Human King

Chapter 7: Danger (end)

Chapter 7: Danger (end)

The wolf is sitting pretty in the center of a more open area. When we fought here, it wasn't like this so it probably formed after that. This kind of space is bad for me too cause the wolf will gain mobility if we fight in open areas.

Looking closely on the wolf or rather on its jaw, there's a crack and one of its trademark fangs is missing. That probably happened when I punched it.

---Hmmmm, what should I do?

Masking my presence, I wait for the wolf to actually do something as it is daytime. The wait lasted until the night as the wolf started to move. I still don't know why it moved its base here. Is it grieving for its cub here...?

I followed the wolf as sneaky as I can. Walking through the woods, drinking by the lake and hunting for the night, it's nothing special, just the daily activity of the wolf. Just when my thoughts reached that point, the wolf started moving suspiciously and... hiding?

---What? Why is the predator... hiding?

Sneaky he may be, he cannot hide his huge body but you can see his efforts to hide. He moves quietly and of course I follow him. He moves to a more closed off area with lots of trees in its surroundings. I'm feeling bad for this one, a predator, a magical beast at that, hiding. I can't help but be disappointed! He's not as bad as me as I am a goblin, the lowest in the food chain of monsters.

I looked down to see if there are signs of this being a territory of a monster but there's nothing. After some time passed, a trio of orcs passed through but even then the wolf showed no signs of moving. At this point, I feel stupid for acknowledging this guy. Just what is it doing?

I sigh. There's no better disappointment when the guy you acknowledge being a wimp, he's just a cat now isn't he? Anyways, this place is kind of familiar to me...

My face turns into a frown upon realizing where the wolf or rather the place itself is. This is... the area around my cave! I cannot believe it... How could I? An evolved wolf, a magical beast at that is hiding and waiting for its prey. If my thoughts are correct then it is waiting for...

---This mutt dares to hunt me?!

I couldn't hold back. I just can't. Fighting to the death is one thing but actually treating me the same as the way it treats monsters?! This is a shame on another level! is what my instincts says. Two kinds of base instincts are screaming at me. One of them says to punish the wolf for its audacity! The other is the goblin, mixed with my one week experience of fighting, saying to stay where I am and to observe the wolf further to make sure my percentage of winning goes up.

I would like to know what kind of instinct is the other but... this isn't the time and place to contemplate about that. More so if the wolf, who was supposed to be hidden, was standing right in front of me.

---Damn! So it noticed me!

Fortunately, this is a closed space, with lots of trees surrounding it. Deciding to utilize that, I ran sideways to roam around the wolf while hiding behind the trees. I reached for the sharp horn locked in my waist with a wood shaped in a circle that I made. It's not very durable though.

---As expected, he can't follow me. He can't move around here. I just have to make sure tha-!"


The wolf, seemingly not to care about the trees at all, followed my tracks and collided with trees. I instantly realized what he was doing.

---Shit! He's planning to clear the area while fighting!

Flustered, I stopped moving while he continued mowing the trees along its path. Dust formed and the trunks of the tree broke. Knowing that I cannot win at all if the wolf gains mobility, I erased my presence and climbed up the tree. Thankfully, the dust formed is enough for a cover and I looked at the direction of the wolf.


The tress continued to fall one by one. The horn of the wolf also grew just like how I remembered as it was. When he reached the area below the tree, he stopped and looked at the surroundings. Using that chance, I jumped down and took aim with my horn aiming for his head.



The wolf noticed no actions and I was able to successfully strike his head but...


I was quickly thrown off from his head and my horn got stuck! I couldn't pull out my weapon! I landed on the ground with my feet and no fatal damage was done but my ankle got injured!

---Fuck! With this I won't be able to move!

Blood flows from the head of the wolf, angered by this he started to charge towards me with no care at all about the still standing trees.



I checked if I can still run using my legs and it seems fine for now so I decided to move around to avoid it and move to a more tight location.

---If I can't win using mobility, then there's no reason to make him enjoy such freedom to move!

Besides, the longer he moves around with that wound and collides with the trees the better for me. I check my feet and it looks like after running around, the wound got bigger. At this rate, I'll lose my mobility after running around again.

