Human King

Chapter 80: Defeat (2)

Chapter 80: Defeat (2)


With the sound of something heavy dropping to the ground, the man turned away as it was obvious that it was the white goblin's body.

The comrades who were watching went down from the trees swiftly, and one of them spoke.

"Hmmm. He was strong, but I never expected it to last for more than five seconds."

And as if what he said weren't enough, one of them continued.

"Yeah. You even had to use the Red Sword."

"Fuck. Enough about that. Let's go."

The man who fought Dawn said as he gestured for the other men to follow him.

He didn't want to stay here and talk about how a goblin was able to fight even with him for at least five seconds.

After all, goblins were so weak that even the children of Warman could defeat them in a single strike.

How would people from his village react if they learned of this shocking and humiliating event that transpired today?

The man knew for sure that he would be ridiculed and laughed at for decades to come.

Even the future generation would laugh at him as they talked about it. After all, that was how shocking this event was.

That was why he was trying to hurry about it to make the men here forget.

However, they couldn't just go when they disturbed a tiger's den.

"Kuhahahaha! That was the first time I received such a strong attack!"

A burst of laughter resounded out when all of them turned their backs on the white goblin's corpse.

The laughter was strong enough to make their eardrums burst.

What's more, they could feel some kind of power was circulating in the air as the voice continued speaking.

"Oh! Oh! So you finally decided to appear! So are you all going to start attacking me now?!"

Hearing what the voice said, the men reluctantly turned around as they realized the identity of the voice.

A white body, horns over his head, and blackish eyes - it was the goblin that the man killed.

However, they soon realized what happened when the dust subsided around the goblin.


A large amount of blood gushed out from the white goblin's wound, and it made a pool as it continued flowing out of him.

The thing that fell down...the goblin's arm was currently swimming in his blood as it continued going out of his wound.

The white goblin's four limbs were now missing one arm, his right arm, and blood continued to flow out of...

"What?" One of the men watching the white goblin muttered as he saw the wound closed by itself.

No...there was some light shining in that spot as it closed, and it disappeared right after the wound was healed.

It was an astonishing event.

However, it was common for these Warman as they knew some tricks to do something like that.

What was surprising was that it was a goblin who did this.

And what was more was that...

"How come you're still alive!" The man who fought Dawn shouted out.

He was sure that Dawn was pierced through his heart. It was impossible for a Warman to be fooled, more so if the topic was about how they killed an enemy.

That was why it was more shocking for him knowing that Dawn was alive.

Although Dawn wasn't in perfect condition, seeing his arm was cut down, the man just couldn't believe it even with his eyes widened to the brim.

It was then.

Dawn, who was focusing on closing his wound, turned his head when he heard the man's shouting.

He moved his lips that had turned into a big smile. His tone was rather...mockingly.

"Oh? You didn't know? For someone who talks with such arrogance, to not know what happened when he was the one who delivered the strike...Shame."

A vein popped out in the man's forehead as Dawn repeated the word 'shame' a few times while shaking his head.

Dawn then proceeded to pick up the arm that has been cut off.

The men put their guards up when they saw Dawn moved, but they didn't attack him.

If Dawn could survive against Red Sword, it means that he has some strength that could possibly kill any one of them.

It wasn't that they were scared of dying. It was just that if one was to die, the mission might fail due to missing a person.

After all, Warman was a strong tribe; anyone of their members was worth a thousand men.

"Hmmm. You cut off my arm so magnificently." Dawn's voice sounded worried for the first time.

After all, this was actually the first time he received such a wound. Even the wound he got when the Great Force palm and the Great Force sword struck him couldn't compare to this.

That was why he didn't know what to do.

---Hmm. Can I even heal this?

Dawn was seriously troubled at having just one arm. After all, how would he fight now?

Well, he could still fight with one arm, but Dawn knows that his strength would be halved.

How would he able to fight future strong opponents? Most importantly, how would he able to pay these bastards that cut off his arm back?

That was why Dawn, who was laughing like a crazy bastard, turned silent.

His face also turned grim as he looked at his right arm that was covered in his blood.

The pressure coming from him was...gone. He didn't have any presence at all.

And this made the men nervous. Their bodies, which have been trained for decades, took position automatically.

They surrounded Dawn as they drew their swords.

The wind blew as they took caution while proceeding. After all, this was a goblin they didn't know.

Not knowing their opponent and underestimating them would result in an untimely death.

And Dawn, who was surrounded by four strong guys, was troubled by the fact that they actually did things this way.

---This is bad. Really bad.

I don't know how I could escape alive from this. Dawn thought as he glanced over the spots where the men were standing.

The one who fought him were right in front of him while the other three were in positions that would strike Dawn any time.

They didn't speak any words, and only the wind blew their horns.


Dawn then glanced over the mountains where his destination was supposed to be.

He went here just to get to the location of that something that caught his attention. And this was the result of his decision.

His rash decision made things difficult for him, threatening his life even at this moment.

Even then, Dawn felt it was right for him to move when he felt that thing.

The timing was just not right.

And the fact that there were strong guys surrounding him made it even the worst timing ever.

And this worst timing had made Dawn admit something he didn't want to admit ever since his life started in the forest.

---I'm weak.

I'm weak. Those words hurt his heart more than any wound has ever done to him.

After all, Dawn was a prideful goblin.

He knew he couldn't beat the four of them, let alone the man who cut off his arm once before.

However, this wasn't the time to be stubborn. If Dawn were to get killed right here, his ambition would end.

His blood would wash out his fiery determination to fight stronger opponents.

His resolve to make the world his would end when his head meets the ground, separated from his body.

That was how bad a death would be.

At least, for Dawn, death is something he didn't want to happen until he achieved everything he wanted.

After all, Dawn that he wouldn't be able to escape death. He knew that death would come for him, sooner or later.

He just didn't want his life to end so early.

"Huuuu." Dawn sighed after organizing his thoughts.

His hand holding the arm shook violently as something was rushing forth inside him. was inside him that was trying to come out.

"Watch out!" The man who fought Dawn shouted out to warn the others.

Well, it was not only him who felt that something was rising inside Dawn.

They prepared themselves and let out an unknown power as they paid attention to any attacks coming from Dawn.

They didn't want to strike first. After all, they didn't know Dawn enough.

It was then.

As Dawn had his presence soaring like a dragon in the air, he spoke while looking down at his enemies.

"You bastards better not let me live."


A golden light shone out of Dawn's body. It shone so brightly that it lit up the area.

However, it didn't stop there.

The light formed a figure in the air as it continued circulating. It was dancing through the wind, and the figure made the sky its house.

The pressure coming from that light was so great that it made the men gulped some saliva from nervousness.


The light then dimmed slightly as it revealed its form. The form of a mighty dragon swimming through the air could be seen as the men looked over it.

It was then.

Dawn, who was still holding his hand, suddenly bent his knees slightly and placed the severed arm to the place where it was cut off.

It was as if the arm would somehow reconnect by itself as Dawn shouted out loud with thick killing intent!

His voice made the forest tremble and struck the four men's hearts!

"If I survive and escape after our fight!"


The dragon, which was flying through the air, suddenly rushed towards Dawn.

To be precise, the dragon was flying towards the spot where he was injured.

"Great Force Body!!" The dragon entered Dawn through his wound as he shouted!

His blackish eyes were scary to see as golden light surrounded him.

His fangs were seen as it reflected the light. Then his mouth moved slowly as if to let his opponents hear it better.

"I will hunt you bastards down!!!"

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