I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 54 Food Critic Visit The Restaurant

Luis Pratt arrived at 'The Spark' restaurant and observed the surroundings.

He had to admit that it was a good location. The place was in an upcoming neighborhood with multiple parking lots for the client's vehicles.

He stopped at the front door of the restaurant and analyzed it.

'It seems a little simple, no?' Luis started criticizing already.

He entered the restaurant and the first thing he saw was the greeter counter.

'At least they placed the greeter counter is in the right place' he thought as he remembered some restaurants that seemed like the greeter counter was hidden.

"Good night, sir, how may I help you?" Caio, the greeter said.

"I have a reservation under Luis Pratt?" Luis replied as he looked at the surroundings. He noticed the waiting room and it was acceptable but not good in his opinion.

"Here it is. If you may, sir, you can follow our employee and he will show your table." Caio said as he pointed to Sarah, she was one of the employees responsible to show the clients their table.

"Okay, thank you." Luis replied.

"Follow me, sir." Sarah said with a smile.

She was already experienced at this job, and she loved it. Sarah was a college student that studied engineering at Bluecorn State University. But she didn't come from a wealthy family, and because of that, she had to work to complete her money for her monthly expenses. Her parents usually sent money for her, as they didn't live in Elffire City, but she still had to work.

She worked in multiple places but ever since she started working at the 'The Spark' restaurant, her life became much better.

She worked only at night when she didn't have classes. She had a great boss, that didn't abuse his employees. And on top of that, she received the triple of money she got from her last workspace.

Adding all these reasons, Sarah was great at her job because she was happy to do it.

Luis noticed that this girl seemed truly sincere with her smile.

'It seems the employees have a great attitude. Well, at least the ones I met until now.' Luis thought as he followed Sarah.

It was then that he entered the grand salon of the restaurant.

And he almost had a heart attack with what he saw.

He still followed Sarah, but he seemed in a trance as he looked at the scene.

He remembered the times when he was younger and went camping with his family and they used to have dinner with the starlight shining upon them.

He became emotional. He never imagined that a day would come where he couldn't think straight awhile evaluating a restaurant.

"Here, sir, you can have a seat." Sarah smiled as she gestured to a table.

"Thank you, young lady." Luis replied as he came back from his recollection of memories.

p A short while later, a waiter arrived.

"Good night, sir, here is the menu. If you have any doubts, you can ask me." the waiter said.

"Thank you." Luis Pratt replied.

Luis returned to his professional self and analyzed the menu.

He noticed that the menu had three options of meals. He also noticed that the menu contained information on dishes he never heard about it before.

"What would you recommend to me?" Luis asked.

This question was a trick question that he asked every time he went to evaluate a restaurant.

Because depending on the answer of the waiter, he would have a good or a bad meal.

If a waiter, who worked every day at the restaurant, didn't know which dishes were good. Or if the waiter recommended according to his taste and didn't consider the client's taste, it would be bad, and Luis would be writing bad reviews based on that.

"Sir, if you are up to something light and fresh, we have the Vegetarian Menu, even if you are not vegetarian, you will like it. If you are up to something more exotic and different. We have the Ocean Menu; this menu has unique and beautiful dishes with fresh ingredients from the sea. But if you want something with more taste, I recommend the Red Menu. This menu has the main course that is the most famous dish of the restaurant." the waiter replied to Luis, he didn't completely answer the question and opted for an introduction of the menus instead.

Luis had to admit that the waiter had the skills and didn't fall for his trap.

Luis thought for a moment and spoke.

"Give me the Ocean Menu."

He didn't opt for the Red Menu because 'you learned more about a restaurant from their less famous dishes'. This was a saying he usually says as he judged restaurants.

If even their medium dishes were good, it showed that the restaurant had great quality.

What he didn't know was that the 3 menus of the 'The Spark' restaurant were equally good. And the Red Menu was only more famous because it was different from anything else in the market.

"Thank you, sir, in a few moments your appetizer will arrive." the waiter said.

'The Spark' had a digital system. The waiters all carried a digital tablet that had a system of orders installed.

As soon the client ordered their dishes, the waiters sent the information of the menu chosen and the table that ordered the menu. The information was sent instantly to the kitchen, where a big screen was situated. The cooks could see the orders and start cooking much faster.

On the big screen, it could be seen which dishes they had to make at the moment, and which ones were late.

The cooks only had to lift their heads to see if there are more dishes to make.

When the cooks finished a dish, they ring a bell and the waiter would bring it to the right table.

It made the service of the restaurant take a great leap of quality.

Luis was at his table, and he observed the salon.

He noticed that the salon was full of people, it did not exist an empty table.

He also noticed that clients were full of smiles as they ate.

'At least, the others are enjoying. Let me see if you can make me bend.' Luis thought playfully.

7 minutes after he ordered, a waiter arrived with his dish.

Luis was surprised by their speed.

'It seems that the kitchen is doing a great job with the speed. But let me if they are doing a good job with the taste.' he thought as he thanked the waiter.

He observed the dish, and it was beautifully presented, he had to admit.

It had seaweed and fried shrimp, he noticed.

Luis wasn't much impressed. It was common to have an appetizer like at sea-themed restaurants.

But as he ate the food, he froze.

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