I Became a 6★ Gacha Character

Chapter 109: Adaptation 5

Chapter 109: Adaptation 5

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: 5/Week Wed-Sun

Illustrations: Posted in discord.

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Adventurers are sensitive about their reputation, as it's how they make a living.

The difference between them and mercenaries, despite doing almost identical work, comes down to this particular point.

If mercenaries are fighters who'll do anything for money, adventurers are fighters who manage their image.

To the eyes of the common folk, adventurers are like the poster figures of private security firms, while mercenaries come off as the enforcers of back-alley organizations.

If a nobleman were looking for bodyguards, they'd likely seek adventurers.

But if one were seeking revenge for their child bullied at school, they'd probably hire a mercenary.

Of course, there's no clear classification; it's just a matter of perception.

"What's your deal, you jerk?"


Balves, the mercenary brimming with agitation and pointing his axe at me, and Alex, the silent adventurer, assessing the situation.

While it may seem like I'm intruding, I too have a stake in this duel.

All I had to do was take a step towards Han Se-ah.

"It's good to be spirited, but why are you messing with someone else's party leader? Hey, let's go for a drink while the moon's still bright.

"Uh, Roland...?"

Han Se-ah's eyes widen, not expecting me to suddenly appear from above.

The murmurs among the adventurers grow louder upon recognizing her and the blond warrior jumping overhead unmistakably members of the famous party that hunted the Full Moon Wolf on the 10th floor and subjugated the Orc Altar on the 20th: Hanna's party.

Those who thrive on reputation and standing couldn't possibly be unaware of the protagonists of recent events.

No matter how drunk, its hard to doubt when not one, but three figures of such renown are present.

"Hanna! Are you okay? Did you get hurt anywhere?"

"Grace, too? ...Roland wants to go drink.

"Seriously, in this situation? Roland knew the moment you got into a fight.

Emerging from the crowd is Grace, a striking beauty with gray hair.

Being distinctively beautiful means its hard for others to impersonate her.

The dynamics change when, not just two, but three of them come together.

As the two women huddle together whispering, the crowd's attention focuses on them like iron filings to a magnet.

From a duel between a mercenary and an adventurer, the spotlight has shifted to the rapidly rising rookie party.

Han Se-ah is no longer just the damsel at the center of the duel but now has claimed her spot as the star of this story.

"Drinks sound good. Mind if I join in and share tonight's tale as a light-hearted story?"

"Feel free."

Unlike the agitated mercenary, the adventurer with the buckler calmly spoke with a sly smile.

Since overpowering the flustered mercenary and becoming the protagonist might be out of reach, he wants to be the one to share the evening's story as a compromise.

The mercenary, seemingly irritated by our exchange, huffed aggressively and swung his large axe in my direction.

He looked every bit the part of a bearded bandit; his actions certainly matched the image.

"Hm? Does our mercenary friend have something to say?"

"You, how dare you...?"

Of course, an axe not even imbued with mana wouldn't pierce my skin.

The ferocious blow, powerful enough to sever a human neck or even an orcs, is stopped dead in its tracks by my hand.

To be precise, I grabbed the blade of the axe as effortlessly as catching a child's fist.

It would make a fine story if it ended nicely, wouldn't it?

It wouldnt look as good if the mercenary, failing to read the mood and swinging his weapon, ended up with his arm shattered and provided a bloody fountain show for the townsfolk.

To the crowd, it looked as though I blocked the menacing axe blade with my bare hands.

As the murmurs turned into cheers, the red-faced mercenary struggled to free his axe, embedded as if it was stuck in wood.

"You, let go of it! Will you?"

"Will you be more careful if I do?"

"What the?"

I timed it perfectly, releasing the axe just as he pulled back with all his might.

The mercenary stumbled and crashed to the ground, much to the amusement of the gathered crowd.

Han Se-ah and Grace chuckled at the sight.

It's universal, whether in modern times or medieval fantasy settings, that people naturally enjoy witnessing the stereotypical villain face-slapping.

Despite the surrounding jeers and laughter, the dirt-streaked mercenary said nothing.

