I Became a Childhood Friend of the Middle Boss

Chapter 85

I Became A Childhood Friend Of The Middle Boss 84

Chapter 84


After the Geumgang Academy entrance exam had ended, quite some time had passed.

On the way back home from the Academy City, they used the Warp Gate that the triplets had sung about so much.

Just by traversing the blue dimension, we were able to arrive at the high-speed terminal station in an instant.

“Wow…. We really arrived so quickly?”

“It was worth spending the money.”

“So true. It’s worth the money.”

“What are you saying? You guys act like you’re the ones who paid. Didn’t I use the warp gate because the family sponsored you too?”

“Ah, the mighty dogyeon!”

“Truly the great hope of the Shingyeom Do!”

“Loyalty! Loyalty! I’ll be loyal forever!”

“By the way, Heavens, are you feeling okay? No queasiness or anything?”

“Yeah, I feel fine. How about you, Gyunwoo?”

It was almost unbelievable that we had been in the Academy City just a while ago.

Both I and Yeonha and the triplets were greatly surprised.

Among those who pass through the warp gate, some occasionally feel a sense of unfamiliarity when dimension shifting, causing a kind of queasiness, but none of us experienced that.

On the other hand, we got off at a station near our homes by taking the subway.

Since we all lived in the same neighborhood, it felt like we were heading home.

However, we had to part ways with the triplets as our directions diverged.

“Gyunwoo! Heavens! See you next time then!”

“Go in and rest well!”

“You’ve worked hard studying for the exam!”

“Yeah, good luck going in.”

“Take care, guys.”

The triplets waved their hands as they walked away dragging a large suitcase.

Yeonha and I watched them leave, then walked home.

“It’s a hilly path, isn’t the suitcase heavy? Here, let me carry it for you.”

“I enchanted it to be lightweight… But still, I’ll leave it to you. Thank you. Is your mother at home? How about Ye-eun?”

“My dad came home early today because I was coming.”

“It seems like your father really missed you. I’ll come to give you guys some souvenirs from the Academy City soon, okay?”

“Or how about going to our house for dinner?”

“I have the caregivers waiting for me at the orphanage. I’ll have dinner with them.”

“Right, that’s true. Got it. Make sure to come by so that my family, including Heavens, can see you. Can you make it tomorrow? Or the weekend.”

“I can come tomorrow or the weekend.”

“Then come tomorrow and the weekend.”

“What? If that’s the case, it might be better to just live at your place.”

“Really? Want to live at our place? We have plenty of rooms.”


“Mom and Dad, and Ye-eun would probably like that, right? Everyone likes you.”

“…And you?”

“Do I have to say it?”

“Oh, I see…”

“Or maybe you want to live in my room?”


“The rabbit cage in my room was shared with Mongshil until she passed away last year, but we can get a new one.”

“You really… find teasing me that amusing?”

“Yes! If you become my pet rabbit, I’ll provide free room and board 365 days a year. I’ll take care of your bathroom needs, clean you up when you’re dirty, take you to the salon once a month, and occasionally bring you fresh carrots. How about it? Intrigued? Neutering too…”

“Yeah, I’ll just raise a new rabbit.”

Yeonha-neul accepted with a smile.

I dragged the carrier in my hands, rattled by her response.

Then, as if she remembered something, she spoke up.

“Oh, right.”


“We stayed in the same room, didn’t we? You didn’t tell your mom and dad?”

“You kept nagging me not to say anything.”

“Don’t go and accidentally spill the beans. It’s our little secret. Got it? I don’t want Mom and Dad to get the wrong idea or be upset for no reason.”

“Wrong idea… It was the hotel’s mistake that we ended up in the same room. And do you really think Mom and Dad would be upset with you?”

“Still, it’s embarrassing.”

“Then at the Dreamland Hotel, we must never talk about how we snuggled in the same bed…”

“Don’t you dare mention that! Got it? Don’t, don’t, don’t say it, really!”

Yeonha-neul perked up her floppy rabbit ears as if pointing them towards the sky.

With a grim expression, she stared at me and earnestly pleaded.

She even pinched me.

Unable to move my hands, I had no choice but to accept.

Eventually, it was time for us to part ways as well.

“Here’s your carrier.”

“Thank you. How did I end up carrying this for you?”

“Well, someone who pinches someone who’s already done a favor must be a bad person, right?”

