Hunter Academy’s Greatest War God

Chapter 60

Episode 60

The more monsters with the same strength and level as the hunter, the more effective the strategies are. Kim Eun-ah’s opponent is Yeo Wool-ryong, who is an excellent opponent.

Dig! widely!

Kim Eun-ah faced Yeo Wool-ryong with her skill, speed.


Dodging the claws that Yeowryong wielded, he turned around again to draw attention.


It wasn’t difficult to dodge the attack of the large Shyul Dragon. Next up is Sumire.

“Shoot them all now!”

Along with Sumire’s cry, the skeletons aimed at the Shrew Dragon with crude bows made of bones.

Whiing! Bang! Papaepaeng!

Arrows flying through the sky, aiming for the body of the nyeolyong. Instead of blocking or dodging, the yewryong roared at the arrows.


An arrow that loses power and falls to the floor.

This kind of attack didn’t work on the yewulyong.

“Miss Eun-ah… I’m out of fire arrows. The scales are too hard…”

Sumire muttered with a serious face. Kim Eun-ah bit her lip. The dragon’s scales absorbed Kim Eun-ah’s electricity and blocked the skeleton’s attack.

“…Even without those scales!”

Right now, it seemed impossible to pierce the hard scales with Kim Eun-ah and Sumire’s offensive power.

But something you can’t give up.

Kim Eun-ah’s eyes quickly searched for Yeo-ryong to find a way.

‘scales. The place where there are no scales…’

The place where Kim Eun-ah’s eyes reached was Yeo-ryong’s only weakness. ship.

However, when aiming for the belly of the yowling dragon, the front paws and the distance naturally came closer.

Death Knights and skeletons with slow mobility are crushed by the Shy Dragon’s claws before approaching.

‘…I’m the only one with double access.’

Now, there is no electricity there.

It was also a question of what kind of attack Kim Eun-ah would attack Yeo Wool-ryong.

‘Let’s use the hair… the hair. The way to send the yewulyong in one shot…

At that time, let the yewryong swing its forepaw. A toenail brushed over Kim Eun-ah’s head.

“flaw! Hehehe!”

Sumire covers her mouth in surprise.

Kim Eun-ah pretended to be strong to calm Sumire.

“don’t worry! Because it’s okay!”

She said that, but Kim Eun-ah’s hands were shaking. A gigantic monster that was thought to be fearless, but its opponents couldn’t even be eaten. It was only natural that Kim Eun-ah was afraid.

‘Is that the only way after all?’

Jigsaw Jigsaw!

Kim Eun-ah raised a lightning bolt in her hand. Lightning doesn’t work through the scales of the nyeolyong, so there’s only one way.


A nyeolyong that reveals its teeth from the front.

Kim Eun-ah stabbed Yeow-ryong in the stomach, leaving afterimages with electricity.

Flash! Dig! Jigsaw Jigsaw!

A nyeolyong howling in pain.


It is the scales that absorb electricity. Kim Eun-ah’s attack was clearly working.

“Miss Eun-ah! side!”

Fuck! Quaang!

However, the cost of narrowing the distance was devastating. Kim Eun-ah, who was hit on the shoulder by a front foot and rolled several times on the floor.

“Mr. Eun-ah!!”

At Sumire’s shrieking scream, Kim Eun-ah staggered and stood up on the ground. However, the Yowling Dragon’s attacks did not end.


this time etc.

When the tail swung like a mace hit her back, Kim Eun-ah fell to the other side. The prepared mana barrier was shattered, the body was stained with dust, and blood flowed from the forehead.

The shock of dizziness in the head.

Shin Yoo-seong, who was watching the battle, helped Eun-ah Kim and escaped from Yeow-ryong.

Nevertheless, Kim Eun-ah muttered like an idiot to Shin Yoo-seong, who helped her.

“Oh, not yet. I still…”

“The next attack might knock you out.”

Shin Yooseong said calmly.

I saw enough of Kim Eun-ah’s courage. Even if she gave up this battle, Kim Eun-ah’s value was fully proven to Shin Yoo-seong. Eunah Kim was a colleague she could trust and depend on.

Even so, Kim Eun-ah shook her head. And he said it very clearly.

“…I can still do it.”

It wasn’t pride or stubbornness. Kim Eun-ah was cold-hearted.

Even if they were compatible, they had a chance of winning if they figured out their weaknesses.

Kim Eun-ah, who sees Yeow-ryong, fires up lightning again. Sumire’s expression as she watched it looked


. The usual Kim Eun-ah laughed at the efforts of the losers. I thought it was a futile effort.

But today, even though blood is flowing from my head, why don’t I give up? If she asked Shin Yoo-seong for help, Kim Eun-ah could feel comfortable right away.

“…I don’t know.”

The reason was unknown.

Because of her weakness, she couldn’t save her brother from the villains.

Or because you avoid and refuse to meet because you are afraid of getting hurt.

Because Kim Jun-hyeok kept ignoring the reason why he took stimulants.

There were countless numbers to choose from, but it wasn’t such a complex reason to hold Kim Eun-ah.

“I just… don’t want to run away today.”

After finishing her resolution, Kim Eun-ah took out a black meteorite from her pocket and threw it to the ground.


The black meteorite broke and the sky gradually darkened with dark clouds. Skeletons shatter and fall before the tyranny of the Yeowoolryong. Kim Eun-ah’s eyes, which were watching the battle, became clear for an instant.

