I am Succubus!

92 – Finding Costumes

92 – Finding Costumes

Mio and I stopped by the auditorium to find the drama club in a brainstorming session on the stage. The building was a large empty hall about the size of the gym, but this was dedicated to any special events like listening to the principal deliver a speech, or holding career fairs and graduation ceremonies. When it was not in active use, some sports clubs made use of it. The kendo club had on occasion used it in the past, too.

As we approached the stage, it was becoming evident we had walked into an argument in the making.

"A school play has to be Romeo and Juliet!"

"Ugh. That's so overdone. No one cares about two suicidal teenagers."

"Yeah. Let's do something unique like a fantasy epic!"

"How about two childhood friends sent to another world, but they end up fighting for different houses. Both are in love with each other, and when they try to escape by faking their deaths, accidentally drink a poisonous magic potion?"

"That's just Romeo and Juliet with extra steps, you idiot!"

"But it's fantasy!"

The drama club was headed by third year Enomoto Takagi, a theatre buff. He sat at the center of the stage, listening to his members bicker over what play to perform with a smile on his face, nodding every so often like they were making progress.

From what I heard, they took their club activities pretty lax. A lot less than academic or sports clubs like my kendo club. The whole point was to nurture a love for all things theatre and express oneself through acting. 

It actually sounded a lot of fun, and was one of my top choices of clubs to pick when I entered Tsukiji. We're all afforded one lifetime, but actors had the rare opportunity to experience so many different lives. Of course, my masculinity crisis led to me choosing the more physically-oriented alternative.

"I'm glad our class is more a thousand times more united over what they want than others," I remarked, amused at the drama club going around in circles.

"I think fantasy's a good choice!" Mio shouted, butting into their discussions. She then turned to me and lowered her voice. "We need them to pick fantasy because it'd be easier to find them costumes at Isekai Gohan."

"That's uncharacteristically clever of you."

"Don't underestimate how intelligent I can be to get what I want." She smirked.

Takagi grabbed his director's seat and moved it closer to the edge of the stage in order to sit in front of us.

"The Ito cousins, Saeko and Mio. What do you two say about becoming the stars of my grand play for Culture Day?" the director of the drama club asked.

"Hard pass." I put a hand up.

"Is there a sex scene?" Mio asked.

The girls turned bright red, and the boys shot projectile blood from their nose. Takagi was unfazed.

"Hm. If it's for the sake of art, a romance culminating to a climatic, passionate sex scene is worth getting suspended over…" He seriously considered the idea, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

His club members, having come to their senses and not wanting to be in the same boat, crowded around to shake him in his seat.

"Well, I don't want to be suspended!"

"Me, neither."

"My parents are going to be here!"

"Stop giving them weird ideas. We have our cafe to worry about, so don't even think about joining the drama club." I elbowed Mio in the ribs. 

"Shame. You two would've been the perfect duo for a fantasy Romeo and Juliet. Then what did you come to us for?" Takagi asked.

We explained the costume situation to Takagi and his club. When offered to get them costumes from Isekai Gohan in exchange for taking their spot in the tailoring club's worklist, they appeared a lot more enthused than I expected.

"It's a good deal to me. The sooner we get our hands on costumes, the sooner we can do dress rehearsals," he said.

"Does this mean we're doing the isekai Romeo and Juliet?" one of his members asked.

The club president nodded. "Executive decision made by moi! Let's get to adapting the script for a fantasy setting. To your stations, everyone!"

Takagi had his costume manager write us a list of outfits they would need. It was incredibly detailed, even listing secondary and tertiary alternatives if the first wasn't available. At a glance and from what I remember, most of the costumes listed were available at Isekai Gohan.

Now we just needed to go visit our old workplace.

"Hey, hey. Let's go now. I'm hankering to get a quickie in with Kotori," Mio said, tugging on my sleeve and eliciting a very heavy sigh from me.

Since it was still early in the afternoon, we let Rika know where we were going and took a train to Sannomiya Station. Kotori, still dressed in her signature maid outfit, advertised and solicited potential customers outside. Her smile never failed to light up the room. It was no wonder she was assigned to the post of attracting people.

"Kotori!" Mio snuck up and groped the poor maid's breasts from behind. "How's my slutty maid doing?"

Well… she attracted a lot more than she bargained for.

"Mio, Saeko! Did you two come to visit— eeek!" Kotori jumped as Mio pinched her nipples underneath the outfit and was beginning to attract customers for a very different reason.

"Alright, Mio. Let's drop the sexual harassment before we get in trouble," I warned.

"But she's consenting." Mio licked Kotori's neck. "Aren't you?"

"I'm…oh, mmh… consenting…" Kotori answered, getting red in the face.

After almost bringing Kotori to a climax, Mio stopped short of letting her orgasm to tease our former co-worker further. Now her nipples were erect and visible under her cosplay, legs trembling, and red up to her ears.

