I Am An Imitator, Don’t Show Me Your Skills

Chapter 118: Intertwined Fate

Chapter 118: Intertwined Fate

We strolled around the market and checked tons of shops. After some time, we decided to walk towards the Marionette faction next.

I wandered my eyes as we walked through the road of the Marionette faction. The place was busy due to the establishments that were currently in ongoing construction. We stumbled upon people carrying sacks of cement and metal bars.

As we reached the crowded part of the Marionette faction, a few blocks away from the municipal hall, an abundance of people were on the road, most of them were children, playing at the side of the road, some of them ran through us while laughing.

I just smiled while watching them.

"The place that you have been dreaming to build, it's starting to come true."

I shifted my gaze to Tanya, her face was covered in her hoodie, but I could see the subtle smile on her lips. "I'm still far, there are still tons of things that need to be done, but seeing the changes in this place really encouraged me more."

She nodded. "So... where are you planning to take me next?"

"Hmm... I know a park around here, Karoon brought me there before, wanna go there?"


"Although, I'm already hungry, let's buy some food first, I know a good street food shop around here." I scratched my stomach.

We walked towards the street food shop and bought some food.

"That would be 100 Sierra." Said the food vendor while expressing a gentle smile on his face.

"Here." I handed the coin and proceeded to walk away while carrying 4 sticks in my hands.

"Thank you very much."

As I walked out from the crowd, I found Tanya sitting on one of the white stone benches scattered throughout the road, her hands were on her knees while directly looking at me. Her face instantly frowned upon seeing what I was holding in my hands.

"Karoon has been doing a great job influencing you."

I handed the 2 sticks with rats to her. "You can't blame me though, at first, I thought I would not like it, but it turned out, it actually tasted good. And based on your reaction when you first tasted it, you seemed to like it too. Or am I wrong?"

"Oh well, it can't be helped then." She stood up and took the food I was handing to her. "Let's go to the place you have been planning to go."

After a few minutes of walking, we reached the place of the grassland park located at the boundary of the Marionette faction.

Upon arriving, Tanya removed her cloak and wandered her eyes throughout the place.

I know, it's beautiful, right? It's a good thing that Mehrad managed to hold back while fighting the warriors of the Hive mind legion before. A massive part of this forest was burned to ashes. Fortunately, this part wasn't included. But the part of the forest a distance ahead was completely ruined.

However, I can't call out Mehrad for it because I myself did much worse damage to the other parts of the forest. In short, we are a duo of forest arsonists!

I walked toward the white stone bench at the center of the park. "What do you think about this place?" I sat on the bench and stared at the forest in front of us.

Without looking at her, I noticed that she sat next to me. "I must say, it's quite a comfortable place."

I smiled and shifted my gaze on her, I found her munching the food in her hand. Upon realizing that I was looking at her, she looked at me with her flustered face.

She wiped the orange sauce from her lips. "Is there a problem?"

I shook my head. "Nothing." I took a bite of the rat meat and closed my eyes upon tasting its tenderness again.

After that, both of us remained silent as we ate. Upon finishing her food, she stood up and slowly walked towards the forest in front of us.

I stood up as well and followed her. Upon reaching her, I found her closing her eyes while feeling the wind touching her white skin. Her beautiful almost transparent silver hair was swayed by the gentle wind. Greatly pronouncing her delicate face.

Just like her, I shifted my gaze at the scenery in front of us and closed my eyes.


"Hmm?" I responded while still closing my eyes while feeling the gentle wind.

"I just thought, I don't really know anything about you except the ones that you have been showing to us. It just brought me to a conclusion... for a while now, I've been wanting to ask you something, I hope you won't mind if I do."

"Sure, what is it?"

"Have you by chance..." She paused for a few seconds. "Lost your memory?"

I immediately opened my eyes and stared at her. "Huh?"

On the other hand, she remained staring at me with her serious expression. "That's the only explanation I could come up with. You don't have any knowledge of this world or even knowledge about your own tribe... which also implies that you don't even have any idea of what happened to them. The only answer I could find is, perhaps, you somehow lost your memories as a meruem and spent your life in a peaceful and isolated place where no one could find you, a secluded forest, a cave in an uninhabited mountain, or maybe, in the middle of a desert... I still can't conclude which one... and then, the very moment that you decided to explore the world, you met Misha and found yourself here. And now... the current ruler of this town."

Wow. Not gonna lie, that's one hell of a good story to fabricate.

"Uhh..." I scratched my head and chuckled. "That's a very good theory, but to tell you the truth, I didn't lose my memories, that's not the case... not at all. Although, you are right about the part where I lived my life in a peaceful place. However, I won't call it isolated."

She veered her body towards me.

I exhaled. "It's quite complicated actually. But don't worry, amnesia has nothing to do with my lack of knowledge about certain things."

Because it's more like I just got Isekaid!

She paused for a second, then slowly nodded. "I see. That's great to hear."

"You see? You won't dig more? Not that I will tell you."

"No. I was just curious, but the truth is, the reason is not important to me." She smiled. "The only thing that matters is you are here. Nothing else."

I chuckled. "I just hope that you are not planning to use me as your ultimate weapon or something. You know, like a typical anime mentor villain would do."

A proud smile emerged on her face. "No. Because I've been planning much much worse than you could ever imagine."


The next thing I heard was her gentle laugh while looking at my horrified face. 

Yeah, just laugh, Lady.

I'm starting to think that she really enjoys seeing me having a heart attack.


(Third Person)

Several distances away from the small park where Casimir and Tanya were in. On top of a huge establishment tall enough to be used as a platform to watch the 2.

2 people were watching from afar, with their eyes directed at them.

"So, you sent a Marionette to search for me and call me here... just for this?" Mehrad's sleepy eyes darted to the person sitting at the edge of the building.

With a smile, Leo shifted his face at him. "You should have seen them earlier in the marketplace, they're quite fun to watch." Leo's lighthearted laugh echoed as he turned his eyes back to the 2 people in the park. "I didn't know that Boss is into narcissistic, white-headed women."

Mehrad exhaled and removed a leaf dangling on his shoulder. "I see. So, you've got a lot of free time in your hands, huh?"

"Hah? That's the only reaction I will get?" Leo stood up and turned his back on him and proceeded to walk away while scratching his head. "You are no fun at all. I'll just go find Rumble and Jabez. Go back to the forest and continue your nap or whatever."

Mehrad watched him walk away. After a few seconds of silence, he turned his gaze towards the 2. Slowly, the gentle wind swayed his long wavy scarlet red hair while his face was showing no sign of any emotion.

"The devoted outcast fairy and her unbelievably adored fallen angel." He mumbled. "Magerna, I know you can hear me. May I ask, what were you planning when you decided to intertwine their fate? Because if I'm gonna be honest, with this combination... all I can see in the future is a catastrophic disaster... a pair of ticking time bombs."

His eyes darted towards Casimir who was laughing, in front of him was Tanya, expressing a genuine smile on her face.

A gentle smile emerged on Mehrad's face.

"However, who am I to judge? Besides, I would definitely love to see where this is going."

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