Instead, he pushed through the crowd and sprinted toward an alleyway.

He wasnt foolish enough to provoke someone who could block his best shot with bare hands.

"Hanna, announce that drinks are on you at the Lucky Scoundrel."

"Me? Really?"

"Yes. Isn't this why we earn money?"

After the spectacle of blocking an axe with a bare hand, even the adventurer Alex was stunned.

I subtly nudged Han Se-ah forward to center stage.

If were going to make a scene, we might as well make it a memorable one.

As Han Se-ah raised the pouch of coins I gave her and stepped into the middle of the clearing, all eyes were on her.

Her experience as a streamer was evident; she didnt flinch before the gathered crowd.

"Now that the noisy fellow is gone, and a beautiful moon is above, lets drink! The tab is on me!"

"Such a generous sister*!"

"You dare call such a lady 'sister' with that face?"

"If she's paying, she's everyone's sister or brother!"

Though Han Se-ah's face reddened in embarrassment, the adventurers, already in high spirits from the prospect of free drinks and the ongoing mood, paid her no mind.

"Why, why me...?"

"Because we're in the same party."

As Han Se-ah takes a step forward, Grace hastily follows.

Adventurers chase after us, enthusiastically calling out our names.

To her surprise, Grace finds her name being called out alongside Han Se-ah's.

They both lower their heads, but the voices of the adventurers only grow louder in enthusiasm.

Imagine the scene: two lovely ladies who boldly offered to cover the bill now lowering their heads in shyness.

Who wouldn't want to playfully tease them, especially in this lively atmosphere?

I, the guide of the party, am also grinning from ear to ear.

Perhaps lacking the nerve to capture this moment, the semi-transparent camera drone soon vanishes from sight.


Raei Translations


"Let's rest today and work on whatever you need to individually. We'll resume training on the 21st floor tomorrow. We need to wait for the gate anyway, and we still have to collect our rewards from the Magic Tower."


Han Se-ah groaned, her face flushing.

"I, I'm sorry..."

Seeing the two slump over the guild table, Kaiden and Irene exchanged surprised glances.

The two women had drunk excessively, going beyond a good time to something resembling a drunken stupor.

Grace seemed to be suffering the typical hangover, groaning with her forehead creased in pain.

On the other hand, Han Se-ah, the player, seems to be experiencing a strange warping shown on the stream window, likely a 'virtual' hangover.

"Can't divine energy heal something like this?"

Kaiden asked.

"It's possible,"

Irene replied hesitantly.

"But it's not something I'd recommend. It's not like they're injured or seriously ill. Using divine energy for a mere hangover feels... excessive."

Irene was hesitant to use her healing spells for something so trivial.

It made sense; in a world where the Goddess truly existed, wouldn't it be somewhat inappropriate to use divine energy just for a hangover?

Especially when Irene is a Saint Candidate.

Although she said this, she did seem to pity the two suffering women and proceeded to gently massage them with her hands infused with divine energy.

"Look, I'm fine mentally, but my vision's all warped. It makes it hard to play. Can you see when I set it to first-person view?"

-It's as if you took drugs not alcohol.

-Virtual overeating, virtual starvation, virtual food addiction, and now, virtual hangover?

-Watching this is making me nauseous. LOL

-Did they spike the drinks with hallucinogens?

-How did you two get like this...

"Actually, I was going to bring that up... Ugh, I didn't realize the hangover debuff would be so strong. I can't see the icons, so I can't even explain it properly."

[RolandsBigHammer donated 10,000 won!]

Delayed because of a virtual hangover, not even a real-life one?

"No, listen... I can't even argue against that. Grace and I had fun over drinks last night, and I might've overdone it. Not in real life, but at the Lucky Scoundrel. Irene's massage seems to be helping a bit, though."

Han Se-ah, with her distorted vision, rested her head on the table as she talked with her viewers.

Irene, thinking her dizziness was the cause, rose from her seat and gently massaged Han Se-ahs neck.

In a few days, the gate will open anyway.

They have time to learn new spells, order premium arrows, and other preparations.

This small break won't be so bad.

I also have to make that little post of mine.


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