"We gotta talk to the others. I'll be back for that sweet ass later," Mio said as we entered Isekai Gohan.

"But I was… so close…" Kotori squeezed her legs shut and watched us go inside.

The cafe was bustling more so than ever since mine and Mio's summer stint here. Isekai Gohan's popularity skyrocketed and has been featured on magazines for lists of places to visit in the city. There were even pictures of us plastered on the wall, a reminder of all the embarrassing costumes we wore back then. By the looks of some new faces girls in costumes serving people, the place went into a hiring binge to keep up with the fame.

"Saecchi, Miocchi! It's about damn time you two showed up!"

Before we knew what hit us, Taira swept Mio and I off our feet, throwing an arm around each of our shoulders and bringing us into a bear hug. However, it wasn't her Magical Girl Rose persona that greeted us. This time, she was wearing a men's butler costume.

"It's good to see you again, too, Taira." I tapped her arm in submission. She might as well be dressed as a wrestler with that vise she has on us.

We explained to Aya and Taira why we came, and both of them were more than eager to help. They left the cafe in the capable hands of their new hires and took us to the break room. It was nostalgic being in here. There were even more costumes than ever before, likely purchased after we had left.

"Culture Day, huh? That's so nostalgic. Taira and I also did a cosplay cafe when we were in high school. That's actually what got us into this gig to begin with," Aya explained, resting her chin on her hand and reminiscing of old times.

"I'm sure the manager wouldn't mind lending our cute juniors some costumes. Gives me a chance to see you two in cosplays again when I come by to visit your cafe." Taira winked at the both of us.

"Do you mean it? We can choose any costumes we want?" I asked.

"Hell yeah. Just give it your all for Culture Day. I want to hot ass pictures with you two," she said.

It felt good to have senpais looking after me again. As a third year in high school, there wasn't anyone around your age older than you anymore. I'd become the person juniors came to for help.

First and second years could always go to their upperclassmen for advice. Having people as reliable as Taira, Aya, and Kotori, all three of whom were like older sisters when I was working here, to ask help from was refreshing. If I had senpais like them once Mio and I entered college, it would be a lot easier to get accustomed to a new setting.

"Hey, check me out! I bet people at school will get a kick outta this." Mio dressed herself in a dominatrix rubber suit. She held a whip in one hand and twirled a ball gag in the other.

"You guys really went out of your way to buy unique outfits, didn't you?" I asked Taira.

"We have to appeal to all different tastes and fetishes. Some people like getting dommed. You should try it sometimes, treating people like dirt beneath your feet." She grinned.

"I'll… think about it…" I gulped hard at the temptation.

We spent a good hour combing through the wardrobes and lockers for outfits that fit the drama club costume manager's list. Taira suggested us certain costumes over another, and Aya found us a suitcase to store everything in. Mio was especially insistent on bringing the dom suit and maybe, a part of me did, too, which might have been why I acquiesced.

As we're taking the train back, I couldn't get what Taira said out of my head. Was domming people that fun? I'd been both the top and bottom when it came to sex, but the whole dominating persona… could I even pull that off?

If I asked Mio, she would probably teach me all I needed to know on the subject matter. The thought of taking control of someone's pleasure… denying them an orgasm and having them beg me for it… using a whip like Mio's to strike people's asses until they turned red...

"Sniff. Sniff. Hoo-boy, are you getting horny," Mio said, leaning closer to taking a deeper whiff.

"W-What did I say about sniffing me in public?" I glanced up and down the car. There were several salarymen sitting scattered, most of them were knocked out, catching what little sleep they could get.

Mio suddenly left her seat to sit on my lap. She rubbed our noses together, brushing our lips so close that they barely touched and teased me to close the distance.

"There's too many people around. We shouldn't…" I said, even though I knew we could and still get away with it.

"We've been dating for how long now? And I can only count the number of times we had sex on one hand. Feels like that number could be a lot higher, don't you think?" She winked, kissed me once, and dropped down to stick her head under my skirt.

I covered my mouth as soon as Mio's hot tongue brushed against my underwear, pressing so hard like she wanted to break through the fabric. Instead, a single finger hooked around and pushed it aside enough to expose my pussy to the invading piece of meat.

"Haahh… Mio…" My hands found purchase on her head underneath my skirt.

Worry began to grow as our train stopped at a station. Not our stop, but one of several before we reached our destination. Commuters poured in to fill the seats or stood by the entrances.

Fortunately, since the train was mostly empty and we were by the end of the car, no one sat by me. I positioned the suitcase to shield our lewd act so that it mostly covered Mio and my legs. But it was wholly obvious what was going on to anyone keen enough to pay attention. Mio and my magic emanated to make our presence to them less known, but that didn't make it any less embarrassing. I was being eaten out on a public train.

A shiver crawled up my spine as Mio's teasing side came into play by licking my thighs. The tantalizing bumps of her taste buds that dragged along my skin… I wanted it in one place.

