Human King

Chapter 5: Danger (2)

Chapter 5: Danger (2)

Why is it here?! Bewildered at the entrance of this wolf, I panic and gasp for breath but I hold still, showing no weakness. My insides however are in a different situation. All kinds of instincts are screaming at me with the word: Death!

---Is he the parent of this mutt?! Shit! So it was calling for its parent with its cry.

The wolf stares at me. The bloodlust he's releasing is enough to suffocate me but my pride does not allow it though no matter how high my pride is, I know that I can't win the fight.

I don't know how I can escape from a wolf that's enraged by the murder of his cub. Deciding that sitting my ass off while playing dumb won't solve this situation, I stood up and kick the cub at the same time to launch it as a projectile to the wolf.


The wolf notices but takes no evasive action instead he opened up his mouth to catch the cub. He puts down the cub softly on the ground and then looks at my direction.

Of course, I am not stupid enough to stay in that kind of situation. I ran so fast that the scenery around me doesn't stay for more than a second. I ran and ran for minutes but the wolf is showing no signs of himself.

---Is he not chasing me?

I slow down, still wary about the wolf. I looked around at my surroundings and when I looked back in front of me, a voice leaked out of my mouth with disbelief written all over my face.


The wolf was in front of me.

---Shit, what do I do now?!

Immediately, I prepare myself for the fight. If I can just endure and look for an opening, then I would be able to escape.

The wolf lets out a cry and then a horn suddenly appeared on its forehead. I opened my eyes wide in shock.

---What is that?! Don't tell me, it's a magical beast?!

Damn, so that was why the cub was strong enough to almost kill me! All chances of escaping is gone if it is a magical beast!

I hardened my resolve for the inevitable fight, I clench my fists and took a crouching position where I can dodge an attack from about anywhere but the wolf doesn't move even after a long time.

---What is happening now? Does it want me... to run?!

This fucking mutt! He dares?! Angered by this action of the wolf, I bellowed out a roar and started to run towards him.


The wolf moves his tail to smack me in the head but my movements were smoother than he thought. I dove right in between his forelegs and approached further to the back.


---You little mutt! I'll make it so you never have cubs again!

I clenched my fists so hard that it started to bleed. With one swift action, I ducked in and jumped to strengthen my attack. The wolf was over two and a half meter tall but I can reach his family maker with no problems.

However in that split second, the wolf moves its massive body to evade my attack thus resulting in my attack to hit air.

---Damn! I thought I could get a good one in!

Before I could touch the ground with my feet, I was smacked in the back with his tail, causing me to fly over but in that instant, my instincts kicked in.

---If I fall with my back against the ground, I will die!

In that split second, I forced myself to reposition my body while in the air, I arch my back and turn. My chest now facing the ground, my arms and my feet prepare for the impact, making sure I can escape after I fall.



I let out a groan at the expected pain. I stood up while checking myself.

---I knew it was going to hurt! Damn i-

The rumbling of the ground put my senses back to work. The wolf is running towards me without waiting for the dust to subside! Knowing that, I face the direction to which the wolf will come from.


Taking no mind at the damage done on my back and the small wounds all over my body, I closed my eyes. With the instincts and senses of a Goblin Baron, I can use it to feel the ground with my feet, to hear the footsteps that are gradually getting closer.



I opened my eyes and with it my body crouches down, I twist my wrist and pull my right arm to the max and with a standing motion, I swing my arm and rotate my fist to get the best punch I can deliver in this situation!


Right before my body reaches its peak and my arm can fully extend, the dusts gave way and with it, the appearance of a wolf can be seen. The look on his face can be described as one totally believing on his might, strength.


But a rotating fist obstructs that view and the sound of a fist colliding in with the jaw of the wolf was heard. The impact caused a sound like a thunder came down and the dusts clears as a result and the wolf gets blown away.

Swiiish. Boom!

Using that chance, I ran to the forest behind me. My body is in tatters and a few bones are broken but it is a small price to pay to escape with my life.

