Human King

Chapter 96: Returning home (6)

Chapter 96: Returning home (6)

"Oh? He's strong."

Moris was currently standing on a branch of a tree himself when he was watching Razta jump from tree to tree.

He observed everything Razta did ever since Karkas made him the goblin who would lead other blessed goblins.

After all, it would be up to Razta if the job would be done perfectly, or if even the job will be done at all.

Although Moris had some doubts in his head, he just decided to think about it after meeting with Dawn.

After all, the white goblin was asleep. No matter what, he couldn't just wake him up when Moris knew how bad Dawn's injury was.

To be honest, Moris didn't even know how much time Dawn has to spend resting before he could show some signs of waking up.

It could take a minute from now, a day from now, months, years, or even a decade from now.

However, even if it seems like a long time, Moris didn't really care about it.


It was because he knew that the goblins would protect him forever. And as long as Dawn lives, he would rise again.

After all, Dawn was a goblin. The instincts that he has would push him to his limits, and make him surpass any limits.

And it is because Moris knew those instincts really well that he didn't mind or even thought about how long Desire would wake up from now.

However, just the fact that he didn't give a thought about it makes Moris' heart hurt a little bit. He knew that it was hypocrisy on his part.

I do worry about him, but"

I don't know. Moris thought as he jumped down from the branch of the tree to the ground.

He began walking towards the center of the group while he thought about things about how he felt towards Dawn.

Moris wasn't sure about Dawn right now. That was his real and honest thoughts regarding Dawn being the king.

He didn't know how to treat or act around Dawn when he wakes up. Hell, he didn't even know if he should stay in this village.

Well, one couldn't blame Moris for thinking like that.

Although he does view Dawn as 'one' of the kings of the goblins, Moris didn't know much about Dawn himself.

And that affected Moris' view and opinion on Dawn, and about how Moris wanted to treat Dawn.

Should I treat him as the king? Should I side with him? What should I do?

Ever since he finished treating Dawn's injuries, Moris' mind was full of questions regarding Dawn.

He didn't know what to do since he didn't know the situation. Although his clan was the one closest to the being hailed as the king, Moris wasn't familiar with this situation.

What's more, Moris didn't know if Dawn were the same type of goblin as the goblin Moris ran away from.

That was the most crucial point.

Either way, Moris was having a hard time deciding.

However, it's not like Moris would run away from Dawn just because he wasn't sure about him.

"I have a duty to fulfill" Moris murmured as he looked in front of him when he felt a presence walking towards him.

Moris' eyes saw a goblin that was full of dignity. Every time that goblin walked, Moris could feel his soul being pressured.

It was weird, knowing how stronger Moris was than any other goblin present here. However, Moris didn't really care about it as he looked at that goblin's face.

The smug look on that goblin pissed Moris off, but it was justified whenever Moris thought about it.

After all, this goblin was a goblin trusted by the king.

It was Karkas.

It was then.

As both of them kept walking towards each other, they soon stood face to face with each other.

The two goblins' relationship wasn't what you'd call the bad one, but it wasn't that good either.

And it was because of that Karkas spoke with a low and cold voice as he looked at Moris with quite the hostile eyes.

"What are you going to do?"

Karkas didn't know Moris at all. He didn't know anything about Moris, and he didn't know if he should let him stay.

After all, he didn't have the authority to make that kind of decision, more so if the goblin is a member of the Five Great Clans.

And because of that, Karkas thinks it is too dangerous to let Moris stay here.

Although he doesn't believe that a member of the Five Great Clans would hurt the king, it doesn't hurt to be careful.

Karkas knows how many goblins there are that want to be the king. And who knows if Moris was that kind of goblin.

And Karkas surely doesn't trust Moris just because Moris did save Dawn once. It was easy to tell just from how Karkas was staring at Moris.

Karkas kept his eyes sharp, and his instincts were focused on Moris right now. His hand would give the signal to the surrounding goblins if ever Moris showed any suspicious movements.

However, maybe because Karkas thought too much about it, Moris' answer blew his mind away.

Moris looked at Karkas with the same intensity Karkas had and spoke very slowly as if he were mocking Karkas.

"I'll leave."

It was then.

As Karkas stared into Moris, his eyes blinked once when he felt something in his eyes. And when he opened them again, Moris was no longer there.


The wind blew in the area as Karkas was bewildered at what happened.

"Chwee?" A goblin's voice resounded out in the surroundings as he kept looking for Moris.

However, that didn't matter to Karkas as he looked in a particular direction.

When Karkas found what he was looking for, he murmured as he slowly opened his mouth.

"Leave, huh?"

Karkas was looking like he won against someone he hated, and it seems he was satisfied with the result as he turned around.

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