I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 89 Designing The Animation Studio

Theo was at his office working on the anime studio building.

He wanted to design and project the building as soon as possible.

He did not want to build the whole edifice from scratch as he did with his restaurant.

The whole studio building would be much bigger than his restaurant, and to build such an enormous edifice would take time.

His idea was to renovate an existing building to house the studio.

The time to complete the construction would be significantly less.

And time was essential, he wanted to establish his Studio as soon as possible.

There were four anime seasons per year.

Winter season (1st quarter) from January to March.

Spring season (2nd quarter) from April to June.

Summer season (3rd quarter) from July to September.

Fall season (4th quarter) from October to December.

And he wanted to launch his anime in the Summer Season, which was astonishing fast.

Usually, animes took more than one year to be produced. But Theo wanted to produce a complete anime in just 6 months!

Even though it would be difficult, Theo was up for the challenge.

He was different from his competitors, he had money and he was not stingy to invest money to accelerate the production.

Theo spent the whole day of Thursday designing his anime studio building.

He designed workspaces with the latest equipment for the animators.

Including Animation Large and Small Hardware.

When it's said about "Small Hardware" it is about the things the animators often will bring to work that animators wouldn't normally keep at the studio. Things you'd stock at home to continue your work if need be. These are tools that every animator should own.

But Theo wanted to provide top-quality equipment for his employees.

In the small hardware, it is included stylus pens, graphic tables (small and big), and animation gloves.

The stylus pen is used directly on computers and tablets. Drawing with a pen on paper is timeless but unfortunately leaning towards becoming an outdated medium in some circles. A stylus pen is a tool every animator needs.

Drawing on a computer or tablet using appropriate software to make things easier is a skill you will need to acquire sooner rather than later, and having the ability to adapt to work in any studio is practically a necessity.

The graphic tables are brilliant tools for working in the digital animation scene.

The small one is tablets and the big ones are more specialized and with more features.

Animators' gloves or drawing gloves have proven to be invaluable tools for those who work long hours. They assist with avoiding excess sweat on equipment and reducing friction between you and your work surface.

Our skin produces natural oils that will transfer onto your working surface. Wearing gloves will help with preventing the transfer as well as ensuring a level of comfort for your hands

The big hardware is the furniture, the sorts of things you use to kit out an animation studio that the individual animator needn't often worry about.

For example comfortable chairs, desks, and drawings tables.

He also designed conference rooms away from the working area.

Meetings can sometimes be a tedious part of any work experience, but in a professional studio environment, having a space to brainstorm and discuss clients, pitches, and briefs can really help smooth out the process.

Meeting spaces are often used to showcase the project's progress and allow for a place to show off the animated segments of the project, the animation concepts, and animatics as well as many other things related to the current project.

Having clean and spacious meeting spaces are thus paramount in ensuring people are at the very least content with being there, and able to voice ideas and contribute in a secure and comfortable environment.

He also wanted to project showrooms with TVs and projectors.

And obviously, the latest generation of computers for the anime to be produced.

'The recording soundtrack section of the building needed to be designed too' Theo thought.

The soundtrack of an anime is essential to make it a success.

The right voice actors, the right songs, the right sound effects, and many others.

So, Theo wanted to have a section in his studio responsible for that.

Most studios choose to hire independent recording studios and the Voice Acting Union when they produced animes.

Theo did not want to hire recording studios for his animes, he knew exactly the soundtracks of his animes so he did not need to hire others.

But he would need to contact the Voice Acting Union to look for voice actors for his animes.

The problem was that the union was located in Sakura City, but he would establish his studio in Elffire City.

Theo knew that would bring multiple difficulties to his studio, but he did not want to leave this city.

He would go through with it even if it was a dumb decision.

He did not care if others called him stupid.

Because the decision was the same thing as choosing to open an anime studio in Kyoto and not in Tokyo if someone compared to Theo's last life.

Theo stopped working on the project and looked at the clock.

'It is time to go to the restaurant' he thought as he stood up.

Today was the first day after Ayia and Shizuka left, and the kitchen was up for a challenge tonight.

Theo drove his car towards the restaurant and arrived after a 10 minutes drive.

He left his car and entered the kitchen by the back entrance.

When he arrived there he saw that everyone already arrived.

There was a nervous atmosphere around.

Theo just smiled and headed towards the changing room to dress his Chef uniform.

He dressed up and went back to the kitchen.

"Good evening, guys." Theo smiled at them.

"Evening, chef!" They replied.

Theo looked at them and observed.

Kimiko was fidgety, she was super nervous about working as the second chef.

This was the biggest responsibility she had ever had.

"I know you are nervous about cooking tonight. Your hands are trembling and your head doesn't think straight." Theo said as he looked at them, espírito Kimiko.

"But remember your journey to get here today. Remember all the times you missed something and made a mess while cooking. Remember all your mistakes. But also remember that it was those times that made the cook you all are today."

"Your journey made you amazing cooks. And that is why I hired you all. Because I believe each one of you are talented cooks."

"Today is just another normal day. Where you will cook with everything you got." Theo smiled at them as he gave a little speech.

All of them became a little emotional as they remembered their journey to get here.

Kimiko, Shoko, Lauren, and Max remembered their tough time to get into college, their difficulty following the university program, and their failure to get internships at the college city.

Gwen and Kin remembered their dream to cook and their tough times while working in small kitchens and desiring to work in a renowned kitchen. Their difficulty to survive while working all day in small kitchens and only receiving the bare minimum.

They were all motivated as they remembered that it was just another night; when they would put their hearts into the food.

Kimiko had shining eyes as she nodded with determination.

This would be just another cooking day, but it would mark her start as a chef!

She would give her everything to cook with excellence.

And that was what happened that night, even though it was a little difficult without Ayia and Shizuka.

They were able to complete the service without hiccups.

Theo was satisfied as he looked at their smiling faces after the service ended.

They were heading in great directions.

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