Hvisland: A VR Colony Sim Game

Chapter 55 - 55 – In Another Place

Kat snapped out of her slumber, immediately looking around with a ragged breath.

"It's okay." A dark-skinned and thick-lipped young woman said to the girl in a gentle tone. "You are safe now."

"We've arrived at our destination, Kat." Manu, who was lying beside Kat, spoke. The man slightly groped his forehead, which was no longer wrapped in an ordinary bandage, but rather a kind of cloth made of plant fiber. "She's one of the people who help us."

And fortunately, there was a young man who had healing abilities like Tia, the granny that Leva had met while taking clay. However, the young man's power was not perfect. He cannot heal the whole wound on Manu's head. Manu is also lucky. The young man's ability is often inactive when needed.

If it weren't for him, maybe Manu would still be unconscious.

"You're Kat, right? Manu over there has told me a little about you." The woman with slightly curly black hair spoke again. "My name is Jane. I was going to change your clothes, but Tosa said maybe the rules at your place require you to dress like this. He saw Leva also wear skimpy clothes." The woman named Jane studied Kat's clothes with a grimace.

Well, basically, it's like that. I make the rules.

"They asked for it." Manu smirked.

"Really? Well then.... Though I wonder if she doesn't feel cold wearing it." Jane raised an eyebrow. Her clothes are indeed more modest, consisting of a shirt without cleavage and not showing any midriff at all, combined with long pants. Everything is also made of leather.

Kat was silent for a moment, then took a deep breath. As usual, she does it without expression. However, a few seconds later, her eyes widened.

"Where's my dog?" Kat asked.

That's my concern too. Because I was too focused on calling H and worried about my two colonists, I forgot about Rox. I only remembered about it when Manu and Kat were already being treated here.

"I'm sure he'll be back, Kat." Manu sighed. "Maybe because you've been out for a long time, Rox left you. He has a habit like that when you don't call him or do anything with him, right? I'm sure he'll look for you and find you. A pet dog must know its master's smell very well, right?"

"Well, that would be very troublesome." Jane grimaced again.

Kat could only look down, silent again. I immediately whispered into his ear. "I know you're very worried, but you better refrain from looking for your dog. You're still very weak."

The girl closed her eyes.

"Ah, now it's time for breakfast." Jane smiled and rose to her feet. "Just a minute, I'll get some food."

"Breakfast? Is it already morning now?" Kat raised her head.

Jane, who had been walking, stopped and smiled at Kat again. "That's right, you've been unconscious since yesterday afternoon. Luckily, you're just dehydrated and tired. With some rest, you'll be fine."

As soon as the dark-skinned woman came out of the building, Manu whispered. "Kat, go check our stuff. Isn't there anything missing?"

Manu pointed to the two sacks of items in the corner of the room. Kat went over to the sacks and started checking their contents.

"I noticed the contents of our sacks didn't seem as much as I remembered," Manu whispers again. "But I can't accuse them directly. Not if we're in their place.

"I deliberately reduced the contents so that my burden is not too heavy." In just a short time, Kat had finished checking the sacks. She then returned to where she was. "Everything's still there."

"Really? Ah, thank goodness then." Manu heaved a sigh of relief. "That is, they can be trusted."

"Welcome to the Redtooth tribe, guest of .... What is your tribe's name, again?" It was not Jane who spoke, but Tosa. The man had just entered the building carrying two clay bowls.

"You…." Manu raised his eyebrows when he saw that man.

"Hey, take it easy. I won't treat you guys like Leva. The Redtooth Tribe has great respect for its guests." Tosa smiled widely.

Jane, who had also just entered, carrying two glasses also made of clay, narrowed her eyes at that man. "Really, what exactly did you guys do to Leva? Is...."

"So, I really don't know your Tribe's name yet. Can any of you guys tell me?" Tosa cut off the conversation, then put the bowl in his hand on the floor near Manu.

Ugh. I still can't stand the sight of this bastard's face. Why does he have to be in a tribe that is not our enemy?

"Errr.... We don't have a name yet." Manu replies. "We only started after I met Kat and one other person."

"Please, eat." Jane knelt by Manu and took the bowl. She was about to feed the bearded man, but Manu hastily straightened up.

"I can eat by myself." Manu takes the bowl, smiling. "Thanks very much."

Kat also took her bowl, examined its contents, rice porridge with chopped greens and mushrooms, then began to eat it with a wooden spoon.

Poor her, since yesterday she hasn't eaten because of my negligence.

"So...." Tosa sat across from Kat, clearing his throat. "How is Leva doing?"

Huh? Now you care about her, motherfucker?

"She's fine." Kat keeps eating.

Tosa was silent as if waiting for Kat to continue.

"Don't take it seriously." Manu said while chewing. "She's that kind of person, only talks a little.... But, Leva is indeed fine."

"What bad thing has he done to your settlement?" Jane asked with a stiff grimace. "It must be hard to have her in your house."

Manu looked at Kat, who looked back at him.

Moving his lips for a moment, Manu finally said. "Well, she only did few mischiefs, but not to the point of causing major damage. It's all still within reasonable limits."

Kat stopped eating when Manu said 'reasonable limits.'

"She's actually a good member." Manu continued his speech. "She has a big role in our Tribe...."

Manu stopped his speech when he saw Jane and Tosa looking at him with gaping mouths.

Was Leva that naughty when she was in this Tribe?

"Aah, she can change too, huh?" Tosa scratched his head.

I was about to order Manu to ask about Leva, but Jane asked first. "So, Kat. You're also a member of that big expedition, right?"

I gave up my intention to dig up more about Leva. That can be done another time. What Jane will discuss is more important.

Kat put down her empty bowl and nodded.

Jane took a breath. "Since when have you landed?"

Kat was silent for a moment, probably thinking. "About two months ago, I think."

"I see." Jane nodded. "I was also on that big expedition and I landed two years ago."

Holy shit. Will this conversation prove that Manu, Pif, and Leva's story about the sky ship is true?

"Two friends who are in the same pod with me don't believe the legend that the escape pods landed far away from each other and at different times." Jane gulped. "So, they decided to look for other escape pods, even though the members of the Tribe who helped us tried to prevent it... I didn't agree with them and chose to stay here. We don't know what danger there is on this planet, so traveling is something dangerous..." The woman gasped. "And neither of them came back again."

Jane closed her eyes, perhaps to calm herself.

"So." Jane smiled again. "I know this question of mine may be pointless. Since our goal right now is survival. However, this still haunts my mind.... This might be the key to getting the expedition members together again. Maybe with that we can build a structure to send an SOS signal to earth...."

"I don't know." Kat interrupted the woman's words. "I don't know why the pods landed at different times and at different distances."

Jane gasped and looked down. "Oh, I see."

The door to the room opened. Jane and Tosa immediately got to their feet when someone entered.

"Leader.." The two of them said at the same time as they bowed their heads.

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