When I looked up again, the wolf is closing in on me. Looking at that proud, arrogant face of his made my fighting spirit burn, I instinctively let out a scream full of hatred for this wolf. How dare it!


---I am the only one who can have that kind of face!!

I planted my feet on the ground, no way am I running around like a mouse when that cat thinks of itself as something high! I bend my knees to better my absorption of impact and shocks and took position.

The wolf that was charging ferociously suddenly stopped. He was wary. There was fear in his eyes. Seeing that, I couldn't help but form a grin. I was truly happy and satisfied from the bottom of my heart. What is this feeling? This is the first time I felt ever since I was born. This is so mysterious. As for the wolf, the reason it stopped is probably it learned its lesson from before.

Joyfully, I provoked the wolf by swinging my fist in a motion that reminded him of the punch from before.


Intoxicated by this feeling, I couldn't help but release a prideful roar. My feet are still on the ground. I know that if I lose my mobility, I will lose the fight. The pressure was huge and the wolf couldn't endure it any longer.

He decided to charge from the front. He opened his mouth so wide that I can't see his eyes. It's probably a countermeasure for a punch. Seeing that, I put my fists in front and opened my left fist.

I couldn't help but be excited about this sudden head on match.

An evolved magical beast and an evolved goblin.

A top predator and a lowly prey.

I will surpass my limits, right here right now!!

I pulled my right arm and swing it forward to strike the nearing wolf. I don't care where it hits!



It hit the mouth! My fist got stuck however and the poison too is stronger than the cub. Without caring for that, I swing another punch, my left arm. Hoping I can free my right arm with this but the wolf has read my move!

He used his claws to stop my punch. I can see that he intends to cut off my left arm!

---In that case, I just have to be faster than you!

Using my foot, I pushed myself forward to shorten the distance and to make the claw hit my shoulder.


I struck the left portion of his face and his right claw slashed at my shoulder. My flesh is rotting as well! The weight of the wolf was transferred as the ground beneath me shattered.


My freed right fist swings again taking no notice of the damage done. I know well that if I can't kill him, I'll die! I sent punch after punch and yet I couldn't kill him.

He too sent his claws and fangs at me and my body is in a bad condition. My flesh is rotting, blood flowing and my bones on my feet was poking out! I can't take anymore of his weight.

Sensing the danger, I moved back. I can feel the pain flowing from my feet! Confused by this sudden action, the wolf jumped back as well. Struggling and hoping that I can finish him off now. I ran towards a tree and used it to propel myself to jump higher.


I roared to distract myself from the pain of my muscles breaking and my flesh rotting. I readied my right hand. It's already broken because of the fangs and its poison but its fine! He too jumped to meet me, his fangs now broken can't do anything so instead he decided to just ram into me, seeing I can't dodge in mid air.

---I'll give you this body!!

He collided with my body, his horn penetrating my insides. I gritted my teeth yet I still coughed up blood and I was lifted up by his head but!

---It won't end like this you shit!!

Strengthening my resolve, I swung my fist that I prepared, aiming at the horn that was stuck at his head. The end part of the horn was sharp too but there's no choice!




I successfully struck the horn resulting in my bones being crushed but I succeeded in pushing the horn further! The wolf let out a cry but there's nobody saving you now!

I pulled my left fist as much as possible and swung it downwards towards the eye! I already pushed the horn, there's no use pushing it further by a small margin!

The wolf realizing his mistake in stabbing me tried to push me off and defended himself but it was already too late.


My fist went straight in the eye and smashed it. I did it! Contrary to my expectation, the wolf shook his head harder, causing me to lose strength. I coughed more blood and my insides are no better!

---Damn! It's not dead?!

I pulled my fist one more time but the moment I did that, the wolf fell bringing me down with him. I pull myself out of his horn feeling that I am beginning to lose strength in my body. I tried to move in a tree to hide myself if by some chance a monster wandered in.

I lost power however and couldn't go near the tree as my consciousness begins to fade out. Despite this, a smile formed on my face. I asked myself...

---Will I be able to evolve?

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