Human King

Chapter 74: New Village (End)

Chapter 74: New Village (End)

Dawn walked towards the group of goblins who was making the ruckus.

It was his normal retinue of goblins with some other goblins that didn't belong there recently.

Well, they were already considered as part of the group, so Dawn was fine with it.

As he walked towards them, the group noticed him.

They all turned around to face him at the same time and spoke simultaneously.

"King!!" "King!!" They shouted.

Well, if there were a goblin who was not shouting, it would be Karkas and the Elder.

Dawn was just looking at the goblins starting from the right, Didi.

Didi is the one who contributed the greatest in the recent war. He forced two Big Villages to follow him, making them Dawn's subordinates.

So it was only natural that this would happen to him.

Didi received Dawn's gaze and spoke with a bit of a prideful tone.

"King! I have become a Goblin High Tower!"

"Goblin High Tower? Hmmm. It looks like you're getting bigger every time you evolve."

Dawn scanned Didi's body carefully.

After all, Didi was big, although not bigger than him.

His strong muscles were clearly ones that could destroy a rock in just a single, ordinary punch.

"Haha. I don't know, but Razta should know it better than me."

When Didi mentioned Razta's name, Dawn quickly looked for him.

He knew who Razta was. Although Razta didn't make much of an impression on him, his actions on their first meeting were enough for Dawn to remember his name.


"Ah, Razta is not here, king. He didn't contribute to any battle before, so he was thinking of ways of how to contribute to the next one."

Didi explained as such, and Dawn accepted it readily.

Dawn's gaze then moved to the goblin next to Didi, Una.

His body was roughly the same as Didi's, but it was just a little bit smaller.

"King! I have become a Goblin Low Tower!" Una spoke while pumping his chest with his fists.

Dawn nodded his head. He already expected this to happen.

After all, even a normal goblin who stayed alive from before would probably receive blessings from the battlefield.

That was how intense and harsh the war was.

He then turned his gaze towards the next group.

It was the trio of Hig, Dal, and Ika.

Hig spoke while standing tall with his nose as high as the sky.

"I have become a Goblin Low Viscount."

Then, Dal continued.

"I have become a Goblin Low Knight!"

As if not to lose to the both of them, Ika spoke.

"I also became a Goblin High Wizard!"

Dawn smiled when he saw the three goblins' new forms.

They were all grand and strong looking. Well, it didn't have much of an impact on Dawn as he was the strongest guy here.

"Good. I expect more things from you three."

"Yes king!!" They all exclaimed simultaneously.

When Dawn turned his eyes, he saw Gragia, who was standing there awkwardly.

"What's wrong?" Dawn asked after seeing Gragia fidgeting around.

"W-well...The Blessings of the Battlefield has not visited me, your grace."

It seems he was scared that he would get scolded by Dawn.

Well, it was totally reasonable why he didn't receive blessings.

After all, he just received one right after the battle with Womo ended.

If he were able to receive blessings again in such a short amount of time, he would need to make many more achievements than what Dawn accomplished.

"That's fine. It was only yesterday that you were able to evolve. Don't take it too fast." Dawn reminded him with a calm and casual voice.

He didn't want to push his goblins back down when they finally started having confidence in themselves.

At the very least, Dawn wanted them to act like how the Four Big Villages' chiefs acted.

They had to be imposing!

And for them to be imposing, they had to experience many more battlefields.

Dawn then turned his eyes to the left; he saw the two goblins, Wos and Mos, standing there awkwardly.

"Hmm. You guys didn't evolve?" Dawn asked with a bit of a playful smile.

He knew why the two were standing awkwardly.

After all, they were enemies who only followed Dawn because of the recent events.

They didn't hold any absolute loyalty to him.

So then, why should they be included in Dawn's retinue or vassals?

However, Dawn didn't mind that at all.

He already considered them as his subordinates.

They did their best when Dawn was surrounded by goblins. In fact, if ever they wanted to, they could delay their arrival and wait for Dawn to die.

That way, they would regain their freedom and be able to create their own village.

However, they didn't. They rushed in there as soon as they heard the ruckus and fighting going on.

Even if their motive was just to save the being who was protecting them from greater dangers, that was still enough for Dawn.

After all, a king isn't loved by all of his people. Some will always hate, say bad things, and just outright despises the king.

And Dawn could understand that point.

That was why he wanted to make the two feel they belong to the group.

"Y-yes. Well, we didn't do much after all." Wos spoke weakly, and Mos supported what he said with a, 'Yeah.'

Dawn then nodded his head and thought before continuing.

"Ah, right. We never asked you about your ranks, right? What's your rank?"

At those words, Karkas, Didi, Hig, Una...all of them had eyes that were sparkling as if they were really interested in this.

After all, they really didn't know the two's ranks.

They were enemies before and became allies after, and after that, they rushed to another enemy to crush them.

They didn't have the time to talk with each other, and they didn't have the closeness yet.

After all, why would you tell your secrets to a potential enemy?

However, Dawn wasn't going to allow that.

His goblins were goblins under him. That was natural as it was his, but anyway, the point is that there are no differences here.

After all, that would create a rift in his forces and make his ruling look bad.

Well, if that ever happened, it would not be good.

"So? What's your rank?"

"I am a Goblin High Baronet."

"I am also a Goblin High Baronet."

Both of them spoke with a bit of a relieved voice.

Actually, they already decided to follow Dawn. They saw how his goblins evolved in different ways and were surprised by this fact.

Because they knew what that meant.

It was the King's Guidance.

And if the King's Guidance is here, there is only one goblin who probably has that.

It would be Dawn.

They both arrived at this conclusion as soon as they saw Didi and Dal talking about their new achievements.

"Hmmm. Well, if you guys have the same rank as Dal..."

Dawn turned to look at the newly evolved Dal who has become a Goblin High Knight.

It was then.

The silent Karkas walked forward next to Dawn and whispered something to his ear.

"King, I think it would be better if you are to put it on hold."

"Hmm? Why?"

"So we can take a look at their skills; Wos and Mos and the other goblins. In hunting."

At that moment, Dawn's eyes widened a little bit.


It's been a while since he heard that word, but it was still an exciting thought to him.

"Right...A hunt is needed."

They just came in here, and they don't know the area specifically.

They don't know the monsters that are living near, and they don't know about other goblin villages.

Well, if there were someone who knew, it would be Razta, but it would be bad to rely only on one goblin.

That was why a hunt is needed.

To sweep the dirt left by the previous owner, they had to clean the area and mark it as theirs!

It was then.

After realizing these facts, Dawn's sharp fangs revealed themselves as he laughed loudly, loud enough for everyone to hear.


Because he couldn't control his new powers and strength yet, Aura was leaking out of him and was seeped into his voice.


The ground beneath Dawn curved a little bit as he continued laughing.

After all, it was too funny for him.

He was just contemplating if it would be good to let his goblins fight again without resting for a long time, yet his trusted retainer suggested they hunt!

Well, a hunt is basically a hunt for food, but it was still a battle!

"A goblin is a goblin!" Dawn shouted out after calming himself.

"Good. We'll do as you say." Dawn said to Karkas, who was dumbfounded by his reaction.

Well, he knew Dawn loved battles to the bones, but he didn't expect this kind of reaction.

"I shall see to it immediately." Karkas bowed deeply.

He intended to fulfill his job and mission properly right now.

After all...

'I won't forget that mistake!'

...He made a mistake when he didn't expect Dawn would get hungry right after waking up from his deep sleep.

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