Human King

Chapter 50: Four Big Villages (4)

Chapter 50: Four Big Villages (4)

"You bastard! I'll kill you personally!"

Womo's voice resounded out in the chaotic battlefield. And several blessed goblins from Dawn's side heard it.

Even Karkas, who was commanding the other goblins from the back, heard the enemy goblin chief's fierce cry.


The enemy looks to be in the same league as the king. However, Karkas doesn't have any knowledge as to what kind of blessings Womo received.

That was why he was anxious. What if Womo's blessings were more substantial than the king's? What if Womo could cut the king with his sword?

This would be the first time that they would fight a proper village. The village owned by Raen was glued due to the goblin's fear of Raen.

That isn't what you call a proper village. A proper village is where the villagers and the chief trusts each other.

The orders of a village chief trusted by the villagers would always be carried out. If those trust and desire to help the chief were to be accounted for in a battle, Womo's village was a troublesome enemy.

As lamenting as it is, Karkas doesn't have the power to help in the frontlines. The Blessings of the Battlefield has decided it so.

If so, what could he do? Everywhere Karkas looks, he could see the gallant form of his comrades and allies.

Hig and his unit were protecting the rear from the goblins who failed to join Womo's camp, Una was leading the goblins in front in place of Didi...

Karkas couldn't help but feel a little bit jealous. In the first place, where the goblin's instincts shine the most was on a battlefield.

A goblin who only orders from the back is useless in the goblin's perspective.

'Just what should I do?!'

Vexed by the fact that he could only order his allies, Karkas looked in front where the king was battling.

The fierce exchange between the king and the enemy was truly majestic. It was for that goblin that Karkas wanted to be useful. It was for that goblin that Karkas wanted to fight too.

Then, just as he was about to order Hig to advance as the enemy was thinning on the rear, a voice spoke to him.

[The Blessings of the Battlefield looks at you with pleased eyes]

[The Blessings of the Battlefield will grant a privilege to the goblin, Karkas]

[The privilege, Blessings, will grant an evolution to Karkas]

[Current Rank: Goblin Thinker will change to Goblin Strategist]

[Change will be done immediately]

[The Blessings of the Battlefield is sending a message]

[...Help me...]

As soon as the messages ended, Karkas could feel something hot growing within him. He couldn't read it all, as it was too fast, but he understood that the Blessings of the Battlefield was giving something to him.


A roar escaped out of his mouth, and the guards assigned to him all turned their heads in his direction.



'Karkas! What happened?' Is what they were saying, but Karkas didn't pay any attention to them right now.

The feeling that was assaulting him reached every end of his body, and soon it permeated in his brain.

'W-what is this?!'

Karkas couldn't understand any of this. This was the first time that a goblin would be conscious when the Blessings of the Battlefield gives its blessings.

Confused by this sudden event, Karkas bent a knee and placed his hand on the ground to support himself.

A few seconds after, the feeling was gone, and Karkas immediately stood


'This is...'

He looked over the battlefield. His eyes, while looking, were glowing in the color of red. Coupled with his terrifying face, Karkas had a truly menacing look.

'It's different...'

As a goblin, he immediately understood how the blessings worked. Before, he could just see where the battlefield could be fixed if a problem ensued but now...

'Is it telling me to make problems in those places?'

The vision given by his glowing eyes were telling him where to make problems. Meaning, he doesn't have to fix problems on his side anymore as he could just create problems for the enemies.

In just a glance, Karkas could understand the overall layout of the battlefield!

In a situation where the Blessings of the Battlefield has given him such a gift, he would be more than welcome to use it.

"Una, fall back here! Hig, follow the paths the enemy goblins are retreating to!"

And so, he ordered to make problems for the enemy...

As soon as he was finished, he looked once more to the spot where his king was fighting.

Then, when he laid his eyes on the enemy, Karkas' red eyes widened to the brim.


He shouted as he felt the future where his precious king would lose the battle and die...


Dawn came face to face with the angry Womo, and he didn't waste time; he immediately pounced on his enemy as if he was a hungry beast, looking for food.


His enemy, Womo, decided to do the same. He didn't even use his two subordinates that were by his side, Yamu and Wos.

It's not like they could help with Didi being there, but at least, they should be able to prevent Dawn from reaching him.

However, as his hatred grew and his will to protect blinded him, Womo just rushed forward to intercept Dawn.


Their fists both met with air, but the strength from their muscles produced such a thunderous sound just from swinging it.

Dawn backed off from the initial exchange. After he stabilized himself, blood flowed from his cheek.


Just a scratch from Womo's fist, Dawn was bleeding. When he looked at Womo, Dawn found him to be unfazed.

"I thought you were strong but looks like you don't know the basics, huh? K-I-N-G."

Womo spoke with the intention to ridicule Dawn as he brandished his sword.

"All I know is that you'll die today!"

Not intending to join Womo's farce, Dawn rushed forward.

His battle style was completely different from before, where he would wait for the enemy to come to him and make complete use of the ground.

As he neared Womo, he pulled his fist to attack but then...


The sound of air being cut resounded in Dawn's ears, and he saw his face being reflected on a clear surface as if he was looking at himself through a lake.


A sword! Dawn thought as he quickly evaded it by bending his head. It was a short exchange, but Dawn could feel his life being threatened.


Before Dawn could get a grip, he could hear the sword cutting the air and light being reflected from above.

He looked up while bending his knees. He could see his blackish eyes staring at him through the sword's surface.

---So fast! How is he?!

As he dodged the sword, a fist was coming down right in front of his face. Dawn didn't have the time to breathe as he quickly rolled around.


Due to Dawn being able to dodge, the fist struck the ground and made a mess out of it, causing dust to rise.

The exchange between the two was short, and it was so one-sided that Dawn didn't even have the chance to fight back.

"What's wrong!? All you do is run! Is this really the king? Huh?"

As the dust subsided, Dawn stood up and saw Womo appear from within the dust.

Ever since they met, Dawn thought that it was just another weak goblin. He thought this would be just any other day where he would dominate his enemy and return home.

However, the reality was different. It was cruel and cold-hearted.

The reality forced him to open his eyes and take this seriously. And now, even his senses were telling him to get a grip on himself if he doesn't want to die.

For the first time since they moved, Dawn was having trouble in a battle.

And so, Dawn couldn't help but tremble.

"What's this? The king is getting scared?"

"No, I'm thankful for you, Womo."


"Thankful that you could make my blood boil!"

Trembling in excitement at the thought of having a strong opponent just for himself, Dawn bellowed out a roar.


His fighting spirit burning to the max, his senses on edge, Dawn ran forward to battle!

The distance between them was short, but the time it took for Dawn to reach Womo was long.

The area around them was moving slowly, and this made Dawn confused. It was as if the world was slowed down, and only Dawn was moving at a normal pace.

---What's happening?

When his eyes moved to the front, where Womo stood still, Dawn's blackish eyes widened.

His throat gulped some saliva as his senses were tingling at him to move.


All of his instincts, pride, thinking, whatever it is, was warning his consciousness of the death to come.

When his eyes met Womo, Dawn could see a grin plastered to the bastard's mouth.

And then that mouth moved very slowly as if to mock him.

"Idiot. Time. To. Die!"

And then, as if the slow time within the area was irrelevant for Womo, his movement speed was still the same. His hands swung the blade made Dawn's heart skip a beat.

When Dawn could see his face reflected off the sword, a voice called out to him.


That voice then continued.

"Use Aura!!"

It was Karkas' voice.

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