I Am Stuck In A Beta Test For 1000 Years

Chapter 395 396

Chapter 396. Ninja Blade, out!

'Is it cognitive interference?'

Ninja Blade said in her heart.

He dragged Mount Meru, which weighed at least 80 kilograms, and followed behind the two people with difficulty. Fortunately, his physical fitness had improved a lot recently, otherwise, he really wouldn't be able to carry this big brother.

After crossing two streets, they entered a café. However, both the passing cars and the customers in the café turned a blind eye to this unusual scene.

If they were not blind, then their sense of existence must have been taken away.

It was not common for a drunk to be dragged along by a high school student.

Similarly, it was impossible for the black and white girls to not attract any attention.

There was only one explanation for all this, and that was cognitive interference.

He remembered the quest that most players had done-which obviously had the intention of pinching him. It was about a delusional village girl and the Knight who protected her.

A village girl from South Sea County claimed that she could see a Silver Cross Knight wearing retro hollow armor and a horned helmet. The people in the village said she was crazy. However, if the players investigated according to her seemingly crazy ravings, they would find that it was not sleep talk at all. There really was such a Knight spirit, but he had been cursed by the wilderness witch and deprived of his sense of existence. Only this foreign village girl could see him.

In that series of missions, the only way to complete the mission was to remove the curse. In order to achieve this, he had to let people see this Knight.

The player who first discovered this mission took a lot of detours. He mistakenly thought that Knights were invisible or crossed planes, so he used many conventional means, but he couldn't complete it.

Later, with the help of his friends, he found traces of the Knight's rescue in the village. All the signs showed that the Knight had died in battle to protect the village and became a dead soul. However, the strange thing was that the people in the village did not remember this at all. What they remembered was specious-there was also a Knight, but he did not die in battle. Instead, he left calmly after exterminating the bandits.

Later, the truth of all this was excavated. It turned out that the people in the village were afraid of the return of the bandits, so they had to agree to the bandits' request and betray the Knight who had saved them. As a result, the Knight died and became a dead soul.

In order to get rid of the guilt in their hearts, the villagers chose to hide this fact. Everyone avoided the past and fabricated a hypocritical truth. They believed it without a doubt and subjectively erased the ghost Knights from their lives. Only the crazy village girl remembered all of this and kept it up.

As for the witch's curse, it was just another explanation to cover up the lie.

Although the witch was fake, the passive spell of cognitive interference was real, and the villagers had completed this spell by accident.

This was the second time Ninja Blade had seen such a spell in a long time, but it was outrageous in this situation...

This was the reality...

Was this still earth?

This... Was he an alien?

What kind of superhuman development was this...

He suddenly regretted calling his sister.

"We're here."

The leading lady in black found a seat and sat down. She raised her head and smiled at him.

"Yes, it's cognitive interference," She said.

Ninja had just put down Mount Meru, and when she heard this, she was so shocked that she almost jumped up.

[Oh no, I think I'm being read?]

"Yes, it's mind reading," The other party replied.

Ninja was speechless.

"I noticed that you have some problems with your oral expression, so you can just ask in your mind." The other party smiled and pointed at his heart.

"I can hear you."

Ninja pondered for a moment, suppressing her shock, and asked, "Will my sister be alright?"

"Other than the young man who was treated as a troublemaker by the police, there shouldn't be any other problems."

Ninja heaved a sigh of relief, then asked in her heart, "Then what's going on? About this game, the Illusion Workshop, Moon... And most importantly, who was Big brother Char? Who are you people?"

Then, he looked at the two of them with a very serious expression.

The two girls didn't look much older than the girls from Pie. The one in the white dress was talking to him and looked gentler, while the one in the black dress was very cold.

Black dress tapped on the table and asked, "It's October 2019 now, and there aren't even many proper VR games on your barren planet, but there's 'fantasy world'. Don't you think that its appearance is a kind of technical... Jump?"


Ninja was suddenly stunned.

It was as if someone had poured a basin of cold water on his head...

It also felt like she had missed a step when she was dreaming of going down the stairs at night...

He suddenly woke up.

"That's right, such visible technological progress was actually not discovered by anyone, and no country or consortium was aware of it... Even "fantasy world" was only released in a small area and hadn't even gone out of the country."

Was this reasonable?

This was clearly unreasonable!

And, most importantly...

