I am Succubus!

99 – Training with Selene

99 – Training with Selene

Selene and I flew out into Osaka Bay, away from the confines of the city and prying eyes. That way, we wouldn't cause any destruction to the local mountains or set any unwanted fires.

Both of us changed out of our clothes from school and into the outfit that came with the succubus form. I'd worn this for months now, but I still couldn't get used to it. The whole thing was just a piece of lingerie. The string panty kept kept running up my ass, too.

At least Selene's outfit was cool. Black leather boots and a one-piece waistcoat complimented her mature appearance.

"This should be a good spot," she said, turning to me. "I want you to fire a spell at me."

"That's it?" I asked.

Selene nodded.

Her back was in the direction of the open seas. I shouldn't have to worry about hitting anything past her.

Sexual energies coalesced and transformed into destructive magic in the palm of my hand. I launched a fireball at Selene, who simply floated a foot or two away to avoid the spell.

"Again. Try to aim where you think I might go."

In attempting to lay a single hit on Selene, I fired a volley of spells which she deftly avoided with ease and not so much as breaking a sweat.

"Hahh… How is… this supposed to teach me anything?" I asked, catching my breath.

Selene floated next to me and put a hand to her chest.

"You feel your magic within expended, yes? But that is not the end of it. The Blade of the First Temptress serves as another bank of sexual energy for you to tap into. Sometimes you find yourself accidentally using it. Like the time you created a time loop, or when you turned Kana into a girl," she explained.

"Both times were by accident though."

"Indeed," she continued. "Likely as a result of intense emotional feedback. That weapon is an extension of you and will respond to your deepest desires. Instead of your aura, focus on your emotions to draw out the sword's well of magic."

I shut my eyes and thought of the most important people in my life: Hatsumi, Mio, and Kana, the image of their smiling faces flitted through my mind. The first emotion that came to me was love. A warm and fuzzy feeling welled up within my chest. Then came the memories I had with them.

On the ferris wheel with Mio. Walking to and from the konbini with Kana. The time Hatsumi threw herself off the building.

As impactful as those memories were to me, I still couldn't feel the Blade's magic flowing through me.

"It's not work— haacck!"

A hand clenched around my throat. I opened my eyes to Selene choking the life out of me. When I tried to fight back, her free hand grabbed my wrists and faced them to the waters below where my spells exploded.

What happened? Where did I go wrong here?

Was Selene still after revenge for what I did to her? The scowl of a bloodthirsty killer stared into my soul.

I made the mistake of coming out here alone with the one succubus who was capable of killing me.

As my consciousness waned, so too did my strength to fight back. The faces of Hatsumi and Kana disappeared. Mio's was the only one left. The image of her grew more instant until she began to fly in my direction.

My hands clutched a soft, leathery grip. The glint of black metal shown in the corner of my vision.

I put all my strength into kicking Selene away, separating me from her grasp. A powerful flow of magic poured into my body, and I unleashed an incredibly large, cackling blast towards my foe.

Selene sunk her fists into the ball of energy that threatened to consume her whole, but she pivoted in place and redirected the spell into the ocean, temporarily creating a waterspout between us.


As I was about to fire another spell, Selene put both hands into the air in surrender.

"Wait! There was no other way to draw out your powers! I truly do not mean you any harm," she pleaded and bowed, extending her arms out to the side.

"It certainly felt like you meant me harm…" Keeping the sword trained on Selene, I rubbed my neck and grimaced.

The amount of strength she put into that choke might leave a mark.

"Tell me the truth, and don't you dare think to lie: Were you really trying to kill me just now?" I asked.

Selene winced as her eyes flashed a pinkish glow. My aura tightened around her like, like ten fingers reaching for her neck.

She sucked in a deep breath and answered, "No. I had no intention of killing you, my queen."

"Fine, I believe you." I sighed, loosening my aura's grip from her.

"Seems as though you are proficient in coercion," Selene remarked, hesitating to approach me further than my sword's reach. "I'm terribly sorry. If I had warned you beforehand, you might not have agreed to nor been able to make use of your true strength."

