I Became a 6★ Gacha Character

Chapter 143: Outside the Tower 3

Chapter 143: Outside the Tower 3

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: 5/Week Wed-Sun

Illustrations: Posted in discord.

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Heroes Chronicle is a virtual reality game.

While there is a main storyline, the kingdom is filled with NPCs that are like real people, triggering random events regardless of the player.

For me, it wasn't just a game, but my reality for 10 years.

Thanks to the unbelievable scale of this game, news outlets and online personalities, discussed the stability of virtual reality games, as well as the ethics and morals involved.

"The horned wolf mana stones are the most abundant. Since there were so many horned wolves following the Full Moon Wolf, and since there's a gate to the 10th floor, even intermediate adventurers earn money safely by hunting horned wolves on the 10th floor.

Even if mages use a lot of mana stones, there's bound to be surplus when the supply triples."

As Han Se-ah, a player, progressed through the main scenario and opened gates in the tower, the prices of mana stones began to fluctuate.

Travel time decreased, and rare monsters surged out like a flood during boss monster events.

Added to that, adventurers and mages who should be on the upper levels, including intermediate and senior ones, came down in droves.

An oversupply was inevitable.

So, we sat around the campfire, scooping up big pieces of meat from Irene's hot stew while listening to Lily Depps stories.

Although some planned on having dried meat for dinner, our kind future Saint, Irene, offered them a bowl of stew.

-They even implemented market logic?

-So, they tried to sell the excess mana stones and then got ripped off?

-But what if our comrades just make off with the mana stones?

-Sounds like a Samsung executive going to prison for stealing a MacBook

-No wonder those who didn't go to the tower were whining. Maybe it was because of the realism of self-employment.

Thanks to the magic of the inventory, Lily Depp, who was able to fully enjoy fresh, piping-hot stew, devoured three bowls in delight and continued explaining while fiddling with her empty bowl.

We also collected quite a few mana stones on the 10th floor after hearing rumors. But when the price of the mana stones temporarily dropped, we got greedy.

If we go to the western harbor city and sell them at the Magic Tower there, we should be able to make a profit.

If we negotiate well, considering all the things happening in the tower recently, we calculated that we could get three times the price."

"Three times? If you loaded a carriage full, it would make sense to leave for a business trip."

The group, despite traveling by carriage for half a day, were still not fully acquainted, conversing with polite formal language.

It seems that the distance felt from noble birth is unavoidable, even if the northern brat speaks as endearingly as possible, due to the world having a hierarchical system.

Well, if Han Se-ah keeps chattering and sticking closely to her like that, theyll probably develop a sibling-like relationship before they reach the city.

Didnt Grace and Irene also fall for Han Se-ahs charm in the like this?

"So, I'm thinking of heading west to the territory of Count Morris. It's a territory with active trade with the port city, and it's familiar to our party."

"By familiar, do you mean youre from the territory of Count Morris?"

"No, I'm from a neighboring territory. One of the people missing is from there... Huh?"

"Um, Roland?"

Crackle, pop-

Firewood burns with crackling noises under the bubbling stew pot.

Amidst the slow voice of Lily Depp and Han Se-ahs inquisitive tone, various sounds weave through like subtle undertones.

As the firewood splits, sparks fly, and the nearly emptied stew bubbles and spits; Grace senses something.

"The sound of the insects has stopped."

-Wow, its like watching a fantasy movie

-I've seen this scene in martial arts novel lol

-Those lines are so cliche, but coming from her, it gives me butterflies Hehe

-Meanwhile, only Han Se-ah is flustered, lol.

-But they're only a day's ride away from city?

The situation doesn't feel as serious due to Han Se-ah's live stream chat in the corner of my vision.

We hadnt moved more than a day from the city, so it's not like anything threatening could pop out, right?

Then, in the silent forest, the quiet howl of wolves echo.

"...Wolves? Was that a wolf?"

"Wolves... did they come because of the horses?"

Grace, who had trained as a hunter, was the first to sense the oddity.

As she looked around, sniffing the air with an expression that suggested something was off, Katie, with her hand on her sword handle, asked.

Encountering a pack of wolves during a long journey and a night outdoors is almost an everyday occurrence in this world.

Not just wolves, but wandering monster ambushes were as common as traffic accidents.

But Graces opinion was different.

