I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 68 Being Interrogated


"Drop the gun! Drop the gun!" four policemen shouted as they got out of two police cars. 

Hammer froze. 

How could it be? He and his goons only arrived here 5 minutes ago, and the police already were here. 

It did not make any sense! 

But what he did not know was that before leaving the restaurant, Theo called the police. 

He said that armed men were coming for him and asked for the police to arrive as soon as possible. 

Theo exaggerated a little, but he was thankful he did. 

Because indeed armed men were coming for him. 

The police were arriving by the restaurant when they heard the shots.  

They drove speedily towards the sound, and that was how they found the scene in front of them. 

"Drop the gun or we will shoot!" one policeman said. 

Hammer woke up from his reverie, and immediately dropped the gun. 

He did not want to get shot. 

"Knees on the ground and held high!" another policeman shouted. 

Hammer did as he was told, and shortly after he was handcuffed and thrown at the back of the police car. 

The policemen started to check the scene and found Theo behind the car. 

Theo was with his hands behind his head. 

"I am the victim!" Theo shouted. 

"Mr. Theodore Gray?" a policeman asked still holding his gun. 

"Yes, I have my identity here." Theo replied. 

They checked and verified that Theo was indeed the one that called them here. 

"Mr. Gray are you okay?" a policeman asked after they verified his identity. 

"Yeah, but you must check that guys' accomplices. I was able to knock out two of them before the last made me hide behind the car because of his gun." Theo pointed at the location where Pipe and Horse were knocked out. 

The four policemen were surprised that there were still more bandits, and the victim was able to knock them out. 

They looked for the rest of the bandits and found them unconscious on the ground. 

It seemed that this Mr. Gray knew how to fight. 

They woke up, the unconscious bandits were handcuffed by the officers before throwing them in the police car. 

"Mr. Gray, you will have to come with us to provide clarification at the police station." the policeman said. 

While they were leaving, Theo saw cars from the forensics police arriving at the crime scene to collect evidence. 

Theo followed the police cars and arrived at the station. 

First, the three bandits would give their version of the story. 

Theo waited around one hour before he was called to testify about his version of the events. 

Theo entered a typical interrogation room. 

It was a small room with a table at the center and a mirrored glass by the back. 

Two detectives were already there. 

"Good evening, Mr. Gray, how are you? My name is Detective Aalto, and this is my partner Detective Mikoto." a middle-aged man said when Theo was seated by the table. 

"I could be better. It is a pleasure to meet you both." Theo smiled. 

"I imagine. How about you tell us what happened?" Detective Aalto asked. 

"Well, everything started yesterday. I was leaving a company that I own when I felt someone observing me. The feeling continued when I left the restaurant where I work as a head chef last night." 

"I drove in a strange path and lost my pursuers. It may sound unrealistic, but I do have this high perception. I am practice martial arts and I developed high senses" Theo said with a calm voice. 

"Do you have any proof of that?" Detective Mikoto said with a harsh tone of voice. 

Theo was a little taken aback by his tone of voice, but he still maintained his calmness. 

"Yes, I frequent a martial art dojo every day early in the morning. If you go to the Titan Dojo, the sensei there will say that I spar with him daily." Theo replied with a calm tone of voice. 

Both detectives were a little frustrated, Theo did not lose his calmness even once. 

"Well, moving with the story, today when I was about to leave my restaurant. I felt that something was going to happen. I assumed the attackers were armed, and because of that I called the police." 

"When I was about to get into my car, I heard a vehicle driving at a fast pace in my direction. I assumed that they were armed, and I ran away. I hid away from them." 

"They got out of the car while holding guns. And because of the guns, I could not fight them openly. So, I separated them, and I knocked two of them. But in the process, the last bandit cornered me at the car. And it was then that the police cars arrived and took down the last bandit." Theo finished the explanation of the story with a still calm tone. 

The two detectives looked at each other and nodded. 

"Mr. Gray, do you have any guesses about why these men were after you?" Detective Aalto asked. 

"Honestly, I don't have any idea about it. To steal my car? To kidnap me?" Theo said with a thoughtful expression. 

"Talking about the car. How can you afford such an expensive car?" Detective Mikoto asked rudely again. 

Theo did not mind the rudeness and replied with a still calm tone. 

"I am perfectly capable of affording this car. My restaurant profit is in millions of dollars every month. But answering your question. I received this car as a gift from a friend." Theo answered. 

"Who is this friend?" Detective Mikoto asked again rudely. 

"I don't think my friend has anything to do with this crime, right?" Theo asked while looking at the eyes of the two detectives. 

"Am I being charged with something here? Because if it is this situation, I would like to ask for a lawyer. I don't like when someone accuses me of something I did not do." Theo said with his still calm tone, but now his voice exuded coldness. 

He did not like the attitude of these detectives. 

"No, no" Detective Aalto laughed. 

"You are not being charged with anything. Can you wait a little? My partner and I will talk outside." he continued. 

"Sure." Theo replied. 

The detectives left and Theo kept his calm demeanor while seating in the interrogation room. 

"I don't like this guy." Detective Mikoto said with a snort when they were outside. 

"I hope you don't do anything illegal just because one of the bandits is your cousin." Detective Aalto said with a serious tone. 

"I know." Detective Mikoto snorted. 

While they were talking outside the interrogation room, inside the office of the station's chief a phone rang. 

"Hello?" the chief answered the phone. 

"Commissioner? Yes, sir!" the chief became deferent and answered with respect. 

The Commissioner of Police of Elffire City was calling him! 

This was the boss of all the police departments in the city. 

"What? Yes, sir! Consider done, sir!" the chief answered and hang up the phone. 

He quickly stood up and walked fast towards his secretary. 

"Joan, is there any Theodore Gray here today?" he asked the secretary. 

"Wait a sec, boss." the lady replied. 

After a minute, the secretary found it. 

"Boss, Theodore Boss suffered an attempted murder by three gang members. The bandits said that they were only after the car but one of them shot at the victim according to surveillance cameras." 

"Detectives Aalto and Mikoto are taking the testimony of the victim now. But it seems that they are making it hard to the victim. Do you want me to call them?" Joan, the secretary, reported. 

The police system had an advanced system, and she could see that the victim was being held in the interrogation room for a while. 

"Those little sh#%$&" the chief cursed and quickly went towards the interrogation room. 

Joan was surprised, her boss seemed to be nervous. And the cause of it, it was the victim in the interrogation room. 

Detective Aalto and Mikoto were about to go back into the interrogation room and ask another series of difficult questions when they heard someone shouting their names. 


They turned their heads and saw the station's chief walking towards them with a furious face. 

Their faces became pale, they were not able to even answer and froze on the place. 

 "Would you like to tell me why are you holding the victim of an attempted murder in the interrogation room?" 

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