“Hmph, you were the one at fault. And it was just a light pinch, right?”

“If I had hurt you, I would’ve been hurt, right?”

“Yes, yes, baby bear. I’m sorry. So don’t sulk. It was the teacher’s mistake. Got it?”


“Anyway, I should go now. See you next time… No, see you tomorrow. Go home and rest well. You’ve worked hard.”

“Sure, you rest well too. See you tomorrow.”

Even though we had been practically inseparable for two weeks, even though we had spent five years together when it came down to it.

Parting ways with Yeonha-neul was still regrettable.

Turning away from her, leaving that regret behind, I soon found my way to the house where my family was.

“It feels like I’m seeing them after a long time.”

I had only stayed in the academy city for a mere two weeks.

Yet, the time spent there was so dense that it felt like I had been away from home for a long time.

I wanted to quickly reunite with my family.

I opened the front door.

And right at that moment.

“I’m back…!”

“Welcome back! Oppa! I missed you!”

“…I missed you too.”

Yeeun, who turned 12 this year.

As soon as Yeeun, who was waiting at the entrance, saw me, she rushed towards me.

I chuckled at Yeeun, who was rubbing her face on my stomach with a tight hug.

I patted Yeeun’s head.

“How was the academy city? The academy? Did you see anything interesting? Were the exams fun? How was the food? Oh, and my gift!?”

“Yeeun-ah. What if your brother is tired and you cling like that? And you should ask one thing at a time. Your brother is feeling awkward right now. Gyunwoo, did you have a good time?”

“I did, Dad! Haven’t seen you for a while, you seem to have grown bigger?”

“Dad, Mom. I’m back.”

As Yeeun bombarded me with questions, Mother and Father approached from behind.

Their faces clearly showed joy at seeing me.

I seemed to feel the same way.

“Are you hungry? I’ve set the table with your favorite things. Go wash up quickly and come out. Let’s talk over dinner. But, Hanui didn’t come with you? Come have a meal with us and then go….”

“Today, they said they’re having lunch with the teachers at the daycare center. They’ll come tomorrow to give souvenirs.”

“I guess Hanui wanted to see them too. Then, we should have a family meal today.”

“Hanui, you really don’t need to bring souvenirs….”

“Leaving that aside, are you going to keep Hanui standing like this? Come on, let’s all go inside. Let’s get ready to eat. I’m hungry too.”

“Brother! Give me the luggage! I’ll carry it for you!”

Yeeun grabbed my carrier and hurried down the corridor.

Mother followed, scolding Yeeun not to run.

Father smiled at the sight of the two and turned away.

Finally, I also tried to follow Father into the house.

At that moment, Father called me.

I had a bad feeling about it.

“By the way, Gyunwoo.”

“Yes? What is it?”

“A call came from the chairman.”


“You probably know what the call was about, and you said there was no problem with me, right?”

“That… well… it’s been resolved….”

Father shrugged his shoulders.

I didn’t know that Sohyeryul had explained the situation to Father.

I said in a casual tone.

“I thought it might be worrying if we just talked on the phone… So I wanted to see you in person to talk. hahahaha… Sorry for not saying it earlier.”

“Is that so?”

“Of course. But… does Mom know too?”

“Would I make your mom worry? It seems to have been resolved somehow, and I was planning to tell her when you returned.”

“Thank you. I’ll talk to her later.”

“Yeah, that would be good. But still, try not to get into trouble, you rascal.”

“Yes, hahahaha….”

“…It seems like you’re going to keep getting into trouble in the future, right?”

“Dad, I’m not sure about human affairs, so I don’t think I can give a definite answer.”

“What’s that?”

“Just so.”

“Even if you get into an accident, don’t get hurt.”

“Yes, that’s how it should be.”

“Son, there’s no ‘that’s how it should be,’ right?”

Fortunately, my father restrained himself appropriately and didn’t scold me harshly.

With a heavy heart, I was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief.

But the reason my father didn’t scold me was that there was someone else to scold besides him.

It wasn’t until the evening meal that I realized this fact belatedly.

“So, what happened?”

“Oh, that’s… well, it turns out that test-taker was Mine…”

“Who’s Mine?”


“Wow! So, does that mean you’re strong enough to fight Mine’s demonic horse? That’s really impressive!”

“Not really. It’s just a doppelgänger…”

“Dop, pel, gänger?”