"When I went around collecting firewood, I didnt see any traces of small animals around here. I think the area lacks food, which is why there are fewer animals. Mister coachman, there aren't any villages nearby, right?"

"Eh? Ah, yes. Of course not. If there was a village nearby, we wouldnt be camping here; we would have stayed in the village instead."

In a hilly terrain with more shrubs than trees, a desolate land typical of the West: there are no herbivorous animals like rabbits or deer.

With no nearby village, there are also no livestock to attack, so why would a pack of wolves be here

At Graces words, Lily Depp and Katie, swallowing their saliva with a gulp, nod and draw their weapons.

Sword blade and spear tip gleaming coolly in the darkness, illuminated by the campfire light.

In a fantasy world where mystery and magic exist, anything out of the ordinary usually signals danger, demanding vigilance.

Still, unlike the horses, I'm not frozen with fear.

-Roland isnt even holding a weapon, but hes intimidating

-A senior adventurer and a natural 6 tank. I wonder if 'that' is also intimidating

[Chat deleted by mod]

-These days, the mod is so fast. It even understands metaphors immediately

Why am I hearing a wolf's howl out of the blue?

As I blankly wait in front of the bonfire, I can hear it slowly approaching.

Instead of the now-silent insects, the rustling of bushes and the growling breath of a beast are audible.

It's close.

It seems to have smelled the smoke and stew from our campfire and approached from beyond the hills ridge.

I wanted to stay put out of sheer laziness, but it's clearly targeting us.

"It doesnt look like it's planning to leave. Ill check it out, so Lily, stay here and guard the horses with Katie."

"Ah, ah! Right!"

As I stand up, holding my warhammer and shield, the coachman starts, apparently startled.

He came towards us, scared by the wolf's howling, but he seemed to have forgotten the horses he tied up.

Whether its a wolf, a horned wolf, or any wolf-like monster, they're no problem.

But if a horse dies here, well have to walk to the next city where we can buy a horse.

If that happens, itll be faster for Han Se-ah to reset in the morning.

"Where are the horses tied? Ill go with you, bring them here."

"Yes, yes! Thank you, adventurer!"

The coachman, for whom a horses death would spell the end of his livelihood, hastily leads Lily Depp away, disappearing beyond the field.

Fortunately for us, the horses were tied in the opposite direction from where the wolf was coming from.

The coachman stumbles and stumbles, tripping over a stone, his figure contrasting with that of Lily Depp, who moved steadily and silently, spear in hand.

With two natural-born 4 melee characters and a 5 protection-specialized priest, we should be safe.

"Irene, if need be, use a protective barrier immediately. Hanna, if any enemies target our bonfire to extinguish it, dont attack, just illuminate our surroundings with a light spell. Lily Depp and Katie should be able to handle whoever comes."

"Yes, understood."

"Got it!"

-Even outside the cave, it's just a 'shining' performance.

-Whenever its dark, shes automatically assigned as lighting director

-She handles the camera too. She's worth two people, reliable Han Se-ah

-Genius mage (in charge of lighting)

-A genius pack mule who can also use magic

I move toward the hill, leaving behind Han Se-ah, whos once again under attack by viewers who think mages should use attack magic.

Without any intent to silence my footsteps, my armor clanked loudly as I trudged through the parched soil, pushing through bushes.

The growling noises in the distance gradually get louder.

The pungent odor of a beast and its unpleasant, damp breath suggested a wolf, but...

"...What's this?"

Wolves, to be exact, wolves with saddles and orc warriors mounted on them.

As if a cavalry unit about to charge, orcs mounted on wolves stared down at me from atop a hill, basking in the moonlight.

Wolf Riders, the cavalry of the orc race.

I've seen them in 'Heroines Chronicle'.

Orcs were mass-produced easily, and they came as warriors, shamans, hunters, and riders, with variations of green, red, black, and other colors.

They always appeared in places like dungeons for loot.

But that was in 'Heroines Chronicle', and this is 'Heroes Chronicle'.

Moreover, I'm in a place relatively close to a safe zone, not far from the kingdom's capital and the city of adventurers.

"...Did they come from the tower?"

Dozens of orcs and dozens of wolves roaming around a desolate mountain range where theres nothing to eat.

According to what Grace said, it's odd enough that theres a pack of wolves, but what could these orcs possibly eat here?

"No wonder this place with empty."


A camera drone flew overhead.

Simultaneously, a massive figure from the frontline charged towards me.


This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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