I Am the God of Games

Chapter 343 Ice Flakes

Chapter 343 Ice Flakes

Even as the undead elf smiled sinisterly, four long humanoid arms extended out of its back, with loose sheets of skin connecting each of them. With how it looked completely different from a bat, it appeared especially as bizarre as it was twisted.

And whether it was because of its frost magic or she was simply too frightened by its appearance, Eleena felt her entire body grow cold, and even forgot to fight back or run.

The undead elf was clearly no gentleman that waited until a magical girl finished her transformation. Before Eleena could break through here fear, the four arms behind it spread out and lunged towards the girl, moving as quickly as a tarantula on the hunt.

It was only when Eleena was at death’s door that she regained mobility, and her mind that had gone mostly blankly started moving again. Even if the Players could come back to life, to survive was a human instinct—and that wouldn’t change even after becoming a Player.

And in this split second, Eleena was bursting with survival instincts that she herself couldn’t imagine.

Giving up on casting any skill, she simply unleashed the holy light energy within her body as much as she could.

That energy stopped her enemy’s blow, even repelling it by a stride. In fact, the undead elf would have been blinded if it hadn’t lost its normal sensory organs too. Seizing the moment, Eleena rolled backward to distance herself away from the enemy, pulling herself together to cast several Spears of Victory in the process.

Even so, the seemingly stiff undead elf was much agile than she expected, and dodged every last one of her spear combos.

Eleena, keeping her surprise in control, promptly used another spell in Chains of Penance to limit her foe’s movement, but the undead elf simply conjured frost shields out of thin air to obstruct her effort.

With two attempts foiled, Eleena’s gap against the undead elf was shortened and her situation was becoming more dangerous.

Worse still, she no longer could use the holy light gimmick just now.

Eleena tried to raise a shield by instinct.

But even as she was about to cast it, she hesitated: if she used it again, she might be enclosed within thick ice like before.

And without the automaton drawing the heat away from her, she just might be blindsided just as she was about to break through the ice.

Nonetheless, that split second of hesitation afforded the undead elf a chance to burst forward. Its speed shot up in that instant until it arrived right in front of Eleena, and was close enough that raising her shield would be useless!

It seemed that she would have to use her equipment to withstand the brunt of its blow... but even though she was the Saintess-in-training, she remained a glass cannon with a low defensive buff...

But just when the undead elf’s over two-meters long arms were about to reach Eleena, a cold flash streaked through the air to cut down one of the arms and the skin around it. Green, pungent pus shot out from its wound, and the air was filled with the scent of a rotting corpse.

“Sorry I’m late!”

Joined the battle, Mufasa took a moment to adjusted his titled flatfish head mask, before staring at the undead elf which was hissing at him after having one of its arms chopped off.

Even though it wasn’t roaring, the sound that resembled a tire losing gas or a snake’s hiss was much more unsettling than a roar.

“Eleena, hurry off and get to shelter.”

“But I have the key to start the event, Mister Mufasa! I have to think of something to open the colossus!” Eleena told Mufasa instead of listening to him. “We would only stop this moving disaster from moving when we start the event!”

After all, it was obvious that the tortoise colossus which was modeled after the Elven Synchronized Intellect Nation (SIN) was more than what the Players could handle. That was why the better choice now was to follow the hint that the God of Games had given out earlier: start the Elven SIN quest and directly progress into the game event!

It was only then the God of Games who assigned the quest could take notice of the circumstances in the mortal realm. And being the medium of the quest, the tortoise colossus would definitely be restrained by the God of Games as well—or at least be prevented from reactivating and harm the fleeing citizens again!

While Mufasa wasn’t sure about the complicated specifics, he generally understood what Eleena wanted to convey. As such, he made up his mind after a short hesitation.

Keeping the undead at bay quietly with his sword, he cleared a path for Eleena. “I don’t know if it works, but I’ve found a totem that resembled a keyhole on the tortoise’s head. You just might open it if you go there.” “Thank you, Mister Mufasa!”

Eleena thanked him and started to run towards the direction he pointed.

Meanwhile, the undead elf seemed to have realized that Eleena was running to its treasured seat before. It hissed and started towards that direction, but Mufasa intercepted it.

The creature hence loosed a flurry of strikes which were easily parried by Mufasa, his deflection and parrying styles making it doubt its existence.

“With me here, don’t even think of leaving!”

Its irritation turning to rage, the undead elf lunged at Mufasa again—but despite its swiftness, its movement was quite crude and full of flaws in Mufasa’s eyes.

“It’s over-eh?”

And yet, just as Mufasa was intending to take one step black, wrongfooting its blow and take its head, he suddenly lost control and tripped backward!

If he didn’t promptly realize that something was wrong and rolled aside, the undead elf would have come close enough for an embrace to claim him.

“What the heck...”

When Mufasa rose to his feet again, he saw that there was a pile of ice on the ground where he had tripped.

But what was more astonishing that there was a frozen leg on its surface!

Quickly looking down, Mufasa only noticed then that there was nothing beneath his right thigh!

“Oh dang, my leg... but when the hell...”

But even before Mufasa could think about when he had gotten hit, the undead elf was attacking again. While he couldn’t attack with one leg less, Mufasa could still somewhat handle his opponent’s attack-but when he took notice of what changed around him this time, he noticed that there were many tiny ice flakes in the air.

Anyone’s body temperature would drop, their senses dulled if those ice flakes entered their body, rapidly frosting their innards alongside the cold air outside.

In fact, if Mufasa wasn’t a Player, his lungs would probably have frozen, suffocating him and directly killing him!

In other words, the ice flakes that wouldn’t have been seen without looking carefully had turned the tables instantly against Mufasa!

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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