Hvisland: A VR Colony Sim Game

Chapter 229 - 229 – In The Heart

Some of my colonists gathered near the shelter. Trevor was fiddling with an led light taken from one of the destroyed mechs. The lamp was mounted on the shelter's ceiling, connected by cable by a black box the size of three adult heads. Both the box and the cable were also taken from the mechs.

Trevor gave a thumbs up to Seb, who immediately fiddled with a tablet stuck to the black box. While it looked pretty neatly attached, the tablet was clearly attached with simple equipment to the box, which was the energy source of the mechs.

"Is it really safe for us to use this?" Manu grimaced. "You guys still remember about the radiation that killed a merman empire?"

"This should be safe. If you're really going to blow this thing up, you have to know how to do it, and it's really complicated." Trevor explained. "This thing is impact resistant even to the point of surviving meteors.... Anyway, it's resistant to impact, heat, and vibration."

Then, the lamp flashed brightly, making non-crashlanded people gasp. Rex also barked in surprise. It's actually quite funny. They've seen the lights from flashlights and in the cockpit.

"With this, we can make heating, stoves, and so on. The possibilities are endless." Trevor spread out his metal hands. "That energy source can last hundreds of years."

"Isn't that too much?" Miro raised an eyebrow. "Does the box contain magic? It must be magic."

"Even an earthling like me doesn't understand how this thing works." Seb smiled.

The ground in the colony shook slightly, a sign of our mech's arrival. The blue metal giant drew closer while pulling another mech whose one arm was severed, and the body looked so damaged. Some of the lights on the mech seemed to still be on. Perhaps Leva drives it just to maintain its balance.

"Good!" Trevor came out of the shelter and looked like he was about to jump for joy. "With this, we'll be able to quickly create a mech that functions properly... Or not, apparently, after I connected to that mech, I just found out that the damage level is quite severe, even though it can still stand. There's a lot of parts that need to be replaced... Hell, looks like we'll have to replace the arm that's still attached."

Eric exited via the mech elevator, while Leva had to use a rope to get off the mech that was brought.

"The women are on their way here. But they won't come with us. They say it reminds them of dark memories." Eric told the others.


A few minutes later, the group of women came on foot, while some of their belongings were

carried by the horses.

My colonists lined up to greet them. Some of the women gasped as Trevor waved at them.

The group stopped, then Helda walked forward toward us. She turned her head to Trevor for a moment.

"Well, you all have an interesting member." The woman of medium stature and short hair smiled.

"My name is Trevor." The android said.

"Hey, Trevor. Why do I get the feeling that you're not a human in armor?" Helda raised an eyebrow.

Trevor shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe because my movements are not like humans, I make movements according to the data that is in me, every movement is always consistent... Yes, I am not human."

"Basically, he is a man-made creature of metal." Eric snorted. "He is the result of technology from the earth."

"Fascinating." Helda nodded.

"Well, welcome to this nameless colony." Seb gave a kind smile as he spread his arms. "My name is Sebastian."

"I'm Helda from a group that's also nameless." The woman smiled back. "Nice to meet you all."

Then, they all shook hands with each other.


"Hey, how do you breed?" One of the women from Helda's group asked Trevor, who was working on removing some parts from the lying mech.

"I was not created to reproduce or to enjoy reproduction." Trevor let go of one of the metal plates, then began to move it. "Excuse me, ladies. You'd better stay away from here. I don't want anything bad to happen to you."

"Wow, I can't imagine being you. Haven't you ever imagined having sex?" One of the other women joined in. She and several other women continued to follow Trevor.

"Girls! We still have a lot of work to do and don't disturb Trevor's work. We still have to unpack our things." Helda gave firm words but didn't seem like she was yelling.

The women who looked young in age scowled, then one of them said. "Okay, mom."

"Hey, how many times have I told you, girls? I'm not your mother." Helda looked at her group members, who had started to move from that place.

"Please, don't get mad at them. Those girls just have great curiosity." Trevor responded.

A smile formed on Helda's lips. "Don't worry, I'm not scolding them. However, they need to know the priority scale. It's almost evening, and we have to prepare dinner for many people. To celebrate this coalition, we're going to have a party, Trevor."

"Oh, thank you." Trevor started taking care of the mech again. "However, I prefer to keep working. I wasn't designed to eat. My source of energy is the same as what mechs like this use."

"What? How the hell?" Helda looked so taken aback by that sentence that it left her speechless for a moment. "Hmmm... That doesn't mean you don't need to attend this feast. You can still have fun with us."

"Ah." Now it was Trevor's turn to be silent. "Maybe I'll come with you guys for the feast. I feel the need to learn more about the meaning of joy."

And those words made Helda even more speechless.

"Hey, sir!" Someone made a call from a distance. "Yes, you! I'm talking to you!"

Seb, who was walking, answered the rude call. "Yes, can I help you?"

"You seem to be the leader of this group." The woman with black hair and light blue eyes walked quickly to Seb. "I'm only asking this once. Where's Tom? I'm not sure you guys had executed him. That's because Yvonne was with you too. There's no way you executed Tom in front of Yvonne. Or did you execute Yvonne too?"

"Hey, hey, hey." Helda blocked her group mate's way. "We agreed not to talk about it, right? Come one, Mila. Forget all that. It's time for us to move on."

The woman named Mila pushed Helda. "Move on? After he tortured me like that!? Do you know what he did to my pussy!? The wound is still there, Helda! And sometimes, it still hurts! I can't let him live in peace!!!"

"Hey, I'm trying to make us all better! You know what!? I'm sick of your complaining! You always spoil the good atmosphere while your friends have calmed down!"

"Have they calmed down?" Mila laughed sarcastically. "They've calmed down, you say!? Have you actually asked them one by one!? I'm sure they won't calm down if all those men haven't perished...."

Helda punched Mila hard until she fell. Mila could only hold her cheek while glaring at her leader.

Ugh, I'm not sure that's what a good leader did.

"Shut up!!!" Helda's voice grew louder. "If you don't want to shut up, you better leave this group and live your own life!"

Tears started to flow from Mila's eyes. The woman then stood up and ran away from the place.

The other women and my colonists looked at Helda in silence.

"Sorry." Helda rubbed her face. "Maybe we still can't forget what happened to us..." She then looked at the others and started walking away. "Once again, sorry."

There were whispers from the women, but soon they were back at their job of unpacking.

Then, the guardian spirit of those women appeared and approached me.

"Hey, I'm sorry if my people make the atmosphere uncomfortable. This is not a good start for the coalition of our groups." He sighed, then scratched his head. "Do you have any tips for dealing with a problem like this?"

I shook my head. "Not really. I often found situations that I couldn't control among my people. They are humans with different traits. Conflict will inevitably take place."

"Ah." The yellow spirit turned around, scratching its head again. "There might actually be a better solution. Unfortunately, you might not like it."

I'm laughing. "You propose that I hand Tom over to your people?"

"I mean... Look, we're really close neighbors now. Every day my people and yours will meet." The yellow spirit shrugged. "You don't want this to escalate any further, do you?"

When he turned around to face me again, I approached him. "Sorry, but he's gone a long way from here. He and Yvonne aren't part of my colony anymore. You won't be able to see them again."

It took a while for the yellow spirit to respond. "Okay, fine. I'm just making a suggestion. If he's gone, what can we do? We can't do anything about it."

I stepped back, then turned around to leave him.. However, in my heart, I can understand the point of the yellow spirit's words.

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