"The last thing on my mind as I thought I was dying… was Mio. But, ahhh! If I tell her, she's going to be like, 'heh, I knew you couldn't keep your mind off me,' and be all smug about it," I bemoaned my luck that she had to be the trigger in my life.

"Your imitation of her is so spot-on, I believe you that she would react that way." She chuckled.

Selene trained me until the sun set completely over the Pacific, and the light that remained were from ships passing by below and the city coming to life behind us. Even with my sword, I was little match for Selene. Our physical and magical strength were evenly matched, but her years of martial experience put her on a pedestal I couldn't reach. When it came to charming, my seductive powers were far superior.

"I'm reminded of the time you and Hana unleashed that gargantuan blast at me. It seems you can do it with ease, but hitting your mark without having others to hold your enemy in place is another story," she explained.

"If we keep training like this, I'm going to use up all the sword's sexual energy again." I vanished it from existence, embedding it back into my soul.

Once it was gone, however, I began to fall. "Oh, shit! Oh, shit! I'm out of juice!"

Selene swooped in to catch me, flying both of us back to the city and landing out of sight behind a convenience store. She used her magic to change our appearances back to that of a human.

"The more you train yourself to exhaustion, the quicker your body will become accustomed to using magic. Kana's change in gender can wait, but you may never know when danger requires your attention. Better to use that magic now in time of peace than in war," she said.

"I'm being lectured by the succubus who double-crossed both sides and lost both times." I folded my arms across my chest, but thanked her nonetheless for her service to me so far.

"I might not have made the most optimal choices in loyalty, but I fortunately still have my head. At the very least, you can trust in my experience."

We went into the konbini to buy a few things after I received a text from Hatsumi about groceries. Selene purchased for herself a pack of cigarettes and lit one as we walked home. She wasn't allowed to smoke at home because Hatsumi didn't like the smell of tobacco in or near the house. Being a faculty at Tsukiji High, she also wasn't allowed to be seen smoking either, and so her only opportunities were at night.

"Do you ever miss home?" I asked her. "I imagine there must be some among the succubi who don't like it here, seeing as most of you guys were forcibly transported here by Beatrice."

Selene took a long drag and held the fumes in her lungs for as long as she could before exhaling. "Most of us don't even know where home is anymore."

"How do you mean?"

"Don't know if Mio or the others have ever told you, but Elza isn't our true home. There are countless realms out there. A mad sorcerer from another plane— later became known as the demon lord— had ripped his armies from other worlds to do his bidding, we succubi being among them," she explained.

My worldview continued to be shattered despite how much time had passed since Beatrice was sent away. There were even more worlds than mine and Elza? Given the grand scale of our universe, it wasn't so outrageous.

I had thought aliens with advanced technology would invade earth first, not magic-flinging succubi and deranged demon lords trapped in a sword. Fortunately, both Beatrice and whatever was in the Blade were gone.

"What do you think about Mio? Could she ever be homesick about where she was originally from?" I pressed further.

"The concept of home is wherever we end up. I haven't thought of where I originally came from in ages, although that might not be true of Mio. She, like others, made the best out of an inconvenient situation and developed a different desire," she explained.

"Like her weird interest in sailing the seas even though she could fly," I added.

Selene shrugged her shoulders. The plastic bags in her hands crinkled as she adjusted her grip on them.

"If we're talking about weird, Hana's predilections are at the very top," she remarked.

Both of us shared a laugh. It was the most at ease I'd ever been with Selene since we first met in her hostess club. I guess even people like her could change for the better after enough time. Although in her case, it took a heavy hand.

The next morning, Hana came over to play since it was the weekend. Both Hatsumi and Selene had work over the weekend, and breakfast was left to us instead. Selene promised to train me further later in the afternoon once she returned, but there was no guarantee when it came to Tsukiji's faculty assignments.

"You guys won't believe what I got!" Hana exclaimed, bursting through the door with a package under her arm. "To the VR Xstation!"

