Human King

Chapter 98: Returning home (8)

Chapter 98: Returning home (8)


That man's voice resounded out in this dark place as he looked down at the thing or creature that showed up.

It wasn't easy to tell if it was a living being or something like that as it wasabstract.

Right, the thing that appeared was abstract. It was just floating in the air, and its body was transparent.

The place and the man were already weird enough, but for this to appear out of nowhereone could say that this is the weirdest combination ever.

However, the man didn't mind it as he just calmly looked at that abstract thing.

Although one couldn't see him exactly, one could tell that his eyes were cold.

It was as if the man were trying to kill this abstract thing just with his stare!

"To think it affected me this much" The man spoke as he closed his eyes once more.

He then used whatever powers he had to cover his hands.


His hands shonewith dark light. It was weird as darkness and light don't come together.

However, the man proved that it was nothing for him as he raised his hands covered with dark light.


The man then snapped his fingers in his right hand with much force that the whole place started to shake.

However, the man didn't mind that as he watched the dark light in his hands get smaller.

The dark light got smaller and smaller until it looked like the dark light was the man's skin.

"Pathetic." The man spoke as he opened his eyes again. It seems whatever was on his mind was so annoying for him as his eyes stared at the dark light.

The man knew what would happen now, and he wanted to watch it. That was why he kept his eyes open and just looked at the dark light intensely.

And as if it were waiting for the man to look at it, the dark light then began to move!

It moved from his hands to his arms, to his shoulder, to his chest, body and face!

The dark light covered the whole body of the man as it continued doing its thing without a single care in the world!

And when the dark light was about to finish its course, the man blinked his eyes.

And as if it were magic

Clack. Clack. Clack. Clack.


Something like bones cracking resounded out in the place, but it was definitely not the man's fingers.

Noit was not just his fingers.

The one that made that sound was his whole body, and it was actually because the man snapped his body's bones!

His skull, cervical vertebrae, spine, ribs, shoulder blade, pelvicall those parts of his body snapped!

It was crazy that he could snap them all at the same time! And it is definitely insane that the man could snap his bones by himself!

And as if that fact weren't enough, this all happened in less than a second.

Right, the dark light covered his whole body, and then the man cracked his whole body using it.

It was absurd, but with his strength, no one would doubt that he could do it.

Nothey would ask first why the hell would he do that using his powers in the first place.

However, no one would dare question his decisions. After all, he was alone here.

"Haaa." The man then shook his head as soon as he felt comfortable.

There was something bugging his mind ever since his body started hurting, but he put it in the back of his mind as he looked at the abstract thing floating in the air.

It wasn't easy to see what kind of eyes that he had because of the darkness, but one could tell it easily that he was angry.

Although he didn't show it that much, the intensity of his stare could kill!

It was then.

As the man continued thinking about some things regarding this abstract thing floating in the air, he soon swiped the air with his hands.

And as if the abstract thing was waiting for it, it soonconvulsed.


It became bigger with a beat, but it returned to its normal size right after. This process repeated a few times until the abstract thing continued growing.

Thud! Thud!

Every time it shrank, it grew a bit bigger so it took quite a long time for it to finish.


And when some time has passed, the overall shape of the abstract changed.


It now had arms and the like on its body, and it was small.

However, the process didn't end there as it continued convulsing and growing bigger.

Thud! Thud!

The body contorted until it eventually stopped as it now had a more recognizable body of its own.

The abstract thing now has a body, and its body wasgreen. Its height was short, and its face was scary.

Its body was just screaming the word goblin. And what's more was that it was not just some goblin.

The face of the goblin was somehowfamiliar.


It's because it was the Elder that recently died in the battle.

"What?" The Elder spoke as he took a look at the surroundings.

Even though he was a goblin, he couldn't see anything in this place at all!

It was as if his eyes weren't working anymore, and he was blind!

However, when his eyes looked at the man sitting on the throne, his eyes became wide.

Even though he couldn't see, he recognized it. It was the most precious thing for the goblins, and to the Elder as well.

However, the Elder couldn't believe it as his mouth moved weirdly. After all, the Elder knew that he died by the hands of the Warmen.

And for that goblin to die as wellthe Elder just couldn't believe it.

The Elder decided to ask as he staggered slightly.



However, his question didn't go through as his head flew to the air once more.

It was anticlimactic as the Elder's body just disappeared on the spot.

And the man, who caused the Elder to die again, spoke as he closed his eyes.

"Funny. So he's"

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