"Damn it… either do it or don't do it," I said, chopping her head and eliciting from her a playful giggle.

"Kehehe! That's my girl. You want it bad, so I'm going to make you squeal," the vixen whispered, purposefully blowing a hot breath to my pussy.

I rolled my eyes, not realizing Mio meant good on her word. The tongue ran up along the folds until it reached my clit, where she began to make circles around it. Two fingers slipped into my pussy to tease me further, moving slowly to ensure that I felt every inch sliding in and out.

"Aahhh!" My brief scream of pleasure caused heads to turn. I pretended to sneeze into my elbow, and people went right back to ignoring us.

It'd been so long since Mio ate me out that the tickling sensation all over my body robbed my will to stop her. The way her tongue and fingers stirred my pussy, wracking me with pleasure, made me want to do more. 

However, any further would be bad, seeing as the train got fuller with each stop. Some people began to look my way, whether they suspected something or was just checking out a high school girl, I didn't know. Having people glance at me while being eaten out turned me on like crazy.

"Mmmm! You're gushing like a fountain now." She cackled quietly. "Take this— haampf!"


I didn't know how to describe what Mio just did. She pulled her fingers out, then clamped her lips over my pussy and penetrated me with her tongue. It wriggled like crazy inside, making me convulse uncontrollably, and I wasn't even cumming yet.

"Mio… Please, no more… I'm going to scream if you keep going— ahhh…" 

It was getting harder to think. My nipples had gotten hard. I wanted to squeeze my own breasts. My face must be completely red and drenched in sweat.

The train lurched to a stop, announcing the iminent approach of our station. Just as I was getting close from the pleasure building below me, Mio's tongue slipped out of my pussy. She returned to sit on my lap, her tongue dripping with my juices, and kissed me.

I tasted the sweet nectar from my pussy and her lips, but was left frustrated because Mio denied me the orgasm.

"Bully…" I pouted.

"Gotta have something to look forward to tonight." Mio smirked.

By the time we returned to school, it was well into the afternoon and getting dark. With fall upon us, the days were getting shorter while nights became longer. Aside from Halloween and Culture Day, it excited me that I'd get to spend holidays that were new to Mio. Christmas especially.

I always fantasized about going on a Christmas date. This year, I had a girlfriend to do that with. Although my experience with romance was limited to just the steamy portions, my teenage heart still yearned to make memories in my youth.

Though, knowing Mio, taking her on a date would end in only one way: sex. Honestly, it would be fun if it could just be the two of us hanging out. Like going to the park to see a big Christmas tree, exchanging presents… k-kissing under a mistletoe—

Wait. Why was I getting embarrassed from something as meager as a kiss? Mio and I had done more than that plenty of times already. These damn holidays with romantic undertones really set a different precedence.

I mainly wanted to make up for all the memories lost when we were stuck in the time loop. All those sweet moments we spent with each other that no longer happened. Nothing hurt more than being the only one who remembered.

My fantasies were cut short when we entered the auditorium to the drama club already in full swing, reenacting one of the climactic scenes of Romeo and Juliet.

"Mercutio, how is the wound?" a male student read off the lines from a script as Romeo.

Laying on the stage, clutching her chest and pretending to be mortally wounded, was Hana.

"Oh, I've been peppered, old chap! Look at this hole in my chest. Stab me a dozen more times and make swiss cheese out of me! Why the hell did ya come between us? I had him… in my… sights…" The pink-haired trickster recited a very liberal version of Mercutio's famous lines.

"Oh, no…" I put a hand to my face.

"Cut!" Takagi yelled into his paper megaphone. "That was perfect, Hana! I knew you'd make a great Mercutio."

"I got this in the bag!" She gave a thumb's up and flashed a fanged smile.

"Damn. Could be us up there. It looks so fun," Mio said, chewing her lip.

We off-loaded the costumes to the drama club, then the few at our classroom, and paid another visit to Yuriha. There were much less students now as most had gone home, but she was still diligently working on yet another outfit.

"If you two are back, I'm guessing you managed to grab some outfits from Isekai Gohan for the drama club. Right then, that frees up a lot of time for me. Next thing I need you guys to do is describe for me what to wear. You know what you want to wear, right?" Yuriha raised a brow.

Mio and I shrugged at each other.

"I'm not exactly the creative type," I said.

"Me neither," Mio added.

The president of the tailoring club sighed. "Pictures, trash drawings, something. Put words on a paper. Give me literally anything."

A light bulb went off in Mio's head.

"Kaede's really good at drawing. Let's get her to design something for us," she said, poking my sides.

"That's actually a good idea—"

Then it hit me.

Kaede was a great artist. But she also drew a lot of porn. Which could only mean one thing if we asked her to design outfits for us…

The impish grin on Mio's face told me this was her plan all along.

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