Human King

Chapter 90: Rescue (End)

Chapter 90: Rescue (End)

Karkas was dumbfounded when he heard Moris spoke. Although he knew Moris was about to do something when he shouted in a fit of anger, he didn't expect that would lead to Gaize dying.

What did he do? Just how did he take advantage of me? What kind of powers?

All those thoughts circulated in his mind, but those disappeared as he took in Dawn's lying figure.

Although he was mostly healed by now, Dawn was still unconscious.

And this fact made Karkas remember what made him make the goblins run so fast.

It was when he was staring at the mountains out of nervousness and worry for his king.

He ordered the goblins to maintain a stable speed so that they would be ready to fight whensoever, but when they felt the tremors coming from the west, Karkas soon changed his mind.

He thought that those tremors and the abnormality observed in the forest were somehow connected to his king.

That was why he made the goblins run faster than ever. However, Karkas was still complacent about it.

It could be said that the speed back then wasn't enough to emit somehow smoke coming from their feet.

It was still in the realm of goblin speed.

However, what made them change their speed again was...

"Karkas!" Ika's voice resounded out as she approached the goblins.

Karkas was in front of the goblins, leading them to where their king was.

Well, it was just because he was worried and wanted to see the king's safety first and foremost.

Anyway, Ika approached the goblins that she knew were her comrades. Goblins' wouldn't mistake their own village for a different one even though every goblin that has not been blessed looks the same.

After all, their senses were one of the things or parts of their body that were enhanced when they were blessed by the battlefield.

And when Karkas saw Ika, his brain that was specifically blessed instead of his body worked as fast as possible.

He calculated some scenarios where Ika would have to run, and he imagined them happen in real-time as he waited for Ika.

He already had a few answers to what she might say to them, so Karkas really didn't expect much, but what Ika said next blew his mind.

"T-the king! The king is in danger!"


The wind blew, and it brought Ika's words to Karkas' ears. His red eyes widened so much when he realized what it was.

He was about to ask Ika about the direction or the place, but she beat him to it.

"There!" Her finger pointing to the direction where she felt a strong monster.

Well, all of them felt the presence of a strong monster nearby, so it was easy to tell.

Anyway, Karkas instantly made a decision when he saw the place.

"Huuuuu." He breathed in deeply as he prepared to shout.

His muscles tensed, and his lungs moved. His red eyes were already burning with intensity, and he pressured the other goblins as he shouted.



As soon as the goblins heard Karkas, their slow and steady pace changed into something deadly fast!



They gripped whatever they could to make themselves faster. They avoided whatever they could to maintain their speed.

It was literally a run for all!


A goblin screamed when his balance was disrupted, but it soon died down.


Puk! Puk! Puk!

His comrades' feet trampled his body as they ran towards the king.

Their running was that intense, and the goblins were that determined.

They even killed a fellow goblin that was on their side just for their goal.


It was because the guy leading them was in front, making that scary face as he trampled goblins after goblins, trees after trees, rocks after rocks!

That scene made them realize that the most important goblin was somehow in danger.

It was to the point that they wouldn't care about their lives!

Well, they don't really care about their lives and all, but still. The way they ran tells the story of how that one goblin must not die.

It was as if...all of the goblins were insane!

And that insanity of theirs made them run so fast that their feet were literally burning the forest.

They left their marks, and all, but all was good when they were able to reach Dawn's location in just a matter of minutes.

They were that fast.

Karkas shook his head when he finished remembering the events that happened earlier.

After all, even though one of the men died just now, there were still three enemies.

And these enemies were strong enough to kill Dawn, who was the strongest goblin in their village.

Although Karkas knows that Dawn has not reached his full potential due to him being born near the Strayman and not the Clansman, Dawn was still strong enough to be considered one of the forest rulers.

'Right, the king is still...' Karkas thought as he gave a glance towards Dawn's direction.

Even though he wanted to rush up to him now and bring him back, he prevented himself through sheer willpower.

He looked at the Warmen that were basically sitting ducks when in front of the goblin army that has encircled the location.

He raised his hand as he spoke powerfully to the goblins that were able to rest thanks to Moris' interruption.

"Kill them."


The wind blew, and his words served as the death sentence of the Warmen.

"Guahhhh!!" The goblins roared as they latched onto the Warmen.


The Warmen also took their positions to prepare and defend themselves from the angry goblins.

It was the real battle between the goblins and the three strong Warmen.



The sound of bones breaking could be heard as a goblin delivered the finishing blow to the last man standing out of the three Warmen.


The long sword that the man was holding tightly dropped down to the ground as he lost power in his grip.


As he felt his life going out of his body, the Warman soon fell to the ground with a face that couldn't be read.

However, it was not only him who fell.


The goblin who delivered the finishing blow soon fell to the ground as the hole on his chest took his life.

Their blood...was added to the pool of blood that was already like a river. wasn't exactly like a river, but because of the bodies of the green-skinned monsters that piled up, it looked that way.

It was too many to count, but the one who watched it all from beginning to the end, Karkas could tell that their village just lost three hundred or so goblins.

Meaning, it took approximately one hundred goblins just to take down a tired and already weakened Warman. What's more, those goblins had quite a few blessed goblins.

That was not all.

Moris also helped the goblins from time to time as he already finished the treatment on Dawn with the help of the meat shield called goblins.

Didi and Hig also participated, but they didn't make a huge impact, as Karkas told them off.

There were different reasons why Karkas didn't let them fight much, but the main reason was that they would serve as guards for Dawn.

"Huuu." Karkas breathed a sigh of relief as the storm called Warmen finally ended.

He walked over to Moris, who was standing still while looking at the night sky.

The time needed to end just three Warmen with normal and ordinary goblins were almost half a day.

Of course, goblins didn't mind the night as Karkas could find his way through the dark forest.

"So? Why the hell is a member of the Five Great Clans out in the north?" Karkas spoke with a bit of hostility in his voice.

Although Moris helped them before, Karkas didn't know Moris' intentions.

"It seems that you have been together with Him for a long time." Moris spoke with his eyes staring straight at the sky.

Moris had many things on his mind right now, but it was mainly about Dawn and...the goblin that was on their Holy Land.

"That doesn't answer my question. Have you been kicked out of the Five Great Clans?"

Karkas thought Moris had the same case as Raen, who was exiled out of the Tabak Clan.

After all, there were no Five Great Clan members who would venture out in the forest. There were some, but they would always have someone else with them.

In this case, Moris had no one else.

It was then.

Moris, who had his face towards the sky, suddenly whipped his head to Karkas with an unreadable face.

He spoke as he released his Presence.

"What did the Blessings of the Battlefield blessed you with for the king to end up like that?"

His fangs bared as he asked Karkas once more.

"What kind of protection do you think you are giving to the King?"

His eyes were burning as his gray-skinned body faced Karkas.

"Useless Stray."

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