I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 154 Back To Elffire City

Elffire City, Tokyo Animation Studios.

1 PM.

Theo parked his car in the studio's parking lot.

He got out of his car and walked into the elevator.

A while later, he arrived at the top floor of the studio.

This floor was reserved for the departments' heads to be at.

And as the Head Director of the studio, Ryoko's office was also on this floor.

Theo greeted Ryoko's assistant as he passed through her to enter the office.

The assistant was already briefed by Ryoko to be as respectful toward Theo as she was with Ryoko.

The girl didn't understand, but she figured that Theo was related to the owner of the studio.

Theo was please as he walked to Ryoko's office after he saw that all the miscellaneous jobs in the studio were filled.

Cleaners, assistants, security guards, and others. Job positions like these already had people working on them.

The studio only needed the employees responsible for the production of the animes.

But that would change soon.

Theo entered Ryoko's office and saw that she was working on some papers.

"Good morning, Ryoko!" Theo said with a smile.

Ryoko was taken aback by the sudden voice, but when she lifted her head and saw it was Theo, she smiled and said, "Good morning, boss!"

"How are you today?" Theo asked as he sat down on the seat in front of her desk.

"Great! I arrived from Sakura City at 10 pm. I came directly here from the airport to see the ending of the task." Ryoko replied.

"How was the trip?" Theo asked.

"It was a huge success, boss! I sent you the picture of the documents, but they are here. Let me give you." Ryoko replied as she passed to Theo the purchase contracts of the broadcast spots and building venue.

Theo took the documents and inspected them as he listened to Ryoko's explanation of how it went.

"Just like you said, boss. The Chrome Channel offered a contract without partnership. The contract is clean, so I signed after Mrs. Dixon said I could sign." 

"The channel requested for us to send the first episode for them to inspect, one month before the launching."

"After we finish our business with the channel. We went to the real estate agency to see the building. And it is a great building, boss. It fits our necessities perfectly. I signed the purchase contract of it afterward."

"Then I went to a renovation company to start the renovations of the building. These are the designs and projects that they did for the branch studio." Ryoko said as she passed a stack of designs and projects to Theo.

Theo looked at these designs and projects, he noticed that it was not the best, but he figured that his standards were too high.

And also this branch studio didn't need to have a top designer projecting it.

Ryoko looked at Theo with expectant eyes as he inspected the papers she gave him.

She hoped that she did a good job in the tasks he gave her.

Theo nodded and said with a smile, "You did an amazing job, Ryoko! I knew I could trust you into this position without worrying." 

Ryoko heaved a sigh of relief when she heard that.

"Thank you, boss!" She replied with a brilliant smile.

The two of them talked about the next steps in the studio after they finished the third phase of the interviews whilst they watched the candidates racing to finish their projects before 2 pm.

The two of them had to have a clear path after they hired these candidates, so Theo and Ryoko had a serious conversation.

At 1:55 pm, they saw the Umbrella employees warning the teams.

"Let's go to the auditorium?" Theo asked as he stood up.

"Yes, let's go." Ryoko replied as she stood up too.

They walked out of her office as they continued talking.

"Oh, I want you to try hiring a team of special sound effects production. But this is not an urgent task. We need them in 2 months." Theo said as he walked at a calm pace.

This team would be responsible for producing the normal sound effects of the anime.

Things like the sound of the characters walking, doors opening, fight scenes, and many other situations.

Theo initially wanted to do it himself, but this was a lengthy job that would take more time of his already tight schedule.

He figured why wouldn't he hire someone else to do it for him?

He had the money and the means to do that, so he decided to hire this team.

"Look for talented people for this position." He said with a thoughtful face.

"Yes, boss! I will contact some people that I know to look for these people." Ryoko replied.

Usually, when a studio produced an anime, they hire a third-party sound studio to make these sound effects.

But Theo didn't want to involve other studios in his productions.

And he already had a sound studio attached to the Tokyo Studios building that could serve to produce these effects.

If the others animation studios knew that he wanted to produce an anime alone, they would think he was crazy.

Theo would spend more than 5 million to launch his anime alone, while other studios would split this money between several studios.

For example, the anime A would be produced by 7 studios. These seven studios would each pay an amount to produce this anime A.

In the end, the profit from this anime A would be split between these seven studios according to the amount each of them invested in this anime.

But Theo was taking money from his own pocket to produce this anime.

He didn't really care if he lost money in this first anime, because the SAO anime would only be a springboard to make his studio earn tons of money when he launched his streaming service and the Naruto anime.

Both of them arrived at the auditorium at 2 pm, and they waited whilst they continued their conversation.

A while later, they saw the candidates entering the auditorium with tired faces.

"It seems that they are exhausted." Theo chuckled.

"Well, most of them didn't even sleep last night." Ryoko said.

They were both satisfied that they showed so much eagerness to get a better job in the studio.

After all the candidates got seated, Ryoko got onto the stage and looked at them.

The candidates had shining eyes even with their exhaustion as they saw their boss on the stage.

"Good afternoon, guys!" Ryoko said with a gentle smile over the microphone.

"I'm sure everyone here is exhausted so I will be short."

"The result of the third phase will be released on Tuesday at 8 am. In two days, all of you have to come here to see your results."

"That means you will have two free days to rest from this exhausting last week." 

​ "I hope when I see you all again on Tuesday, you will be an employee of this studio." Ryoko said with a gentle smile.

The candidates were a little confused but they heaved a sigh of relief that they would have time to get some rest.

All of them had extreme mental and physical fatigue.

Ryoko bade goodbye to them and left the stage.

The candidates started to stand up and walk out of the auditorium.

They only wanted one thing, to get onto a bed and sleep until tomorrow.

Theo and Ryoko nodded at each other and walked to her office.

Now it would be their turn to work.

They had to evaluate 35 teams.

Both of them were looking forward to seeing their projects.

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