---I'm not naive enough to think that I can kill a magical beast with a single punch. But I'll remember this! I'll surely hunt you down for this humiliation!

I promised a revenge for this fight. With determination shining in my eyes, I vanish in the forest.


The sun shines brightly and the warm breeze of the wind hits the leaves. Inside of the forest rests a tall tree, bigger than the rest. People call this, Big Tree. It became a landmark of the relatively safe zone of the forest. And surrounding Big Tree are camps and fences set up so formidable that stray monsters won't be able to break in.

In a conspicuously large tent, people with armor and swords stuck on their waist have gathered, though many of the people are showing disgust on their faces while few are laughing and boasting about themselves.

"Let me lead the advance unit, commander! I, Riagas Mane, will bring victory to this expedition!"

"No! I, Gerbog Barg, will cut the throat of those hideous monsters! Consider it done!"

"What are you saying? I, the Blue Sword, shall"

The people staying here are the southern army of the Rosas Kingdom. By the order of His Majesty the King, the southern army is to advance and set up a foothold to this forest, Raoz. The foothold will be used as the base when they properly begin the expedition. The third or fourth sons of noble houses are excited to render merits and huge achievements in this war. Eager are they to spread their fame and to rise in society, they are fighting for the advance unit that will be the vanguard. The soldiers however are displeased and angry about it.

"Tsk, why do we have to serve as soldiers for these spoiled brats on this expedition? They'll get us killed!"

"Yeah, you could say that again. I hope the commander will let us lead our own men. Just with that, I'll be satisfied with this unreasonable expedition."

The men talking at the back are the squad commanders of the original southern army. Because the job this time is goblin elimination, nobles have allowed their sons to join the war thinking that it will be safe, thus getting the agitated response from the soldiers.

The cloths hanging over the entrance of the tent got pushed away by a young man with a calm expression in his face.

The people notice the young man and turns to look at him, the once noisy noble boys are now silent as if they ate something bad.

The one who broke the silence is the young man, a scout of the army, sent to discover threats and paths to walk in the forest. As they didn't have complete details about the forest and its inhabitants, the dangers are great when advancing with no information about the monsters and the land.

"Commander!" said the young man while saluting.

"So you've returned. What did you discover?"

The one who replied is the commander, the one with the highest authority in the southern army and a general of ten thousand forces. He is a big man with scars all over his body, proving that he is a veteran who roamed the battlefield for many years. He is Prawler Benson.

"There is a goblin force advancing on us from the west, they are about three days of travel away from here. There are about 200 goblins with one evolved as the leader of the pack."

"Mhm. Good work, you may return."

The soldier saluted and exited out of the tent. And the silence gets broken by the noble boys who got excited about the thought of destroying the goblins.

"Commander, I will lead!"

"No, I will!"

The commander looks straight at the eyes of the people in the room, tensing up the atmosphere.

"Riagas Mane."

"Yes Commander!"

The noble boy cannot contain his smile at the thought of him being the one given this opportunity.

"Gerbog Barg."

"Yes commander!"

He shows a complicated smile at being called after Riagas.

"Baz Leigh."

"Yes Commander!"

He too was confused in this action of the commander.

"All three of you, take your own forces and take out the goblins. The one who cuts off the leader's head will be the one leading the vanguard."


"What is it?" The commander asks while eying the three. The receiving end of that gaze, the nobles, got a hold of themselves after being asked and answered in unison.

"AhYes sir!"

The three nobles saluted to the commander and went out of the camp while giving stares that can bore holes at their competitors.

The squad commanders showed satisfied smiles while the adjutants the ones closest to the commander gave a wry smile at the look of the nobles.

"Are they in the way, sir?"

The one who asked is the vice commander, Rey. He was a thin man when compared to the commander but he is also a veteran that has been with the commander for many years.

"Yeah, they are so noisy. Blah blah about their shits."

The squad commanders and the adjutants laughed for this is the commander that they know. Prawler ordered his men to take their usual sits and started the real war meeting.

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