I Became a 6★ Gacha Character

Chapter 103: In the Name of the Goddess 4

Chapter 103: In the Name of the Goddess 4

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: 5/Week Wed-Sun

Illustrations: Posted in discord.

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[Help streamer 'Han Se-ah' clear the main quest 1/1 CLEAR]

[Reward: Fragment of Information]

What's this? This makes no sense.

While riding the carriage back to the city, a hologram appeared before my eyes.

Perhaps the pride battle between the Magic Tower and the Knights Division has ended?

But more than the delight, theres confusion.

Why give me a mere fragment when it could have been complete information?

These sly developers...

They've segregated forum access rights from photo-taking rights, making it feel like they're upselling DLCs.

Now, it seems they're even dividing the rewards.

Ugh, it doesn't feel like we left for that long, why does it feel like we're only returning after such a long time?

Perhaps because we experienced something incredible?

Well, a baptism of divine energy... No one in my village, or this city, would have experienced that before, right?

While I'm glaring at the hologram, wondering what on earth the reward is, we naturally reach the city.

Descending from the carriage, I stretch with the rest of the party and head toward the guild.

Considering the time, we could head straight to the inn, but since Han Se-ah also knows that it's time to receive her rewards, the two of us naturally head towards the guild.

Seeing us, the rest of the party quietly follows.

"Hey, Hanna! How was Obernu Forest?"

"We completed the request. I'm not sure if I have to report on such personal requests though...

Ellis was there, holding her post in the late afternoon.

Whether it's due to the many things she has to take care of or her long hours at the guild, she always seems to be there when we return from completing a request.

Perhaps there was no precedent for an adventurer entering the Blessed Forest, as Ellis seems rather excited.

From the way she clings to Han Se-ah, bombarding her with questions, it seems like she was waiting for us out of personal curiosity.

"Can you tell me about the Blessed Forest? Did you see anything?"

"It was like a place from a fairy tale. No dangerous animals, only creatures like squirrels and rabbits approaching us. The trees were dense, but sunlight came through well. It made the forest look lush yet bright. And ripe tree fruits were scattered along everywhere.

"Really? Forests usually aren't so welcoming to humans."

The two engaged in friendly chatter, drawing the attention of the returning adventurers.

After all, a chat between the guilds popular receptionist and a rising star adventurer would naturally turn heads.

Regardless of the gathering attention, the two continue their lively discussion.

Quietly, other adventurers gather around neighboring tables.

Most are commoner-born adventurers, undoubtedly curious about the tales of the Blessed Obernu Forest, much like Ellis.

With the two beauties sitting at the table, happily engaged in conversation, and the various adventurers pretending not to eavesdrop while leaning in, someone lightly tugs on my sleeve.

...Hm? Whats going on?

Roland, after hearing the voice of the Goddess, how about we all offer a prayer at the temple together?

...I dont mind, but maybe we should ask the rest of the group?

Irene, who had quietly approached, began to whisper as if sharing a secret.

Her already soft voice had dropped even lower, as if she did not want others to know of our blessing.

...Come to think of it, Irene was the Saint Candidate.

I had briefly forgotten because of the fire-attribute disguised noble.

It's not every day a Saint Candidate receives a divine blessing.

'Wait a minute... Isn't this an even bigger deal...?'

A runaway crossdressing noble vs. a Saint Candidate who heard the voice of the Goddess.

Just stating them plainly, one could clearly tell which one was a bigger event.

How did I only realize this now?

I must have been too focused on Han Se-ah's stream.

When the chat was constantly yammering on about the fire-attribute sisters and the Goddess's divine energy bags, I didn't give it a second thought.

With my somewhat reluctant permission, Irene went through Grace and Kaiden to finally approach Han Se-ah.

Her small figure, tugging on Han Se-ah's sleeve, was unbearably adorable.

Of course, the impact of her words was far from that.

A temple visit? Sure, Im in!

Only then does Han Se-ah seem to remember her title of 'Saint Candidate', her expression subtly shifting.

It was a strange look, filled with contemplation and also expectation.

If she were still streaming, the viewers would probably have teased her for that strange expression for at least half an hour.

