I Am Doing Daily Tasks in the Wizarding World

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Lynn made his way down the wooden stairs and back into the first floor room. He gently rubbed the cover of the book, feeling the rough texture of the leather that seemed to hold the weight of history within it. As he opened the book, Lynn realized that it was a diary of sorts, written in a similar style to a journal.

“7th Era of Wizard Calendar Year 4670, the 5th day of the 13th month,” the diary entry began. “Today, I attended my first class on mutation studies at the academy. Unfortunately, the class had already been going on for a month, and there were many technical terms that I did not understand. But I will study hard, as this qualification cost me a whole ten magic stones.

“Harin told me that my little sister’s condition is likely due to a curse related to mutation infection. As long as I study hard in this class, I can find a way to restore my little sister’s health.” 

Lynn’s eyes flickered with interest at the mention of the 7th Era of Wizard Calendar. He had never heard of it before. Was it a unit of time used by wizards to record time? 

He didn’t know, but he was familiar with the 13th month. When he first arrived in this world, he found it strange, but he quickly understood that in this world, there were thirteen months in a year, with each month consisting of exactly thirty days. In other words, this world had a total of 390 days in a year.

It wasn’t a big deal to get used to it. After all, it was only a difference of twenty-something days from his past life. However, the mention of the academy and the course of mutation studies suggests that there are places where wizards can learn knowledge in a way similar to a school.

It was hard to believe that his teacher, Angley, was actually an “academically-trained” person. He thought Angley was a rogue wizard.

Lynn continued reading down the page. The rest of the book was just Angley’s annotations on some mutation terms. From the handwriting and layout, it was not a one-time record, but more like a daily entry.

“7th Era of Wizard Calendar Year 4670, the 10th day of the 13th month. 

With the help of Harin and by consulting relevant books in the library, I could barely understand what the teacher was saying. I had a fruitful day, and I was happy, but my little sister’s condition was not optimistic, time was running out, and Angley, you had to master more knowledge as soon as possible. That’s your only little sister, and she can only rely on you.

I liked it here, but I also hated it. Here, I could access a lot of knowledge, but it was also very indifferent. Almost all communication between people followed the rules of wizards— the exchange of interests, without any personal feelings.”

Hmm, indeed peeking at the teacher’s diary was much more interesting than dry knowledge.

It was hard to imagine that his cold and aloof teacher had such a youthful side.

As the diary progressed, the diary entries became fewer and fewer, with most of the content being notes compiled by Angley. Most of them were about the knowledge related to mutation studies, from entry-level to in-depth, gradually deepening. Lynn was fascinated and gradually deepened his understanding of mutation studies.

He gradually understood the content of mutation studies. Mutation studies was a relatively broad discipline in the wizarding world, and they are twins with bloodline studies, like the connection between biology and chemistry, and they are inseparable from each other. A master of mutation studies must also be a master of bloodline studies. Conversely, a master of bloodline studies must also be proficient in mutation studies.

This was because there were various creatures with extraordinary powers in the world, and they widely existed in various planes, while possessing various magical powers.

Research, analysis, transfusion, replication, mutation, and evolution. It seemed that Angley’s research should be on a kind of bloodline potion similar to that of the lizard-man. 

As Lynn continued to read, a line of black characters suddenly appeared in the corner of his eyes— “Learned mutation studies, opened the Life Occupation panel.”

Lynn opened his attribute panel and was surprised to find that there was indeed a new section, Life Occupation.


Level: Level 2 (1/100)

Physical Fitness: 1.32

Mental Strength: 2.0


——Earth Ring Meditation (7%)

Life Occupation:

——Level 1 Mutation Studies (1%) (0/10)

General Experience Points: 90’

There was a plus sign after mutation studies.

Lynn discovered that his general experience points could be added to his Life Occupation.

Ten experience points were not much, and he could earn them back in a day.

After thinking about it, Lynn chose to allocate ten general experience points to mutation studies.

The number (10/10) flashed briefly and then returned to (0/10), but the level of mutation studies in front increased by 2%.

Could ten general experience points earn 1% progress in mutation studies? Lynn thought— Wouldn’t he have to pay a tuition fee of 1,000 general experience points to break through to level 2 in mutation studies?

No, he already knew 1%, so he should only need to pay 990 general experience points in tuition fees. Plus, he could continue to learn and increase his progress by acquiring knowledge. The tuition fees wouldn’t be that much.

The next moment, Lynn felt something strange. A clearness swept through his mind as if a door had been opened.

As someone who had already started to practice meditation, he was more sensitive to spiritual things than ordinary people.

A large amount of knowledge leaked out from a door-like existence. This was originally an intangible thing, but it unexpectedly turned into another form of tangible knowledge.

Lynn closed his eyes and savored it for a while, organizing the knowledge in his brain. Then he opened his eyes, and a hint of inexplicable expression flashed in them.

Interesting. It was indeed knowledge related to mutation studies, and it was something he had never encountered before.

From the level of this knowledge, it seemed that they were all at the beginner level of mutation studies, and didn’t involve anything too advanced, which was perfectly suited for Lynn’s grasp. It was a gradual process of filling in the gaps and making up for deficiencies, supplementing the knowledge he had already learned.

However, because he only had 1% of the knowledge, many of the things he had learned were only superficial and not systematic.

It turned out that mutation studies belonged to life occupation. But what about bloodline studies and alchemical studies? Were they also included in the life occupation? And what was the main occupation?


The night was chilly.

At the foot of the mountain, a hunter dressed in animal skins wielded his machete to cut off the thorns along the way, while speaking to the two people behind him. “I’m sure that the footprints I found last time when I went hunting on the mountain led in this direction. I remember there’s an abandoned little house over there that used to be haunted and that’s why it was deserted. Those missing people might have been abducted by ghosts there.”

Behind the hunter was a group of more than ten people.

Behind the group stood the members of the town security team, arranged in two rows, each of them carrying a musket and wearing leather armor. They held torches in their hands, illuminating the surroundings. Leading the group was a figure clad in a suit of tinplate armor, holding a small oil lamp and carrying a broadsword on his back.

Despite being fully covered in armor, the leader walked briskly as if the armor on him was made of paper instead of metal.

The hunter led the way, and the others followed behind.

This mountain was located to the east of the town and had few visitors, except for hunters and herb gatherers who occasionally went up the mountain.

“Is this the house you were talking about?” 

Outside halfway up the mountainside, the members of the town security team gazed at the dilapidated house before them.

The fences outside had long since decayed, the yard was overgrown with weeds, and the exterior walls of the ramshackle wooden house were covered in ivy.

Not a single sign of habitation could be discerned.

“If you dare to deceive us, you’ll be done for!” One of the constables, carrying a musket on his back, growled menacingly.

They had climbed such a long distance, coming up the mountain in the middle of the night. They were not here to engage in some haunted house exploration.

In the dead of night, deprived of sleep and brought up the mountain by the Lord Knight, they dared not harbor any discontent towards him. However, this hunter— as long as he wanted to continue living in the town, he had to submit to their authority.


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