Human King

Chapter 72: New Village (2)

Chapter 72: New Village (2)

In the forest where monsters were always abundant, a group of goblins was having a meeting in broad daylight.

It was the group of Vorg who was on the run from something.

Vorg, who was standing quietly on one side, shouted vehemently as his face made a dark and scary expression.

"Why can't we attack them?! We are just going to take some of their goblins with us! Are you kidding me right now, Moris!!"

"I'm not, Vorg. Do you really think you can make us follow you if you are going to be like that?"

Vorg clenched his teeth when he heard Moris' answer.

He knew what he was about to do was wrong, but if they were going to be picky about their methods, then they would just get hunted down and die.

It was not time to be stubborn when the threat from the deepest part in the south was still present.

They couldn't even tell how they were able to escape alive. No, it's more appropriate to say that they were allowed to escape alive.

At least, for Vorg, who saw the power difference between them, he was sure that he was being played around.

"I understand that, but! Do you want the goblins to fall with that fucking bastard?!"

Vorg shouted; his voice was seething with anger. After all, Vorg was a goblin who was the former Clan Leader of the Tabak Clan.

His feelings for the goblins and the king aren't something you can underestimate.

He would even sell his soul if ever his king asks for it.

He would even give up his life if ever his king wanted it.

However, the being who wanted his life right now wasn't the king.

No...Vorg couldn't and didn't want to believe that crazy bastard was the king.

"I know that! But, we must gather numbers through the ordinary way! Do you want to be the start of the goblin's dark history, Vorg!!"

"The goblin's dark history had already started when he was born! Don't kid with me, Moris!"

The reason why the two were fighting was simple.

It was because they had a difference in their opinions.

Vorg, who was used to brute force and was regarded as the strongest goblins alive, planned to conquer every Town and Big Villages.

Meanwhile, Moris wanted to ask for cooperation from those same goblins.

If Vorg attacked them out of nowhere, the goblins wouldn't believe them anymore.

Moris wanted to avoid that situation at all costs. However, it isn't simple.

Vorg has his pride in being the Clan Leader of the Tabak Clan. Even if they aren't exactly a part of the Five Great Clans, Moris basically tramples Vorg's pride while proclaiming his beliefs.

"Huuu." Noticing that nothing was going to be over if they kept going at it like this, Moris exhaled a little bit to calm down.

Vorg just watched him breathe in and out with bloodshot eyes. Remembering that bastard was already making his head hurt from the killing intent he was suppressing.

"How about this, you give me a chance, and if they don't follow, you do you. I will cooperate with you after that."

Vorg thought about it for a moment. The deal was good enough for him to answer immediately, but Vorg didn't trust him.

They may be from the Five Great Clans, but they were from different clans in the end.

However, no matter how he thought about it, the deal was better than arguing with Moris and wasting time.

Well, he'll be wasting time in allowing Moris to do the persuading work, but it doesn't matter.

Right now, every force was valuable. Even this rude and insolent Moris was a treasure.

"Got it. Then, let's go. You better make this short."

"Of course. Pick up!"

The other goblins who were just waiting for a conclusion to come out prepared themselves.

They knew better than joining the argument, so they just stayed quiet.

After all, they knew how and what both goblins were feeling right now.

The goblins then disappeared from where they were standing one by one until Vorg was left.

He wanted to calm his self down first before going. After all, he knew he wouldn't be able to control himself if ever the town chief was rude.

After a while, he too left for the town.


In the goblin's world, there were three types of settlements in the forest.

The first and the biggest is the Five Great Clans', of course, town. There were a total of 5 towns, and their numbers aren't small either.

They were also the strongest force of the goblins right now and are the hidden mysteries of this world.

After all, who would dare invade the forest's unknown dangers and horrors?

Anyway, the second biggest type of settlement is the towns that are scattered in the south under the protection of the Five Great Clans.

They were the main bulk of the goblin's numbers, and if they got together, they could probably amass a great force of 5,000 goblins.

The total number of towns isn't known, and the most famous and the most prestigious is the one located near the Five Great Clans' territories.

The third is the Big Villages near the north of the forest. Big Villages aren't common because it isn't easy to form one as a goblin from the north.

The Big Villages actually comes from the Towns that wanted to migrate to other places and stayed behind or were forced to leave their towns.

In fact, the Three Big Villages Dawn just battled with were from the Towns in the south.

And, right now, the Town that the group of colored goblins went into is the one that was considered as the most powerful town located in the south.

The group entered through the front door and walked rather...normally.

They weren't overbearing as they discussed this already.

After walking for a while, Moris, as a representative, shouted to the goblins, who were rather cautious of them.

"I want to meet the town chief of this town!"

The goblins didn't show any reaction and just had a blank and dazed look on their faces. Many of them were wounded, and almost all of them were missing a limb.

And Moris knew exactly what the cause of their injury was.

And because he knew, he couldn't help but get angry.

He bit into his lips so hard that it was bleeding just at the thought of the bastard.

But, this wasn't the place to get angry with someone. This was a crucial chance for Moris.


And when he noticed that the village chief finally appeared, his eyes lit up.

However, when he saw the chief's form with his eyes, Moris' eyes widened to the brim from shock.

"What do you want." The chief's voice was...hostile.

It seems the group of Moris and Vorg was a bother to him.

Well, it was true.

After all, he had to get up just to see these visitors of him even though his legs were missing.

Only his upper limbs were intact, and he used them to move.

This was the result of the monster's relentless attacks.

After all, the monsters here are much stronger than the monsters in the shallower parts of the forest.

"I want this village's cooperation." Moris spoke with a bit of a hoarse voice.

He didn't expect the situation to be this bad. After all, he was behind a mighty shield called the Five Great Clans.

However, that too fell to a stronger might...

"No. We are migrating to the north. Even if humans are invading, at least that's better than monsters rampaging here day in and out."

"No, do you really think you'll be safe there? The monsters will soon follow you there with their numbers."

"Haha." The chief mockingly laughed when he heard Moris' response.

Then, he continued speaking while having a grin on his face.

"At least we can live there peacefully. Goblin is a fighting race. However, we can't fight for three weeks straight. But, in the north, we can have some rest between the fighting. That is the reason why we are migrating."

The chief was quite rude while he was saying this.

After all, the Five Great Clans couldn't protect them from the monsters, and...the monsters were coming from the deepest parts of the forest in the south where the Five Great Clans were situated.

"That's..." Moris couldn't give an answer.

What the village chief said was true, even more so for the colored goblins.

Even if he wanted to persuade them with logic about the monsters, he couldn't.

What can he persuade them with? The Five Great Clans?

Although the goblins didn't know, he wasn't part of them anymore.


It was then.

The quiet and still Vorg spoke up while cracking his neck.


His Aura...No, his Presence was pressuring the other goblins.


It was only for a little bit, but it was enough to make them docile.


"Give me your village, or I won't be polite."

He said as he directed his Presence to every goblin present here, making them feel the difference in their strength!


The wind blew as every other living being present didn't make a noise.

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