“hey! Can I borrow that!?”

What Kim Eun-ah pointed at was the great sword that Death Knight missed.

“Ha, but that’s the weight…”

Death Knight’s greatsword was all made of metal, even the handle. Truly a piece of iron. However, Kim Eun-ah confidently shouted.

“doesn’t care!”


Kim Eun-ah had electricity all over her body.

The abilities to strengthen are speed and strength.

Enhancing beyond one’s limits consumes several times more mana than usual.

An inefficient battle that could possibly knock you down due to lack of mana. But Kim Eun-ah knew.

‘A mediocre attack… I can never take it down!’

Kim Eun-ah grabbed the greatsword.

Then, brandishing its claws, it ran toward the wild dragon. The hair fluttered backwards and the louder the speed increased, the louder the banging sound.


Kim Eun-ah could no longer control her speed. Like a shot arrow, it continued to advance toward the yewulyong.

‘Not enough yet! more!’

Even in such a situation, Kim Eun-ah’s speed increased even more. Where it passed, it left a trail of blue light like a meteor.

The only target is the ship of the yowling dragon.


Yeowoolryong also noticed and swung his claws at the right time, but it didn’t matter. As if mockingly, Kim Eun-ah increased her speed and dug into her front foot.


The creepy sound of a heavy piece of metal cutting through flesh.


The Yowling Dragon lifted its head and screamed in pain. The target was a scaleless ship.

“This is…”

cerebral palsy. A blue light flickered around Kim Eun-ah. Currently, Kim Eun-ah is allowed only one attack. Kim Eun-a squeezed out all her mana and screamed at Yeow-ryong.

“Eat me-!”

Flash! Quarreung!

Lightning strikes from dark clouds.

Eunah Kim was struck by lightning as if it were a lightning rod. A deafening roaring sound. blinking sight.


Sumire let out a breath in tension. The white flickering scenery was slowly finding its own color.

Fallen Yeowoolryong.

Kim Eun-ah is breathing next to him.

“Uh Eun-ah!”

Sumire screamed.

Kim Eun-ah really did an impossible challenge. Kim Eun-ah’s first achievement as a party member. Unlike usual, Kim Eun-ah was smiling happily.

“Look at this. Matchmaking is not a big deal…”

Slow down!

Let Kim Eun-ah stagger from the excessive consumption of mana. Shin Yoo-seong held Kim Eun-ah by her side.

“Aya. are you okay?”

“…Ah yes.”

Kim Eun-ah, who was in a mess, looked up at Shin Yoo-seong and smiled.


Kim Eun-ah had no choice but to lean on Shin Yoo-seong. No matter how much strength she poured out, even standing with shaky legs was difficult for Kim Eun-ah now.

However, the troubles that had been complicated all along had now disappeared as if they had been washed away.

The body is heavy, but the mind is much lighter. Eunah Kim smiled brightly at the joy of having done it.

“As expected… I could have done it.”

“great job. Eunah.”

Seeing that, Shin Yuseong was also sincerely happy as a colleague.

“Uh Eun-ah!”

Sumire ran from afar and hugged Kim Eun-ah while crying.

“Huh! Still, the blood on your forehead… it’s going to hurt a lot…”

“Ouch… It’s okay. Why are you crying? who died?”

“But still…”

Sumire cares for Eunah Kim, a member of the party, as herself. The two were definitely close through this monster hunting.


At that time, the golden light seen from the wreckage of the nyeolyong. Shin Yoo-seong slowly approached the wreckage and took out a hidden marble.


A golden orb hidden in Yeowryong’s body. Kim Eun-ah’s eyes widened, which is rare, and Sumire’s gaze also turned to the marble.

“what? Could it be an artifact?”

“I really! It is an artifact!”

discovery of subspecies.

In addition, Kim Eun-ah’s luck was the real thing, even the drop of the artifact. Strengthening the party’s strength is always good news. Shin Yuseong smiled happily and held out a bead.

“Aya. Check it out for yourself.”


Eunah Kim nodded and carefully pressed the button on her pocket.


At the same time, the pocket emitted light and displayed the information of the artifact as a hologram.

Fortunately, the Orb of the Thunder Dragon was an artifact registered in the ‘Records of the Tower’.

Enhancement of electrical properties.

The effect of the artifact was simple. Like Adela’s Perpetual Ice Crystal, it was an elixir that the user absorbed, so the owner had already been decided.


Kim Eun-ah avoids her eyes in embarrassment and scratches her cheek with her index finger. Shin Yoo-seong smiled faintly and handed the bead to Kim Eun-ah.

“congratulations. Eunah.”

“uh? What? Still, we had a hard time together, but I have a little…”

Sumire shook her hand urgently, making eye contact with Kim Eun-ah, who was in a mess.

“I’m fine! An artifact that suits Eun-ah!”

“But if you push yourself like that and accept this…”

Kim Eun-ah pondered for a long time.

Kim Eun-ah wonders if there is something she can do for the party members.

“Oh, then shall we do that?”

But the worries were not deep.

Soon, Shin Yoo-seong tried to create a party club, which required a huge amount of money even with school support.

After the calculation was over, Kim Eun-ah smiled and took out her black card with a relaxed gesture.

“How about you guys with this?”

Coincidentally, Kim Eun-ah was overflowing with money.

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