I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 15 Applying For An Early Graduation

The summer is ending and with it, the summer vacations too. I should study the high school program so that I can apply for early graduation. I only have half a year before I graduate but I don't want to waste my precious time going to classes' Theo thought

The Gray siblings were currently having dinner after another session where Theo taught Aurora the 2 fighting styles, Krav Maga and Jiu-Jitsu.

Theo managed to be able to control his body without discomfort in these 2 styles. So now he was a full-fledged grandmaster in these styles. And now he could teach her much better.

Theo noticed that Aurora got some talent and she was progressing rather fast. He was happy that she was learning how to defend herself.

"Brother, I would like to ask something from you" Aurora said suddenly while looking down

Theo was surprised. Aurora seldom asked something from him. With their previous financial situation, she knew shouldn't ask for too much stuff from her brother.

But even though he was surprised, he answered without hesitation

"Sure, ask away"

"Brother, I have been thinking about all the amazing things you have been able to accomplish and I want to help you. But I don't know anything so I was thinking about transferring to a more prestigious school so I could learn more. I want to help you. But the problem is that the tuition fees of this school are a bit pricy." Aurora said in a low voice.

Theo felt emotional, his sister wanted to help him in his path to conquest. He got thinking. The school that they were currently studying wasn't that bad but it didn't excel in anything. It was the better school that his predecessor could afford to pay.

"Sister, you can ask me anything!" he exclaimed

"And of course, I can get you into this new school. Money isn't a problem. Tomorrow I am going to our high school to apply for early graduation. And while at it, I can apply for your transfer. You can contact the new school and start studying for the admission exam that I am sure is gonna be hard."

"If you don't understand some subjects, you can ask me. I can teach you." Theo said everything while looking tenderly at his sister.

Aurora was overwhelmed with a warm feeling in her heart as she heard her brother.

"Brother, I love you so much" she said while throwing herself in his arms.

"I love you too, cupcake" Theo said while hugging her and stroking her grey hair.

'More than anything in this world…" he completed in his mind

In the morning, Theo finished his sparring session with Akihiro-sensei early as the sensei needed to go somewhere else today.

Theo came to watch Aurora spar with the other students.

She was currently sparring with a boy that was around 10cm taller than her. But she seemed unfazed by the difference of physical prowess.

She was going around him while avoiding his grab. When he suddenly jumped on her.

But as he almost had her in his grasp, she turned sideways and got a grab of his extended arm, while her leg leveraged his leg. Making him fall to the ground. At this time, she fell to the ground while locking his arm in a lock with her legs. His only options were to admit defeat or he would break his arm because the lock she applied on him was capable of that.

He tapped her and she released him.

"Aurora, great lock" said the instructor to her

She was beaming with happiness. She never imagined one day she would be able to defeat someone much stronger than her.

Theo was watching everything unfold. And he was a proud brother of his sister. She was fighting against amateurs but she was getting experience. In a few more months she would be able to fight opponents with more experience.

Later that morning, Theo was in is his high school uniform, which looked too small for him.

'With all the changes I had this summer, it was expected this would happen' he thought

He arrived at his school. Currently, the school only had teachers frequenting it, as they prepared for the return of classes.

Theo came to the principal's office and asked for a meeting.

​ He waited for one hour until he was called.

Theo entered the office and saw a middle-aged bald man sitting behind a desk.

"Good morning, principal. My name is Theodore Gray, I am in my final year here and I wanted to apply for early graduation" Theo said directly as he took a seat.

"Good morning, Mr. Gray. I see you only have half a year before graduation?" the principal said while looking at his information.

"Yes, sir" Theo said

"If you asked me this at the beginning of the school year it would much more difficult but now that we are halfway through and the other students are more worried about college entrance exams. I can apply for an early exam for you and if you pass you can have early graduation. We still have 14 days before the classes return. I presume you can come here in that day and an Education Bureau examiner will oversee your examination" the principal said

The principal didn't think too much of it. Theo wasn't one of his star students so he could afford to lose some average student.

What he didn't know was that Theo was a completely new person and a genius for someone of his age.

"Thank you, principal" Theo said with a smile.

Theo always knew it wouldn't be too hard to apply for early graduation.

"Now I have something else to request you, sir" Theo said

"I want to apply for the transfer of the student Aurora Gray of the first-year class 1-C" Theo said.

"Only the legal guardian can apply for that" the principal said while shaking his head.

"I am her legal guardian" Theo said while he passed the documents that proved he was Aurora's legal guardian.

On the day his predecessor turned 18yo. The first thing he did was to start the process to be Aurora's legal guardian. As he was afraid that they would take her away from him. It was pure luck that they didn't receive a visit from the government regarding their situation. So, he had all the documents.

The principal looked at the documents somewhat surprised. He didn't expect this youngster to be Aurora's legal guardian. He knew Aurora as she was one of the best students of her year.

"Are you sure of that? She will have to readjust to her new school and that can be detrimental for her" the principal said in reluctance to let such a good student go.

"Yes, I am sure" Theo said curtly.

Theo knew what the principal was thinking but he would follow Aurora's decision no matter what.

"In that case, you can ask my assistant to start the transfer. Tomorrow we can deliver all the necessary documents to finalize the process" the principal said finally with a sign.

'Tomorrow I can get these documents and go directly to the high school Aurora wants to go to and apply for an admission exam for her. She said the name of the school was Yukihime High School." Theo thought as he exited the principal's office.

Later that day he was at the shop going through a plan of how to acquire the publishing house.

"Sam, I want you to start searching all the news you can about the Fuji Jump Co." Theo said to her as she entered his office.

"Isn't that a publishing house we searched it? Boss, are you really thinking of buying it?" She asked with some worry

She knew her boss was a business genius but the Fuji Jump Co. wasn't a good company to invest she thought.

"You don't have to worry. I know what I am doing" he said with a reassuring smile

She hesitated but agreed as she knew her boss liked to perform miracles.

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