I Became a 6★ Gacha Character

Chapter 4: Beginning of the Tutorial 04

Chapter 4: Beginning of the Tutorial 04

Streamer Han Se-ah, who had become the novice adventurer Hanna, was more talkative than expected.

To sound it in a more positive light, she was lively and had excellent interpersonal skills.

She bombarded me with questions as we made our way to the open space behind the guild building.

Why do adventurers gather in this city?

What benefits come with a higher guild rank?

How are tower-climbing parties formed?

Her questions were basic, even for a beginner adventurer.

It was similar to a hunter-in-training asking why hunters move without making a sound.

Most likely, these were questions from her viewers in the chat.

Though she tried to hide it, she had already glanced at the chat numerous times.

It was impressive that she managed not to trip while sneaking peeks and following me.

Of course, regardless of how many questions she asked, I had to answer them kindly.

If it meant leaving this mildly uncomfortable medieval fantasy to return to reality, I might even be willing to do anything she asked.

Adventurers gather here primarily to climb the tower. For some reason, the monsters within the tower drop magic stones on death.

As your rank increases, you gain access to better requests. Public requests on the board in front of the counter are open to all, but as you rise in rank, you'll receive private requests. These tend to have better terms and rewards.

Parties are formed based on adventurers' preferences, but most opt for groups of four or five. Fewer members make long-term requests difficult, while more members result in dividing rewards among a larger group.

In fact, the adventurer guild's system resembled that of mobile games. From four-person party fields and five-person party dungeons to sending unused characters on expeditions for rewards a few hours later.

As I patiently explained everything, Han Se-ah's eyes lit up.

As a gamer, she quickly grasped the overarching structure.

Ah! And where are we going right now?

There's a large open space behind the guild. It's used for various purposes, mainly for parties to practice together before setting off.

Aside from that, it was also a place where lowlifes were humiliated while trying to impress high-ranking female adventurers.

Holding back my thoughts, I opened the wooden door and stepped into the open space.

The area resembled a vast training ground with logs and straw dummies piled up.


Raei Translations


As expected of a busy guild, I could see men pounding logs with hammers in one corner. I thought there wouldn't be anyone around at this time, but there were still a few people here.

A man was getting accustomed to his weapon by slamming it into a log, another throwing daggers at a makeshift straw dummy, and someone swinging several spears of varying lengths.

Han Se-ah's eyes sparkled as she took in the fantastical scene. I dragged a massive log over and slammed it upright onto the ground.


"Wow... But why did you bring this here?"

She gaped in amazement as I dragged the log, thicker and longer than a person, with just one hand. After firmly driving it into the ground, I faced her and spoke.

"I want to see what weapon you use, Hanna."

"...My weapon?"

"Yes. Do you have one that you usually use? If not, you can learn some basic weapon skills for the class you want."


It seemed like she came without much forethought.

Her eyes darted around, unsure of what to do.

I wanted to laugh at her bewildered expression, but doing so would make me a rude, arrogant person mocking a beginner who didn't even know her own weapon.

"The most common choice would be a sword. Many people use it, so it's popular."

Whether it was due to the game's setting or the medieval period, it was characteristic of this world that many adventurers wielded swords.

Spears were primarily used by the military, not for individuals hunting monsters. Giant spears, 6 or 10 meters long, were employed to hunt colossal beasts.

"What about... mages?"


If swords were common, mages were the rarest.

"Mages don't belong to the Adventurer's Guild, but to the Magic Tower. That's where they get certified for their magical talent."

It was common knowledge that even a youth living in a remote village dreaming of becoming an adventurer would know.

Rumors spread far and wide about places where spellcasters gathered.

Even someone who'd read a few fantasy novels could guess as much.

There was likely only one reason why Han Se-ah asked this question.

'The game just opened.'

It was a situation devoid of any prior information.

If the game had already opened, even if Han Se-ah was a latecomer, her chat would be filled with viewers sharing their trivial knowledge.

They'd say things like, "Mages go to the Magic Tower. You didn't know that?"

Those who bragged about minor details were all over the internet.

'Han Se-ah the streamer is a pioneer. That's why viewers bombard her with basic questions.'

Whether it was an alpha test or a special privilege for streamers, they had no prior information.

It might be a wild guess, but I also thought that the tutorial quest that appeared before my eyes happened at the same time the game opened.

"Of course, there are very few people with the talent to be mages. That's why it's hard to find one unless you're in a high-level party."

"Ah... I see."

She looked a bit disappointed at my answer.

As a gamer, she might have had a romantic notion about mages. It was clear from her slumped shoulders and drooping neck.

I guess we'll have to change our schedule a bit.

"Would you like to visit the Magic Tower first? If you have the qualities of a mage, it's best to become one before forming a party."

"Can I really do that!?"

"Of course. It would be such a shame if you registered as a front-liner only to later discover that you have the potential to become a mage."

aving Han Se-ah become a mage was nothing but a gain for me.

Considering the quest, even if she has no skills, I'd have to accompany her, so it's better to have a mage on the team than a front-liner.

Having a warrior and a mage provides better balance than having two warriors.

Since the tutorial quest explicitly instructed us to form a party, it was prudent to consider our party composition, assuming I'd be with her.

"Then... I'm sorry for the trouble, but I'd like to visit the Magic Tower first."

"No problem. Don't be sorry. I'm doing this because I want to."

Not knowing Han Se-ah's streaming style, I treated her with politeness and turned back to the guild building.

The street changed significantly as we walked toward the Magic Tower, passing numerous adventurers.

The number of scholarly-looking people in robes had clearly increased, replacing the shabby-looking individuals armed with old armor and swords.

Many low-level adventurers on Adventurer Street cannot enjoy the benefits of magical civilization.

They can wash away dirt from a stream, but many adventurers can't maintain cleanliness for beauty and hygiene.

However, upon entering a street where mages who shower every day with warm water and use bath products, shampoo, and perfume lived, the atmosphere changed entirely.

"Wow, this street is really... amazing!"

It was no surprise that Han Se-ah's eyes sparkled with fascination as we moved from the crowded Adventurer Street to the pristine street of mages with paved roads and magical streetlights.

Regardless of how much one enjoys fantasy, it's human nature to admire elegant mages in robes rather than grimy beginner adventurers who can't even bathe.

"That white building is the Magic Tower branch. In other cities, Magic Towers are built as actual towers, but in this city of adventurers, they built it like this."

"A Magic Tower that's not a tower? Why is that?"

"Well, the word 'tower' has a lot of negative connotations in the city of adventurers."

The Tower of the Sky has seen many deaths in the past 10 years, and its image isn't great: village-killer, widow-maker, graveyard for fools.

Han Se-ah seemed to understand my bitter smile and nodded.

In front of her stood a pristine, cube-like white building.


Enjoy the chappy!

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