It was a godsend that she had ended the stream because the carriage ride was becoming dull.

[Han Se-ah's stream has started!]

[Return to the City! To the temple with the Saint Candidate?]

-A surprise stream at this hour?

-Ugh, shouldve turned it on when she was chatting with Ellis.

-Right, wasnt our Irene the Saint Candidate?

-Seems everyone forgot because of those divine energy bags.

-To be honest, they were amazing. Also a fun way to troll lol.

Thinking this would be good content for her stream, Han Se-ah goes live as we leave the Guild and head to the temple.

Viewers flood in, quickly discussing the stream title in the chat.

Everyone was enchanted by the ethereal image of the Goddess, but looking back a Saint Candidate and the Goddess it was a classic pairing.

Will the other sisters* believe me? My heart is pounding harder than when I went on school trips as a kid.

"They will. This happened in the forest blessed by the Goddess, after all."

A visibly excited Irene takes the lead, followed closely by Han Se-ah.

Seeing their excitement, Grace faintly smiles.

Grace probably thinks that Irene, being a young nun, is simply delighted by her spiritual experience.

The chatterbox Irene, the equally enthusiastic Han Se-ah, the warmly smiling Grace, and the amused observer, Kaiden - their steps were light on the way to the temple.

"Oh my, Irene? I heard you left on a request"

"We had some good fortune and completed it quickly, so I returned."

"What brings the rest of your party here?"

"We wish to offer a short prayer in front of the Goddess statue."

The one to greet our bustling group at the temple was a gentle nun.

She stood holding a rattle in one hand, likely just having finished attending to the children, a detail that left an impression.

She appeared a bit taken aback when Irene, bubbly with excitement, abruptly decided to offer an evening prayer with the group, without any prior warning.

From what I understand, churches usually have spaces designated for priests and nuns, places to care for children, and areas open for visitors to pray.

They also have specified opening hours for those spaces.

Just as you can't barge into a church anytime you want to pray, this temple must also have specific times for prayer.

Irene, being a Saint Candidate, would know this better than anyone.

Yet, she still brought us along, which would understandably fluster even the most welcoming of nuns.

"Um, Irene?"

"Oh, right!"

Seeing the nun's troubled expression, Irene seemed startled.

Though it's not difficult to open the hall for visitors to pray, the soft-spoken and obedient girl's abrupt rush into things seemed to have thrown the nun off slightly.

Perhaps realizing her behavior might have come off as rude, a blushing Irene tried to explain, which earned her a warm smile from the nun.

The nun then pulled out a bunch of keys from her apron pocket and handed them over.

"Alright, seeing how eager you are, there must be a reason. But remember, faith shouldn't be forced. It should come from the heart."

"No, it's not that! I didn't force them to come"

I wonder if there's something like forceful evangelism in this world too?

Irene's face turned tomato-red, which was cute.

With her nun attire concealing most of her features, her red face stood out even more.

Like a person wrapped in a blanket with only their face showing.

-Does this world also have that kind of religious 'outreach'?

-Bring a neighbor to the temple, get 5 dalants*...

-I remember a pastor's daughter who used to invite her friends for a weekday evening prayer session. lolol.

-Do they exchange worshippers for dalants here? Lol.

-If you blabber nonsense like that, the inquisitors will use you as a basement mop.

The nun, with an understanding nod, quickly walked ahead.

Irene, with her face still flushed, seemed to have forgotten all about explaining the baptism of divine energy or the voice of the Goddess.

Silently following the woman who led the way, a grand statue of the Goddess appeared as the large wooden doors opened.

When I first arrived in this world, I often visited the temple, thinking that if I prayed, the Goddess might speak to me.

Of course, neither did the Goddess ever speak nor did I ever receive divine energy to become a true paladin.

"Here, um, you just need to pray. There's no need for a special pose or formality, just close your eyes tightly and think of the Goddess. That's prayer."

As expected of a religion based on Christianity and Catholicism, Irene, with a familiar posture, clasped her hands together and closed her eyes.

I too brought my hands together and subtly closed my eyes.

[Would you like to view the Fragment of Information?]

But why does this open up in the temple?


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