Humans Shrunk 100 Times

Chapter 24: Handling Post-Event Matters

Chapter 24: Handling Post-Event Matters

Upon hearing this term, Dong Junwei appeared visibly uncomfortable, but she still forced herself to say, "Yes, this kind of situation might become more frequent in the future. We can't always rely solely on boys to protect us. Adapting to the current circumstances as quickly as possible, strengthening our willpower—I believe that's the best choice for all of us. The enemy won't show any mercy just because we are girls."

Her words made a lot of sense.

Chen Mu had no reason to refute her.

Dong Junwei turned to Du Jiajia and Zhao Xiaoyan and briefly explained the situation. When they heard that they had to handle the bodies together, even Tang Jing couldn't help but feel a shiver down her legs.

However, in the end, Dong Junwei's reasoning convinced them all.

Especially Du Jiajia, who seemed to find another place to prove her worth, even showing some eagerness to give it a try.

However, while the idea was great, as soon as they got closer and saw the scene, all four girls turned and ran far away, vomiting loudly.


Only now did everyone have the chance to carefully observe the three intruders.

Their clothes were tattered, but they could still be vaguely recognized as the summer uniforms of Zixuan High School.

According to the school rules, senior students (grade 12) were not required to wear uniforms, but it was mandatory for the first and second-year students (grade 10 and 11). Therefore, these three were most likely juniors from their own school.

Dong Junwei and the others felt even worse.

It had only been three days.

And things had already deteriorated to this extent.

Chen Mu felt even more uneasy.

As he recalled the numbness on the faces of the intruders, he shivered with fear. The three people in front of him seemed no longer human but lifeless puppets.

It was an aura of despair.

They were living only on instinct.

Could the outside world have really become this cruel?

But on second thought, it wasn't entirely impossible.

After all, apart from the efforts of Chen Mu and the others, luck played a significant role in the survival of the nine students from Class 4 in their senior year. Others might not necessarily cooperate, and even if they did, they might not awaken their abilities or possess the right skills.

In a world where humans could hardly beat any animals, it was not difficult to understand the tragic scenes of infighting and resource looting.

"These three individuals must have observed us for some time, knowing that we have food and water. That's why they took advantage of the moment when only the three of us were outside the door to launch a sudden attack. They probably planned to pick us off one by one and eliminate us, intending to seize our food and water," Chen Mu roughly analyzed.

"Why didn't they attack while we were sleeping at night?" asked someone.

"They haven't come into this room before, so they know nothing about the environment inside. Also, we are all gathered together. Even if they succeed in taking down one or two of us, when the others join the fight, they won't be able to escape," Dong Junwei sighed. "Actually, why bother? If they had just approached us peacefully, even if we didn't accommodate them, we would have given them food and water at the very least."

"Everyone has different experiences and thoughts. Perhaps they tried that approach before, but got attacked by others. Looking at their appearance, it's highly possible," Chen Mu replied.

The quality of their school uniforms was far from impressive. However, seeing them become so tattered in just a few days indicated that these three individuals had experienced something extremely harsh.


Handling corpses was, of course, not an enjoyable task. It not only required physical strength but also posed a very challenging psychological test.

Yet, humans were remarkably adaptable creatures. Every task only had a difference between zero times and an infinite number of times.

Even Zhao Xiaoyan, who was a gentle and submissive girl, could cover up the bloodstains on the ground with the dirt they had brought after a while, holding her nose and mouth.

The limited water couldn't be used to wash away the bloodstains, not to mention it wouldn't clean them thoroughly.

Chen Mu planned to use his abilities to shave off a layer of the concrete floor later, but for now, they needed to preserve their mental energy in case of a possible second attack—who knew if these people had any accomplices.

Moving the bodies was a task typically performed by boys. However, the specific problem was where to dispose of them, which was a headache-inducing issue. If they left them too close, they feared attracting ants in the future, but they also didn't dare to run too far away.

Chen Mu even considered digging a grave for them on the concrete floor. However, not only did he lack the ability to dig a hole big enough to accommodate all three bodies, but he also didn't want to waste his mental energy on such a task, even if he could do it.

In the end, the final decision was to directly throw the three corpses into the lawn outside the concrete road.

The concrete road was about 10 centimeters higher than the surrounding grass, which for the current state of humanity, seemed like a precarious cliff. Wei Dalei was especially cautious and didn't dare to get too close to the edge.

After everything was done, it was already past noon. Being attacked without reason and wasting so much time had disrupted Chen Mu and the others' rhythm to some extent.

For lunch, they had pancakes guided by Chen Mu and cooked by Du Jiajia. However, whether it was due to the pancakes or the recent events, no one had much appetite, and they didn't eat much.

Only Wei Dalei ate two large pancakes carefree.

Chen Mu forced himself to eat the required amount as well.

After lunch, it was already around two or three in the afternoon. At the moment, they didn't have an accurate sense of time and could only roughly estimate it based on the sun's position. In theory, as long as they knew the date and the sun's position, they could calculate the time, but clearly, no one present possessed this ability except for Tang Jing.

Although she claimed it was only a rough estimate, based on Chen Mu's observations, her accuracy was quite high. This impressed him, but it also left him somewhat puzzled.

When they discussed various phenomena related to the human shrinking, Tang Jing could always provide precise scientific explanations, and he could understand them every time. It seemed incredible to him.

Could a high school senior girl really know so much?

Previously, he only knew that Tang Jing was impressive. But as they spent more time together, he realized that the term "impressive" was inadequate to describe this girl.

After witnessing Tang Jing calculating arbitrary fifth roots of large numbers in her mind, Chen Mu was completely convinced. Of course, he couldn't challenge her because he had no way to verify her answers.

But Tang Jing's display of peculiar abilities always gave him a strange feeling.

"I was thinking that we should build some simple defense structures," Chen Mu offered his idea.

"Yes, I've already thought about it," Tang Jing said, pulling him to an open space.

As they approached, Chen Mu noticed that the ground was already marked with many lines. Upon closer inspection, they seemed to resemble some sort of blueprints or designs.

Chen Mu was quite surprised.

So, she has already drawn up the plans for the defense structures?

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