I Am An Imitator, Don’t Show Me Your Skills

Chapter 44: Vow

Chapter 44: Vow

A race who were born to destroy, with only their insatiable bloodlust as their drive of existence.

Is that what kind of person I have become?

I leaned my hand on the stone barrier of the terrace I was in and looked up at the starry sky. It's already midnight but I couldn't sleep.

Maybe because the impact of the events happening in my life is finally kicking in.

It's funny how I took this long to finally realize it, just after I recognized what I have lost. 

Compassion and sympathy. The only difference I have to the real meruems is I lived the entirety of my life having those emotions within me, so I know how it feels to have those, and I know how to act as if I still have them.

And besides, I can't feel extreme bloodlust within me. I can't feel the thirst for destruction or death, however, the thought of killing someone doesn't faze me anymore.

At least, I'm still not a walking killing machine who has an overwhelming urge to destroy everything, I guess?

I walked out of my room and checked Misha in the room next door, she was already sleeping.

At least, she has no problem with being accustomed to this grandiose mansion.

I walked out through the dark corridor. All the lights were already turned off but navigating through was not a problem due to the corridor being just a straight path and after a few minutes of walking, I finally reached the kitchen to drink some water.

The light of the kitchen was already on when I arrived, I walked inside and found someone.

Tanya was sitting on one of the wooden chairs next to the black stone Island table. She's holding a glass of milk in her hand and wearing a violet pajama that greatly complements her now loose hair due to her headband no longer being there to hold them.

"Can't sleep?" I said as I poured a full of water in a glass from the pitcher on the island table.

"So you are. Do the things I said to you earlier bother you?"

"A little bit." I sipped my glass of water.

She slowly repeatedly nodded and shifted her eyes on me. "Tell me, where are the meruems have been hiding all this time?"

"I'm afraid I can't answer that question."

Because even I don't know the answer to that question.

She nodded and drew a circle on the lips of her glass. "How many of your people still left, are you the only one left?"

I put the glass I was holding down and exhaled. "How many of us are still left? I'm the last person you want to ask that question. I don't know where they are, or how many of us are still left. Who knows because I can't tell."

She paused and remained silent for a few seconds before flashing a proud smile. "Hmph, as if I would have any concern about your vicious tribe. Even if there are still plenty of your people around or even if you are the only sole survivor, it doesn't concern me at all." He drank the glass of milk bottoms up in one gulp.

"Do you want to go out for a while?"

She looked up at me and wiped the line of milk on her lips. "I don't mind."

She walked past me and I followed her towards one of the balconies of the second floor of the mansion. The moment we reached the place, she walked towards the stone barrier and stared outside.

I leaned my hand on the barrier while standing beside her and looked at the scenery of the town from afar. The entire town was filled with darkness with little to no light everywhere, everyone was already asleep.

Now that I think about it, this faction is striving on its own without the help of anyone, and changing its already great leadership is truly unnecessary.

"This place looks beautiful."

She nodded. "Indeed."

"I would say, it's all because of you."

She veered her narrowing eyes on me. "What do you mean?"

"I just thought about it. You know most of your employees' names and when they need something, you would definitely come to aid them. Your people adore you a lot."

"It's my responsibility, what about it?"

"I'm just wondering, why have you just given up your leadership to me? Based on what I can see, you're doing a really good job on your own. To be honest, now that I think about it. I can just give your faction back and just sign an alliance with your faction. So you can help me out with how I could change half of the town under my leadership. Giving away your faction that you worked hard for to prosper is a bit superfluous, no? I have decided, First thing tomorrow I will transfer back- ah!"

But the next thing I felt was a hard flick of a finger on my forehead, that I immediately covered as I jumped out.

"What the hell was that for?" I protested.

However, when I shifted my gaze on her face, she's pouting her lips while narrowing her eyes.

"I did all of this for you and that's the answer I would get in the end? How disappointing, you are disappointing, Casimir."

"That really hurts, what kind of fingers do you have?"

"Why did you say that?"

I stood up and faced her, on the other hand, she looked up and glared at me.

Man, she looks genuinely mad.

"Look, I just thought, you have the quality of a great leader, I can't think of any reason to take that leadership from you." I rubbed my forehead. "Wuh, I think my skull cracked."

"I will only tell it to you once, so listen carefully, you unappreciative meruem. This faction and all of the things inside of it, It all belongs to you... and always for you, I made this place what it is right now, not for anyone but you. The only thing you need to do to show appreciation for my hard work is to use this place I built for you to achieve your goal. I don't care what goal it is, whether it is a peaceful town where every race could live in harmony or a conquering empire that would soon crush every nation in existence. All I want is to see it realized with me at your side as one of the most vital parts of how you achieved it."

She raised her hand, I thought she was going to flick me again but she just touched the part of my forehead she flicked using her index finger and pushed my forehead away.

I immediately raised my head back and faced her. "Oy, aren't you abusing my kindness a little bit too much?"

She smiled. "And besides, I am not a good example of a great leader. A great leader should never show his own weakness to anyone. Don't be like me. If you want to make a great difference, be better."

This girl. She's an enigma.

"What are you laughing at?" She asked with such irritation on her face.

"Forgive me, it's just, the thing you just said is completely out of your character. Did you just humble yourself?"

Her eyes enlarged as she gasped. "How dare you. Are you trying to start a fight?"

I properly stood up and faced her. "I still don't get what you are planning to do, but I'll take your offer and play with your plan. But keep in mind that once I take over, you can no longer take your leadership back."

She crossed her arms and looked up. "I'm not planning to."

I nodded. "But, I will say that I greatly disagree with one thing you just said. You are the very embodiment of a true leader. And if I'm going to follow someone's step for my future leadership, it would be you."

She paused for a second and just stared into my eyes. "You are insane."

"Maybe I am. I will learn from your good example and will become a better leader than you are today. How's that sound?"

A smug emerged on her face. "Awfully egotistical, but I'll take it."

I raised my hand and patted her head. "And I'm expecting you to teach me the way."

She nodded, however, at the same time, she removed my hand on her head while looking at me with her narrowing eyes.

"We are not that close yet."

I smiled. "Yet?"

"You know, sometimes, you really are pretentious." She said as she rushed inside the mansion.

"Goodnight, Tanya."


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