I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 97 Pedrarruna House I


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Theo hastily opened the system notifications.

[Ding! Project DREAMHOUSE Completed!]

[All construction are finished]

[Issuing the permits of the property]

[Ding! You received:

•Sale Deed;

•Mother Deed;

•Building Approval Plan;

•Possession Letter;

•Completion Certificate;

•Khata Certificate.]

[Acess to the property is available]

[Ding! You received:

•House System Code Password;

•Property Keys.]

Theo was ecstatic when he saw it was what he was suspected.

His house was ready!

After one month of planning and waiting, he could finally see his dream house.

He also noticed that the system was able to get all the permits necessary for his house to be legally available with the prefectural office.

He could not be surprised when he saw some permits.

Some of them were necessary for a supervisor from the prefecture to inspect the house, but he doubted that the system even contacted the supervisor's office.

He was surprised but he brushed away these thoughts.

'For the system, these little difficulties are trivial.' Theo thought.

He looked at the stack of documents and keys that suddenly appeared on his table.

These things were the permits and keys of the property.

Theo could not wait anymore, he had to go to his house!

He stood up and moved towards his bedroom to take a shower and dress clothes appropriate to get out of the house.

15 minutes later, Theo said goodbye to Mayia and headed out of the apartment.

He drove his car at the speed limit to get in his house as soon as possible.

After a while, he arrived at the street where his property was located.

Contrary to what looked ten days ago, it looked very different.

First, there was no sound of construction or helicopters flying around towards his property.

Second, his property now was surrounded by thick and tall walls.

If someone arrived at the end of the street they would not see the Pedrarruna Forest as it was like 10 days ago.

They would see walls in front of the forest.

Behind the wall, it was possible to see the tall trees and the hill towering over the sky.

But that's the only thing they could see, the walls and the forest.

It was not possible to see what was built on the property.

Theo admired the walls of his property with shining eyes.

These walls surrounded his property as it penetrated throughout the forest.

He specifically projected this wall with the most advanced security system he could project.

Throughout all the extensions of the wall, there were cameras, detectors of movement, high-voltage electrified walls, camouflaged walls.

Theo designed a security system to operate especially on these walls.

The cameras and detectors of movements could distinguish if a body that got close to the fence was a human or an animal.

If it was an animal, the system would try to divert the animals to get out of the perimeter of the property.

But if it was an unknown human, the security measures.

The electrified walls would be turned on and the spikes would come out of the fence to make it difficult for the intruder to climb up.

The walls also had camouflage to mix up with the surroundings of the forest.

It may sound like he took his security measures too excessively.

But he did not doubt that with his increasing popularity, he would face greedy and desperate people who did not measure efforts to get things done.

Theo valued Aurora's security more than anything, so he did not care if it was excessive.

Theo admired his walls as he stood in front of his property.

He walked through the front side walls extension, the part that was visible through the street.

He was nodded in affirmation when he finished his inspection.

It was not possible to see any of the security measures he put into these walls.

He walked back and stopped in front of a gate.

This gate was the entrance of the property.

There was a car entrance and a walking entrance.

They looked modern and fancy.

The car entrance was massive, even trucks were possible to enter the gate.

It had a silver color with the letter 'G' in the middle of the gate. (G from Gray)

Meanwhile, the walking entrance had the same design as the other one, it was just smaller.

There were was another thing that the two entrances had in common.

The two gates had a highly intelligent security system.

The system was able to use facial-recognition software to verify if it was indeed the owner of the property.

And also voice recognition and fingerprint recognition security measures.

Only the people registered in the system could enter the property.

If Theo or Aurora brought friends to the house, they would have to put the code in the display that was by the two gates.

There were two codes, the first meant that it was a normal situation and everything was alright.

But the second one meant that it was a dangerous situation. For example, someone managed to coerce Aurora to open the door of the house with a gun pointed at her. In this situation, she would put the second code in the display and several measures would be done by the system.

As soon as Aurora placed the code, the system would call the police afterward, the system would try to knock down the bandits.

When someone entered the property, there was nothing but a passage that was the access to the house.

But this passage was itself a security measure. In this passage, there were hidden stun guns and tranquilizer weapons.

As soon Aurora entered with the bandits, the system would proceed to knock out the bandits with the hidden weapons.

And this would happen in the car entrance and the walking entrance.

Theo took the keys and the code he received from the system.

As the system was not working yet, he had to configure it with his specifications.

Only the basic features of the system were available now, so he could enter the property with the keys and the code.

The key itself was another security measure.

If his power system collapsed, the solar panels and generators. The security measures around the property would stop working.

So, if someone wanted to get into the house, the keys were necessary.

But it would be almost impossible for his power system to collapse, he just used the keys to be safe.

It was also important to mention that Theo installed the third gate on the property. This gate could only be used in emergencies. It was located at the back of the property, inside the forest.

This gate was so camouflaged that it was impossible to find.

Theo did not want to have just one entrance to his property, so to be safe he placed one more hidden to the public view.

If somehow the front entrance of his property was surrounded, he could get away with Aurora by the back entrance.

Theo walked towards the walking gate and put the code in the display and the keys in the holes.


The sound of him putting the code on the display and the key turned sounded.


Suddenly, the silver door opened with a thud sound and Theo could see the passage to the access of the house.

He entered and closed the door behind his back.

Theo walked as he observed the walls of the passage.

'The weapons are really hidden' Theo thought as he looked for any signs of them.

All these security measures were deemed necessary to Theo.

Even if it was exaggerated.

Theo arrived at the end of the passageway, and he started becoming even more excited.

From now on, there would be fewer security measures and the house would start!

He looked at the scene in front of him and his eyes shined with excitement.



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