Even he only realized this problem after being reminded by the other party.

"This, this..."

When she thought of the cognitive interference that the other party had previously displayed, small blade suddenly felt her mouth go dry.

His mind was blank, and he almost lost the ability to think.

Could it be... Could it be that they had cast cognitive interference on all humans?

[You still say it's not an alien invasion?]

"It's probably what you're thinking, but don't worry, we're not alien invaders like those in science fiction stories, let alone conquerors. Strictly speaking, we can't even be considered as 'individuals' with independent wisdom. We only exist in front of you because of our unfinished mission... Also, please rest assured that due to the fundamental difference in the structure of each individual's soul, our spells can't directly affect you..."

Ninja suddenly raised her head and looked at her.

"But you brought me here without anyone finding out."

"It's because our spells don't work on passers-by, but on you. So, there were no police cars or records, and you didn't go to the police station. On the way here, no one saw you enter this café. This is a sense of existence deprivation."

White dress replied, "You are special, you are players, and you are connected to that place. Just like a piece of iron that has been placed in a magnetic field for a long time, it can also possess magnetism for a short time."

"You said that our spells can only be used on the things we create, " another person explained. for example, the 'illusory world', you who have an affair with it, and this guy..."

She pointed at Mount Meru.

"But he's not as deeply affected as you are, so his body instinctively resists our spells. This is the difference between the two worlds.

"So, the 'illusion world' didn't attract widespread attention because...

"That's because we tried to minimize its presence. Except for the advertisement of the illusion workshop, which attracted a lot of attention in a short time like 'X-vision car', the spell made everyone forget about it as soon as they turned around...

The people who were about to post a discussion were attracted by the pop-up advertisement, but they couldn't find the real 'close button' despite being harassed. They simply closed the browser in anger and forgot about it. Those self-media outlets that were planning to write articles clicked into the comments they had just received and 'greeted' each other enthusiastically with the critics. They didn't even remember what the article was. The netizens who tried to repost the post slid their hands and touched the group message. They were so immersed in appreciating the post that they forgot what 'Fantasy World' was...

After we were deprived of our sense of existence, thousands of such things happened almost every second. Thanks to your world, where information spreads at an amazing speed and has a huge amount of information, we only used some simple means to block its channels of circulation and recruited enough 'players' to participate in the experience.

After that, you will be assimilated by 'there' and become the carrier of the spell. You will be able to achieve a closed cycle.

Ninja's mind was spinning quickly, quickly digesting this increasingly shocking fact.

He had picked up something from the other party's words.

First of all, according to them, the cognitive interference only affected one thing and one person, not the world on a large scale.

For example, the appearance of the fantasy world did not cause much of a stir because 'Fantasy World' itself was not easy to pay attention to and had a low sense of existence. This probably explained why such a powerful thing was only discussed as a scam for a while when the advertisement was released. The popularity quickly faded, and even after the game cabins were delivered one after another, it did not cause any sensation.

This was exactly what they wanted-to let 'fantasy world' have a certain scale of publicity and attract 'players', but not too much attention.

So, what did they want players for?

"I'm sorry to have caused you to worry. As I said before, we really have no ill intentions."

The girl in the white dress looked a little helpless.

"It's hard for me to explain to you why we're doing this, because we don't know the reason either... We are only executors, with the mission of correcting mistakes in time, and do not have the authority to explain. Everything that happened today was to prevent you from being involved."

"After all, the waves caused by a player's death can't be dispelled by spells."

Hearing this, Ninja seemed to have understood something.

What they meant was that if the news of rippling moonlight's death was made public, the turmoil it caused would be enough to break through the cognitive interference that was added to the illusion world.

It sounded a little like the hatred points system... Although actions with lower threat values would attract the monster's attention, it would not care as long as it was distracted for a moment. However, if they were closely watched, no matter how hard they tried to interfere, they would not be able to divert their attention...

"That's what you think, but we can guarantee that moonlight's death was not part of our plan. It has nothing to do with us..."

"Weir, you're being too irresponsible."

"I'm sorry, Noir, I know. was wrong..."

The girl in the white dress, who was called Weir, stuck out her tongue, "We promise you that nothing similar will happen again.

What? Wait...

Ninja's eyes instantly widened.

It sounded like they were not the owners and managers of the 'Fantasy World', which meant that they were not' fantasy workshops 'yet?

