I Became a 6★ Gacha Character

Chapter 119: Lucky or Unlucky 4

Chapter 119: Lucky or Unlucky 4

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: 5/Week Wed-Sun

Illustrations: Posted in discord.

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I wish we could've instantly found a maze and stalled a golem for a full ten minutes, but

"Where did all those golems go? Surely, we didnt clear out all the golems on the 21st floor? Should we move to the 22nd floor?"

[TodaysProverb donated 10,000 won!]

Better late than never, you dont miss the water till the well runs dry.

...But dont those two proverbs have completely different meanings?

While Han Se-ah is amusingly teased, the mysterious wall panels are nowhere to be found.

After all, didnt the adventuring party that was brought to the temple claim they found one on their way back?

Finding one on the first day would be considered an achievement, so we might not find any today, right?

After hunting packs of cave spiders, examining walls, collecting moss, and fighting a kobold pack, we wandered the dim pathways of the cave for a while.

Just as disappointment started to fill our eyes, Grace's triumphant voice echoed throughout the cave.

I found it!

It was behind a thin and wide stalagmite, a location easily missed.

Yet, Grace, living up to her reputation as a scout, seemed to magically spot it from beyond the stalagmite's shadow.

The previously dwindling chatroom sprung back to life due to her discovery.

-I always believed in you Grace!

-Han Se-ah, why didn't you find it first before starting the stream?

-Only 20 minutes left to the golden golem... any way to speed it up?

-Dungeons where you have to wait are the worst. Even with good specs, you have to wait.

-Hurry up! I'm dying here.

Han Se-ah, as equally excited as the viewers, almost sprinted forward, reaching out to touch the broad panel.

Soon, a familiar pattern of mana spread across the wall, creating a maze.

As the mana spread, stalagmites and stalactites seemed to melt and get sucked into the floor and ceiling, and the cave's jagged walls smoothed out.

Now, we just need to find the golem...

Didnt we spend almost two hours looking for the golem last time?

Ugh, dont jinx it by mentioning that.

Finding the maze is based on chance and so is finding the golem.

It would have been nice if there were hints or hidden markers, but unfortunately, we haven't found such a thing.

Since we don't know the layout of the maze, we'll have to wander around until we chance upon the golem.

Imagining this grim future, and seemingly not wanting to hear more, Grace covered her ears.

Seeing this, I chuckled, only to be smacked from behind by Han Se-ah.

"Roland, seriously, stop with the ominous talk..."

Well, we'll bump into it eventually. At some point.

Ah, seriously!

Han Se-ah seems to be a little superstitious.

Players of various games, especially those like "Heroines Chronicle", where the main content is a gacha-style character collection, often hold deep superstitions.

For gacha games featuring historic figures, there were even players that would go on pilgrimages to graves, historic sites, and museums in hopes of improving their luck.

But I've always believed that with enough money spent, you'd eventually get what you wanted.

Sometimes it was not due to the depth of one's luck, but due to the depth of one's wallet.

"Let's go find the golem. And don't say anything ominous; lead the way."

Whether Han Se-ah genuinely believed in these superstitions or if she just had a gut feeling one typical of those with notoriously bad luck she grumbled after just a small joke.

Everyone naturally began navigating through the maze with smiles on their faces.

After a monotonous journey to find the golem, without encountering any monsters or traps along the way

"It's finally here. I can't believe we searched for a whole hour."

"This is all Roland's fault."

After enduring an hour's worth of various complaints from the viewers, the rock golem finally revealed itself before us.


Raei Translations


The adventurers weren't lying.

"Seeing it like this, I kind of feel sorry for the golem."

"Do you have to tear off all its limbs like that?"

After wandering the maze for a while, we finally stumbled upon the rock golem.

The condition to endure for 10 minutes without knocking it down was surprisingly easy.

After all, even if I didn't join in, it was an opponent they could take down within 5 minutes.

Why wouldn't we be able to hold out for 10 minutes?

Apart from its sturdiness, the golem had no other strengths.

I turned my gaze from the rock golem, flailing without its limbs on the ground, to the steel golem.

