Hunter of Immortals

Chapter 486: Kamikaze Attack

Chapter 486: Kamikaze Attack

In the wake of her battle against Hebi no Miko, her heart had undergone a process of evolution, and it was no exaggeration to say that she had been reborn anew.

With that came an increase in power, but more importantly, her heart had become more pure and insightful, thereby improving the quality of her visualization.

If she were to fight Hebi no Miko again in her current form, she wouldn't have been exhausted so quickly, and perhaps she would've been able to fight to the very end. She still wouldn't have been able to defeat Hebi no Miko, but she would've definitely been able to inflict some severe injuries.

In this situation, she was on a completely unfamiliar battlefield, facing a diverse array of opponents, and it was no surprise that she had been forced onto the back foot, but that didn't mean that she would be easily killed.

Being trapped in that cocoon had been a terrible feeling, and it had made her particularly enraged. At this moment, she was unleashing her draconic technomancy with all her might, gathering an enormous amount of power in the blink of an eye. A giant hexagram in the sky, and she was just about to unleash a barrage of balls of black light when Adam called out to her in an urgent voice.

"That's nowhere near enough! Keep going!"

Diana was rather perplexed to hear this.

"This is already my full power, what else do you want me to do?"

Adam was still locked in battle against the army of enemy psychic bodies as he replied, "Don't think of yourself as a visualizer, convince yourself that you are a dragon, that you are Níeh?ggr!"

"I am a dragon? I am indeed a dragon right now, but..."

Diana's voice abruptly trailed off here as she realized what Adam was saying.

While it was true that her physical form was that of a dragon, she was still thinking and acting like a human. This entire time, she had only been able to attain a part of Níeh?ggr's power through visualization.

But how was she supposed to take the next step? That was something that she would have to figure out for herself.

All of a sudden, Adam found himself being dragged toward a fearsome vortex that resembled a black hole, which was releasing a terrifying destructive aura.

He was forced to grab onto Sludge and use it as a meat shield to prevent himself from being sucked into the vortex, while Camera cut down the psychic body that had conjured the vortex to save him just in the nick of time.

He cast his gaze toward the Lamenting Wall to find that an inky-black vortex had appeared in the illusory cityscape, and all of the power from the nuclear explosion was sucked into the vortex, but instead of vanishing, the power was being accumulated.

Adam instantly realized that this was an upgraded ability.

He continued to expand the Lamenting Wall to encompass more of the enemy psychic bodies so that he could accumulate more power in the vortex, even at the risk of having it blow up in his face.

At the same time, he turned to Diana and said, "Take a look around you, take a look at this tree, and think about the purpose of Níeh?ggr's existence."

Purpose... Its purpose is to destroy the World Tree!

An enlightened look instantly appeared on Diana's face as she arrived at this revelation.

During her visualization, she had always tried to minimize the negative influence that Níeh?ggr had on her. As a result, she had unconsciously created a barrier in her mind that prevented him from completely becoming one with Níeh?ggr.

This barrier ensured that she retained her sanity, but it also capped her potential. However, in this situation, she had no choice but to fight for her life, so this was as good a time as any to throw caution to the wind.

Having made up her mind, Diana opened her psyche up completely, allowing Níeh?ggr's formidable will to corrupt her as it pleased.

In the blink of an eye, she felt as if she had transformed into a unfathomably massive divine dragon that was coiled around the World Tree at the center of the universe, tearing viciously at its countless roots with her sharp fangs and claws.

The World Tree in Diana's visualization overlapped with the tree before her, and an unimaginably vast tree that stood in the digital world appeared in front of her.

The essence of Níeh?ggr had been completely infuriated, and Diana let loose a roar that shook the entire heavens as her body abruptly swelled to several kilometers in length.

Even though it was only a temporary virtual form, it devoured all of the computing power in this space, causing the giant tree in the distance to instantly dim significantly, while all of the vegetation in a radius of several dozen kilometers lost all of their vibrancy and vitality.

In the wake of Níeh?ggr's emergence, the hexagram in the sky swelled to over 1,000 times its original size, and the ball of light that it released resembled a black sun that was rising up over the horizon.

Even though only a part of it had emerged, that was already enough to throw the physics simulation parameters in this space into a state of disarray. It was as if a massive planet were approaching, resulting in an imbalance of attraction and repulsion, and its enormous mass was crushing everything below it.

All of the psychic bodies released by the giant tree instantly disintegrated into countless specks of light, following the tree itself began to tremble violently, and all of the countless balls of light hanging from it quickly began to dim.

The area that Adam was situated in was also impacted, and the Lamenting Wall was only able to last for a second before being forced to the verge of collapse.

With Diana throwing all caution to the wind, Adam decided to do the same, allowing the black hole to devour the fearsome power released by the ball of light with reckless abandon, and it reached its limits in the blink of an eye before plummeting down from above.

A black rift appeared in the sky, as if the very space itself had been torn apart, and terrifying destructive power surged out of the rift, blasting a bottomless trench that was several hundred meters wide into the ground.

Just a tiny amount of the power that spilled out was enough to completely pulverize Sludge in an instant.

Thankfully, Adam was able to react very quickly, just barely escaping the area of mass destruction at the cost of incurring injuries to Horse Face and Scarecrow.

Right at this moment, the ball of light invoked by Níeh?ggr completely emerged from the hexagram before slowly beginning to descend.

The speed of its descent was very sluggish, and that was entirely attributable to its enormous repulsion, which was triggering violent gravitational waves and explosions in magnetic force with every single inch that it descended, and these phenomena were only becoming more severe as it continued to descend.

Only a part of its destructive power had been released, and the entire area in a radius of several dozen kilometers beneath it had been reduced to charred earth.

Countless massive trees were being incinerated into ashes, while the mountains on the landscape also crumbled away to reveal their true forms underneath.

These trees didn't simulate actual plants. Instead, they were formed by light that was manifested from data, and boundless data and energy were flowing throughout their branches.

Níeh?ggr had drawn upon an enormous amount of computing power, but there was no way that it could exceed the Metaverse itself. However, using this amount of power to cause destruction was enough to result in extremely severe repercussions.

This was something that everyone in the Gaia Organization had to avoid, but Adam didn't care at all.

The digital world around him was disintegrating, and he was eager to cause even more destruction.

Right at this moment, a humanoid figure took shape in the distance, and Madam Tree appeared in the form of a green fairy before heaving a forlorn sigh. "Let's call a truce, Mr. Adam."

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