"Sorry for the intrusion," Yumi said, entering much more calmly in comparison.

"Yumi, don't you have to be at the school with the rest of the faculty today?" I asked.

"I thought that, too. Naruse told me it was fine if I didn't come, and she could handle everything herself," she replied.

In the living room, Hana was tearing into the box and pulled out what looked to be a game-mat sized tablet. The screen was made of clear silicone and had a cable that connected to our VR console.

"What am I looking at?" Mio poked at the silicone material of the screen.

"Uwah-ha-ha! The next generation of fetish realization. Observe." Hana had brought an additional VR headset and pushed them into mine and Mio's hands.

We put them on as the console booted up. The first thing I saw was the digital black and blue grid-space that we were put in if there were no games in the tray. Yumi led me by the hand to lay down on the couch. Then she moved to do the same for Mio onto the other couch.

In the next moment, the scenery changed to a spa. We were inside a room filled with sand all around. Lying down next to me on a large beach towel was Mio. She turned to face me, losing patience for what Hana had to show us.

"Alright, are you guys ready?" Hana asked.

"Hurry up and show us whatcha got or I'm chucking ya out," Mio demanded.

"Here it comes," she said.

A shadow cast over my face. I glanced up to find two overlapping ovular objects slowly descending onto my face.

"What the hell am I looking at?" I cried, raising my hands thinking I could block it from coming closer. When I waved my hand through it, whatever it was distorted and disappeared.

On the other hand, Mio was intrigued. She was grinning as a CGI babe from her sex game stuck their butt out to her.

"Don't tell me you like this?!"

"Who wouldn't like a whole ass in their face? Them child-bearing hips and plump ass, this is definitely Yumi." She nodded to herself and gave me a thumb's up. "Now sit on my face!"

I took off the helmet to see Yumi shaking her ass on the tablet that Hana had brought.

"Yeah, I should have known where this was going," I groaned.

"Okay, wait. Give me another chance. I'll show you something better! Just put the headset back on," Hana pleaded.

"...Fine. But if Mio isn't throwing you out the window, then I will," I warned.

Sighing, I put the headset back on to give her a second chance too many.

Only to find a pair of feet and ten squirming toes in my face.

"HANA!" I screamed, ripping the headset from my face.

The trickster was flying in the air, wiggling her toes on the tablet.

"Uwah-oh." She tried to fly away, but I was faster to catch her. "Come on! Think about how many simps we can get with this. If all I gotta do is step on someone  for them to donate me their life savings, isn't their dream worth making come true?"

Hana wants us to be camgirls? The rest of my dignity would be thrown out the door. If I ended up on the web and someone finds my face, I wouldn't be able to charm them across the computer to keep quiet about it.

"You're missing an important problem. We're still in high school and will be going to college in less than a year. Something like being found out doing camgirl stuff is going to ruin my future prospects so no thanks," I said, putting her and my foot down on the computer.

"My dream… shattered by prudes," she muttered.

The other two succubi continued to fiddle with the Xstation, messing with the VR stuff that Hana brought. Mio still had the headset on, but she was sitting up on the couch.

"Yumi, put those titties to use for me!"

The matronly succubus lifted her shirt and bra to plant the pair of large knockers on the tablet.

"Ara, ara. Even though the real thing is right in front you?" She giggled.

"You, too, Saeko. Double-smother me with those titties," Mio demanded.

"I have a distinct feeling this is not what the people who created this intended it for," I said.

While Mio and Yumi were coming up with different ways to use the VR tablet, Hana watched from the corner of the living room with a dunce hat on her head. She squinted at each of us one by one and seemed to have come to a conclusion on something.

"Hrrm… Is it just me, or am I the only one missing something here?" she asked.

Mio lifted her helmet. The three of us glanced at Hana, then our eyes shifted to her chest.

"You're flat," she answered curtly.

"You're flat," I added.

"You're flat." Yumi nodded.

"OI, OI, OI! I'll show you flat!"

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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