When the rock golem first appeared, we tried various experiments given the 10-minute window.

We tested casting spells on it and even searched for any slots or openings in its body.

"We'll learn more about it later. For now, let's just tie it down."

"You sure? I don't know any magic to manipulate metal."

"I can handle it with just strength."

It kept struggling, so eventually, I just broke its limbs.

Han Se-ah applied her magic to its joints, and I, with a motion as simple as plucking a tomato stem, tore off the limbs of the golem.

Even if we tore off its arms and legs, the golem's main body remained undamaged, maintaining its 100% health.

As long as the rock golem was alive, the timer counted down, and after 10 minutes, from the dark depths of the maze, we heard the groaning sound of a steel golem, approaching with its heavy steps.

At a glance, it looked slightly bigger than the rock golem, but not by much.

Unlike the dark-colored rock golem, this one had a cold, gray hue to its body.

"It looks slightly larger and smoother, should be trickier to grab. We should be cautious; if we damage it carelessly, we might end up wandering the caves again."

-Please be careful!

-Maybe the demon king lives here...

-A 4 swordsman can't even leave a scratch, yet he's tearing it apart with his bare hands.

-Bears tear apart humans, while Roland tears apart golems.

The viewers, who had been empathizing with the flailing rock golem for the past 10 minutes, reacted to my words.

Some asked for mercy, joking about the rock golem's gravel wife and pebble children.

I almost burst into laughter at their antics, but held it in and began to approach the slow-moving steel golem.

Its speed is at the level of an adult man's light jog, easy for adventurers to outrun.

With no long-range attack abilities, if one turned and sprinted at full speed, it would be possible to run and leave the golems in their dust.

This must be how those adventurers from yesterday managed to escape.

"Wow, would it be rude to Roland if I said I feel sorry for the golem?"

"Well, I wouldnt say I feel sorry, but... It's like watching the children of the temple play with a toy. It's not right to be so relaxed in such a place."

The steel golems attack pattern was identical.

Facing me, it lifted its heavy fist to strike down from above.

With the same posture and trajectory as the rock golem, its fist descended like a hammer, aiming straight for my head.

The golem's fist had grown in size and hardness, but it was still just a golem's fist, not enhanced by mana but simply relying on its mass.

I swiftly grabbed its wrist to prevent any reflective damage.

It writhed, trying to yank its arm free, but escaping my grip was impossible.

After all, this golem wasn't bolstered by mana; it simply used mana as fuel to move.

"Among children, there are mischievous ones who break the arms and legs of toy dolls or wooden soldiers."

"Well, it's a bit large for a toy, but hearing that, they do seem similar."

Even though I was stronger, the golem's sheer size limited the things I could do.

So, I chose to twist its arm.

Grasping the golem's right wrist with both hands, I forcefully twisted it, over and over, reminiscent of unscrewing a bolt or opening a soda bottle.

The resistance produced a grinding metallic sound.

If I were up against a martial artist, they might have spun around using the wall for leverage to prevent their shoulder from being dislocated.

But my opponent was just a golem.

"Look at that, it's coming off."

"I got one arm. Take a look."

The same method worked on the other arm.

Unlike the rock golems, this one seemed meticulously assembled.

Something that looked like gears was visible from the torn shoulder joint.

The problem is, I can't distinguish whether it's a bolt and nut or a gear since I wrenched it out with sheer force.

"...Hanna, can that go into your inventory?"

"Huh? I think so. Why?"

"I think the steel golem has mechanical devices on the joints in its limbs. Since I've damaged the arms, maybe we can carefully remove the legs and sell them in the Magic Tower."

"...One has to be quite cunning to succeed, huh."

-Selling monster parts instead of its drops?

-Is 'fresh' the right term for a golem?

-I noticed something was different, but who would think to sell it? LOL.

-No wonder he has so much gold.

-Makes me wonder what he'd have sold if monsters left corpses instead of mana stones lolol.

My teammates stared at me, their mouths agape as if they'd never considered the idea before.

If a monster leaves something behind, it's loot, no?


This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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