In other words, this was not a boss yet.

But this time, in the face of his question, neither of the two, who had the ability to read minds, gave any explanation. Little Ren took this as a form of tacit agreement.

Since 'error correction' was mentioned, it meant ... This was a loss of control.

His heart skipped a beat at the thought of this.

"Then, then, what about big brother Shaya?"

Xiao Ren stammered.

The girl called Xiao Wei shook her head.

Little Ren thought that she was unwilling to answer this question, but in the end, her answer was very straightforward.

"I don't know."


"I'm sorry, but we only found out about the name 'Shaya' after investigating ripples of moonlight," Vivian said apologetically. We don't even know him as well as you do."

But how was that possible!

Big brother Shaya, this person who was obviously a cheater, actually had nothing to do with the 'illusion workshop'?

"That's the truth, I'm sorry. We know nothing about what happened in the 'illusionary realm', and we know nothing about the name you mentioned ..."

Xiao Wei said helplessly as she tapped her head with her finger.

you probably haven't realized that you're not talking to an 'intelligent life entity', but another existence ... For example, a puppet with a high-level response mechanism. However, this involves information of a higher level of authority, so I can't explain it. "

Xiao Ren did not dwell on this question. He quickly digested the knowledge he had just obtained, and then threw out the last question, or more accurately, a series of questions.

"Then how are you going to deal with this? Should I and Mount Meru hide all this? When will your 'plan' end?"

The two girls looked at each other. Although they had different looks and different emotions, they both showed an expression of " it has come to this ".

Then, they answered in unison.

"I don't know."

- Alright.

Xiao Ren was not surprised by such a straightforward answer.

"Do you want any compensation?" Xiao Wei suddenly asked.


Little Ren was puzzled. Could it be that they could provide her with intelligence assistance like big brother Shaya? But they sounded more like a crisis public relations department outside of the game ... It can't be financial compensation, right?

"Compensate ... Compensate?" He could not help but ask.

"Yes, compensation." Xiao Wei suddenly hesitated,"after all ..." After all, from today on, you and Mount Sumeru can't log in to the game."


Xiao Ren stood up.

"I can't log into the game?"

In his excitement, he did not even stammer when he spoke.

"I can't leave this place either." "This is to protect the two of you," the girl in the black dress said coldly.

"Are you kidding me? I, I, I ..."

"And your sister. If you're thinking about her safety, then don't try to affect her. Whether she and the people around her can continue to come online is also up to you. In other words, you have enough information to destroy 'fantasy world' itself. You will be isolated as a virus, and the scope of your action depends on your cooperation."

"T-T-T-T-T-this ... How could this be? I, I, I ..."

"I'm sorry," Xiao Wei said helplessly. We have our own difficulties, please believe us, otherwise we will use some 'unnecessary' means to deepen the cognitive interference on you ..."

Under such a serious gaze, Xiao Ren slowly fell silent.

He understood that this wasn't a joke.

He and Mount Meru seemed to have touched some taboo.

If he continued to pursue the matter, the other party would really lose patience and use the so-called " deepening " method to strip away the memory of this game ... This was not what he wanted to see.

Moreover, the other party's request seemed to be trying his best to prevent the two worlds from being easily connected ...

In other words, he was already out.

As compensation, it was what he had just heard ... It was more like a part of the 'truth'.

At this point, it seemed that he could only accept it, but fortunately, they did not seem to have any ill intentions ...


"Yes, you're out. This was one of the rules of the game. As for whether they are eliminated or not, it's up to you."

The girl in the white dress noticed his thoughts and added.

"H-he, where is he?" Little Ren pointed at Mount Meru and asked.

"I'm afraid he won't wake up until this matter is over." he's been exposed to too much, " Xiao Wei said apologetically. it's hard for him to reach an agreement with us ...

Little Ren could not help but frown.

"You said you wouldn't hurt me."

I have a feeling that this matter will be over soon. With his body and the medical standards here, he should be able to hold on. "If you don't worry, we can give you an address and you can take care of him," said Xiao Wei.

As expected, it was not that simple ...

Little Ren could not help but sigh.

He suddenly felt that the burden on his shoulders was a little heavy.

Not only did he have to trick his sister, but he also had to settle down his family in Mount Meru.

Most importantly, he couldn't log into the game.

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