I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 71 Culprit Arrested


Sunday, October 18th

Sakura City, West Martin Street, 39.

Peter Green was enjoying his Sunday to take a rest from work.

Last days with the whole trip to Elffire City to poach the Naruto's mangaka, he was exhausted.

Especially after the rollercoaster of emotions after Sayuri threatened him with Corporation Espionage, and his subsequent act of threatening Theo to join his publishing house.

Peter was reading a book on the balcony of his apartment while enjoying the view of the apartment. It could be seen a park nearby and the high sky buildings far away. This apartment was costly just by the view.

As the editor manager of the Fury Jump, he could afford such a place.

Suddenly, Peter heard the doorbell ringing, he was confused. He was not expecting visitors.

He looked at the clock.

'1:32 pm'

'Who would visit unannounced just after lunch hour of a Sunday?' Peter wondered as he walked towards the door to answer it.

Peter opened the door and became even more confused.

Two police officers were at his doorstep.

"Mr. Peter Green?" one of the officers said with a serious tone of voice.

"Yeah, how can I help you, officers?" Peter asked warily.

"You are under arrest." the officer signalized to the second officer to handcuff Peter.

"What? Why?" Peter turned pale, as he asked while the officer handcuffed his hands.

"We have a warrant for your arrest in your name emitted by the Elffire City Department of Police by the crimes of Making Threat to Kill and Attempt Murder."

Peter started sweating a cold sweat as he heard where this arrest warrant was coming from.

'How did they find out?'

'Those bastar** must have sold me out!' Peter gritted his teeth in anger as he was guided towards the police car.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you." the officer told Peter his rights as they walked.

Peter was crestfallen, all he wanted to do was save the company he worked for his whole life.

But now he was going to jail.

Similar scenes were happening with George and Josh. But they were only being charged by being accomplices and facilitation.

Their charges were lighter compared with Peter's.

But still, both were terrified, they regretted not saying anything when Peter started with his plan to threaten Theo.

The three of them were conducted directly to the airport, where they would be transported to Elffire City.

The Sakura City Department of Police would only make the arrests, but they would leave everything else to ECPD (Elffire City Police Department).

At the end of the afternoon, the three men arrived at Elffire City for the second time in one week.

But this time their arrival was multiple times more miserable, they arrived as prisoners while being charged with multiple crimes.

The three of them were conducted to the police station that was taking care of the case.

And it was the same police station where Theo gave his testimony, and where Hammer and his goons were detained.

The police took great care while transporting them, to not let them talk with each other.

They did not want Peter to coerce the other two to not talk with the officers.

"Mr. George Takeda, right?" asked Detective Aalto, as George seated with a nervous face in the interrogation room.

Detectives Aalto and Mikoto were again interrogating.

"Yes, sir." George replied nervously.

"It says here that you are just normal editor of a publishing house from Sakura City." Detective Aalto said as he looked at the document that was in front of him.

"Yeah, I am just an editor, sir." George replied as he gulped.

"Now, would you tell me how a 'simple editor' is facing multiple charges? Including facilitating an attempt to murder?" Detective Mikoto asked with a fierce tone of voice.

"Hmm, sir..." George could not even articulate a word.

"Now, let's calm down." Detective Aalto smiled at George.

He calmed a little when he saw Detective Aalto smiling.

"Now, why don't you tell us what happened from the very beginning?" Detective Aalto asked still smiling.

George hesitated; he did not know if it was wise to tell the whole story.

"Mr. Takeda, you must think well about what you're going to say. If you don't tell us what happened, your charges may go from accomplice to perpetrator. And the sentence to this crime is much harsher." Detective Aalto said with a chilly tone of voice.

George gulped down a mouthful of saliva, he was having cold sweat as he decided to tell the truth.

"Well, it all started when my boss decided to come to Elffire City to poach an author from a local publishing house..." George then proceeded to tell how Peter was the real perpetrator of everything.

He even told them how they committed corporation espionage.

That came as a surprise to the detectives, the water was deeper than they imagined.

George finished his statement telling them that the bandits would contact them when the job was done.

The statement was so complete that the detectives only had to ask a few questions to clarify some points.

Detectives Aalto and Mikoto asked an officer to guide George back to the holding cell and bring John to take a statement too.

John's statement was basically the same as George's.

John was even more frightened; he was only an intern editor.

He regretted applying for an internship at the Fury Jump.

He was so afraid during the interrogation that he provided evidence of all the things Peter ordered him and George to do while in Elffire City.

Detectives Aalto and Mikoto were pleasantly surprised as they got evidence to corroborate their case.

Now, there was Peter left to interrogate.

But even if they did not interrogate Peter, they had all the evidence necessary to charge Peter with multiple crimes and sentence him to a lifetime in jail.

"Mr. Peter Green, right?" Detective Aalto asked as Peter was seated in front of the detectives in the interrogation room.

Different from George and John, Peter was calm.

He calmed himself while he was being transported over.

Peter wanted to deny everything, he thought that they did not have evidence.

He did not think that his subordinates were already arrested, and already told the police of everything that he did.

"Yes, it's me." Peter replied calmly.

The detectives were a little surprised by his attitude, but they did not think much of it.

"It says here you are the editor manager of a publishing house from Sakura City, right?" Detective Aalto asked.

"Yes, that's right." Peter replied.

"Could you tell us why you came to Elffire City last week?" Detective Aalto asked.

"I wanted to poach a mangaka into the company I work for. But I was not successful." Peter replied.

"So, that was why you tried threatening him?" Detective Mikoto asked suddenly.

Peter was taken aback by the sudden direct question.

"I did not do that." Peter said as he denied the accusation.

"So, after the author refused to go with you, you left Elffire City without doing anything?" Detective Aalto asked with an amused smile.

Peter turned a little nervous when he saw the detective's amused smile.

"That's right." Peter answered.

"Aalto, that's funny, don't you think?" Detective Mikoto said that, but his face was serious as ever.

"Yeah, I think so too." Detective Aalto said with his amused smile.

Peter gulped down anxiously.

'Do they have any proof?' Peter thought.

"Mr. Green, you said you did not do anything. But why do we have multiple evidence that proves that you contacted gang members to threaten Mr. Gray? We have statements from your employees George and John also saying that you did that." Detective Mikoto snorted with a cold voice.

Peter turned pale the more he heard what the detective talked.

'I am doomed...' Peter's confidence and calmness broke at that moment.

"Would you like to tell us the truth?" Detective Aalto said again.

Peter had a dead expression when he replied.

"I would like to ask for my lawyer." It was all that Peter managed to say.

He knew he was the principal perpetrator of the crime, and the more he talked, the more his situation would worsen.

The lawyer would not help much him, but at least it would not worsen.

The detectives nodded and asked for an officer to take Peter back to the holding cell, they could not ask more questions to the suspect after he asked for his lawyer.

But they did not expect a confession either, they had all the evidence necessary to convict Peter.



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