Wos?"

"I think so as well. We don't know the whole piece so I can't judge that correctly."

It seems Wos' answer satisfied Mos as he stroked his chin with his battle-hardened hands. As if remembering something, Mos' narrowed eyes opened a little bit and then he changed the subject.

"Anyways, what do you think about that mark? Every time I look at it, my consciousness gets pulled. It's attracting me."

"I don't know. They are near the Cave of Regalia so isn't it because of that? There are some goblins who have gained power from the Cave."

"That's trueI've seen some of it myself and it have the same effect but it's irksome."

Without noticing it, Mos' aura was leaking out from his body. Veins were bulging from his clenched fist and his eyes were bloodshot red. He spoke with a cold voice.

"A mere goblin dares to copy the king! That's unforgivable."

They didn't really have an issue with a goblin having marks or tattoos but the problem was the mark itself. A black sun as the center and around was the eight limbs-like rays of lightaccording to the knowledge passed down to their village, that was the mark of the king.

And the goblin who copied it even placed it in a conspicuous area. For Mos and even Wos, that was an act crossing the line. It was blasphemy!

"Calm down. If the Cave of Regalia decided it so, we will abide by its decisions."

"Even so!"

"Do you want to go against it?!"


Hearing his brother shout, Mos couldn't talk back. He could only grit his teeth.

"We're taking a break. Calm down before we go back, Mos."

After saying that, Wos disappeared after turning his body in another direction. Looking at his back was Mos who was still gritting his teeth. A sigh of frustration escaped from his mouth.


Mos forcefully calmed his head. He knew that he was getting hot-headed. A goblin dares to question the cave of regalia? He knew what those words meant. He has to respect the decision of the Cave of Regalia if he doesn't want to cross the line himself.

Looking at the sky that was covered by the leaves, he muttered.

"Oh kingMay we be blessed."


Dawn was staying in his house, sitting in the same position even after hours have passed. One couldn't see it on his face but it was definitely a face of a pale expression.

His sharp senses that have saved his life numerous times were not working and he could only see himself. He couldn't even feel the wind blowing. If one looked at him, the word 'weak' would come to mind. It was quite amazing that he was still awake.

And while he was under that condition, a single word was filling up his head. His being was focused on that one word.

And as if he couldn't take it anymore, a small sound escaped from his mouth.


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