Human King

Chapter 85: Rescue

Chapter 85: Rescue

"I'll kill you all!" Didi's voice resounded out as he charged forward like a mad bull.

He unintentionally covered his fists with Aura, and he jumped towards the four men.

His allies went on to protect Dawn with the Elder at the center. Although they were sure that the enemies were strong, considering that they took down Dawn, that didn't matter to them.

The king was injured and in a critical state as of now. If they can't heal him in time...even their deaths wouldn't be enough to pay for that sin.

That was how grave the death of the king is for the goblins.

"Disperse!" Gaize shouted to warn his comrades.

They paid so much attention to Dawn that they were able to let these goblins slip in so close.

And what was worse was that, just like Dawn, they didn't know the strength of these goblins.

They may surprise the Warmen, just like how Dawn did, or they may not.

Either way, it was best to be cautious, and that was why Gaize said to disperse.


As Didi landed on the ground with powerful steps, he quickly punched the ground.

"What?!" One of the four men shouted as he felt the ground vibrating.

This just like that white goblin! He thought as the ground caved in and made him lose his ground.

However, that was not all that happened.

As they got distracted by the dust that flew up and the ground that caved in, a new shadow crept up on all four of them.


Dal, with his sword, attacked the one with the short sword with an enraged face.

"Fuckers!!" He shouted as he swung his sword.

Hig also took up a position as he faced the one with the long sword while staying near where the king was.

Ika was with him as Ika was basically a long-range type of goblin.


With his fists stretched out, Una appeared as he bit his lips. He was currently facing Gaize as he spoke with his fists.


His punch cut the air as Gaize dodged his fists cleanly. It wasn't as if Una was weak.

It was just that he was too distracted to be able to land anything to his opponent.

After all, he kept looking back to Dawn, who was currently being checked by the Elder.

And as the Elder saw the king's bloodied mess, he knelt down as fast as possible.

He didn't have any time to waste as blood continued to flow out of him.

As a goblin, he knew what parts in the body are valuable and didn't pay much attention to the scattered arms.

He paid attention to the wound in Dawn's stomach...well, it was in his back as he was lying face flat.

As the Elder touched the wound with shaking hands, he soon muttered.

"B-bad...This is bad..."

That was all he could say.

From what he felt on the wound, he could tell that Dawn couldn't heal the wound in time and was forced to deteriorate the wound.

His innards were burning and scattered inside of him...his organs weren't in any better state as the Elder looked on.

However, it isn't as if Dawn couldn't be healed anymore. That was why the Elder knew they had to hurry up.

It was then.

The Elder could feel some vibration coming from afar, and when he looked up, he saw Didi with a wretched face.

"Elder! How's the king?!" He spoke with haste on his tone.

It may be because of the situation in Dawn's body, or it may be because of the enemy...the Elder couldn't speak up.

He just bit his lower lip as he assessed the situation.

'Pieces of shits that could make the king go like this...'

The Elder cursed them with all his heart as he realized how grave the situation now.

An enemy that could turn Dawn into a bloody mess...that was something the goblins present couldn't deal with what they have.

And what's more, Dawn needs to be treated as quickly as possible.

Although they knew there was a technique that could make wounds heal faster than possible, the Elder, at the very least, didn't know how to use it.

After all, Dawn didn't explain how the Great Force body works, nor did he have an obligation to do so.

And that was also the reason why the Elder couldn't see hope in this situation.

Once the enemy starts fighting back for real, they wouldn't be able to save the king, let alone survive.


It was then.

A loud explosion disturbed the Elder's thoughts, and he quickly regained his wits.

Blood flowed out of his bitten lips as he spoke with a hoarse voice.

"Didi, escape with the king!"

Escape with the king. That was the Elder's honest answer to the problems they have right now.

He looked over to Hig's back as he stood up and continued speaking.

"Hig! Go with Didi!"

He walked over to Didi and grabbed his shoulders and shouted loudly for everyone to hear.


His intense passion was passed on as Didi moved quickly to retrieve Dawn's body from the blood pool.

Hig also moved as he grabbed Dawn's arms that were scattered somewhere.

They moved fast, and they didn't look back even though they wanted to.

Of course, they knew how strong the enemy was. After all, their king was beaten to death.

That was why they knew that the enemy would kill their beloved comrades and follow them soon.

And as they ran with all their strength, they were soon able to escape the huge crater.

"King..." Didi muttered as he looked at Dawn, who had his eyes closed.

However, the mighty goblin king didn't answer him...


"Hmmm. They were able to escape." Gaize muttered as he looked at the disappearing figures of the two goblins.

"Does it matter? I already injected poisonous mana inside of him. He won't be able to live long." The one with the short sword spoke as he brandished his sword.

He remembered how he was able to inject poisonous mana in Dawn's body successfully. That was also the reason why he was complacent and why Dawn's instincts couldn't work.

He was poisoned with something that even the strongest beasts and monsters wouldn't be able to stand with it.

"Hmmm. We'll chase them down, sooner or later." The man with the long sword said as he whipped his head back to the remaining goblins.

The Elder, Ika, Dal, and Una. These goblins were strong, and the four men also thought that.


"Yeah. These guys aren't enough to block us."

...The goblins here aren't enough to block the men who were able to injure Dawn so badly.

Dawn was only able to escape from them because of the forest. There's no way they, Dawn's subordinates, would be able to stop Warmen completely.

It was then.

As the four men continued talking amongst themselves, sure of their victory, the Elder walked up while his hands held each other in his back.

He spoke...

"Talking as if we didn't exist..."

...with a calm voice that couldn't be heard before.

"Injuring our king like that...Bastards that don't have manners."

His voice reverberated throughout the silent battlefield.

Goblin and Warman alike looked at him with interested eyes.

Of course, none of them knew what the Elder was talking about. Not even the goblins who were with him.

However, all of them knew. They knew that what he was saying was not empty talk.


As the pressure he emitted held back the enemies and reassured his allies, he continued speaking.

"You bastards think we would be easy to pick on, huh? Is that it?"

His calm face distorted suddenly as his blood continued flowing out of his eyes, ears, lips...

"Goblin is not a race that you can bully whenever you like."

It was then.

He stopped walking, and his hands parted as he raised them towards the air.

"Recognize my loyalty, Blessings of the Battlefield."

His voice was calm, yet his face showed anger. It was quite a weird look.

However, they soon couldn't pay mind to it anymore.


The wind blew, and it centered on the Elder, who had his arms raised towards the sky.

The first time the wind blew was weak. The creatures standing here could stand it...however, that soon changed.


The wind that was blowing became fiercer and harsher. Even the tough skin of the goblins was cut!

Bam. Bam.

The scattered rocks all flew up and fell as if mayhem broke out within them.

However, that was not all.

The pressure coming from the old goblin was unbearable. It was as if they were inside the storm called the Elder!

And in that Elder's mind, he heard a voice answering his determination.

[The Blessings of the Battlefield has recognized your loyalty.]

[The Goblin's Unique Authority, Extreme Loyalty, has been used.]

[First Sacrifice, The Elder, has activated the Extreme Loyalty.]

[The Elder's Life will be taken as the price.]

The Blessings of the Battlefield has granted the Elder power - a powerful power that can take revenge on the enemies that did their king dirty.

As the wind continued to blow fiercely, it soon stopped, and the figure of the Elder could be seen.

The wind, as if it had taken a form, could be seen circling on the Elder's body.

No...was it even the wind?

The onlookers couldn't tell, and while they were dumbfounded, the Elder spoke.

"You won't be able to get past me!!"


The sky blew the wind as the Elder took a fighting pose.


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