I couldn’t escape from my mother’s scolding.

Even though it was a rare meal at home, I couldn’t eat properly as I was too busy being cautious of my mother’s gaze.

Time passed, and two weeks later.

I passed the entrance exam for Geumgang Academy.

Geumgang High Academy 145th Class

Announcement of Admission Exam Results

※ The admission scores are the combined results of the written exam, qualification exam, and 1st to 5th practical exam scores, along with qualitative evaluation scores.

Taebaek Mountain, Gangwon Province.

Due to the frequent appearance of monsters, a house made of wood stood deep in the mountains where people rarely set foot.

Despite the spacious interior of the house, only the minimum tools necessary for living were provided.

Two men dressed in traditional clothing sat facing each other.

However, their sitting postures were different.

The elderly man, who appeared to be over seventy, sat cross-legged, while his grandson, a young man of becoming age, knelt with perfect etiquette.

“How long has it been since you became my disciple?”

“It’s been five years this year, Master.”

The elderly man, who seemed to have lived a rough life with scars on his face and body, inquired.

Although the young man was not short in stature, sitting down, he seemed significantly smaller, like a mountain in size.

His voice carried a weighty resonance, not light at all.

If someone were seeing him for the first time, they would be startled once by his bandit-like appearance and then again by his tiger-like voice.

However, to the young man who had received teachings from him, it was all too familiar.

The young man replied calmly, “Five years… it might not be short, but it’s not that long either.”

As if reminiscing about the days spent with the young man.

The old man muttered with a tone of deep thought.

Soon, as if he had made a decision, he spoke.

“I have nothing more to teach you. The rest, you must learn by experiencing it firsthand in the world.”

From Noble mtl dot com

“Didn’t you tell me last time that I still have much to learn?”

“There is indeed much to learn. However, I have judged that it’s not beneficial for you to keep learning without fully digesting what you have learned so far. What you lack now is practical experience and the ability to see the world with discerning eyes.”

“If it’s practical experience, dealing with monsters living on the mountain would be enough…”

“I’m not talking about that kind of practical experience. I mean the practical experience of dealing with people. Have you faced anyone other than me so far? It’s time for you to experience dealing with other people as well. At your age, you should go out into the world, meet various people, and gain experiences. That’s the way to cultivate a discerning eye, Hanbyul.”

“Yes, Master.”

The old man, known in society as Seo Jeong-jin, called his disciple.

The disciple, Kang Hanbyul, responded to the call.

“Go to the Academy City.”


“There will be peers aiming to become hunters like you. Interact with them, feel what you can at your age, experience what you can, and broaden your horizons.”

“Are you telling me to go to the academy?”


“But you said I missed the timing for the entrance exam and should just wait to apply next year…”

“Tsk! After setting the mood, must you say it like that?”

“Were there any academies left where I could still apply for the entrance exam?”

“No, there weren’t. All entrance exams have already concluded.”


“I have a friend I knew from my hunter days who is now the director of a certain academy. I asked him to help you attend the academy.”

“Is that true?”

“Yes, it is. I will write a recommendation letter for you, so take that and go see him.”

“Which academy is it?”

“It’s the Geumgang Academy.”

Since losing his family in an accident at a young age and entering an orphanage, Kang Hanbyul had been ignorant of the ways of the world.

Thus, curiosity was abundant, and he showed a deep interest in the world below the mountain.

Seo Jeongjin could see his eyes sparkling.

“So, pack your things now and head down the mountain.”

“Today? Master, isn’t it too sudden to leave like this?”

“If you’ve made up your mind, you should leave right away. And I intend to leave as well.”

“You too, Master?”

“This house was built to teach you. If you’re no longer here, shouldn’t I also go somewhere? I’m not the type to be tied down to one place. I ended up spending five years here just to teach you.”

“…I see. Where do you plan to go, Master?”

“I’m not sure yet. I plan to wander aimlessly around the world. Enough talk, go pack your things quickly.”

After finishing their conversation, the two stood up.

They packed their belongings to leave the house where they had lived for five years.

Since they lived almost like hermits, there wasn’t much to pack.

Before long, they walked out carrying the bags they had when they first arrived at this house.

“The Geumgang Academy is known as the top academy even in the city of academies. There must be many strong kids there. It will definitely be a good experience.”

“There will be kids stronger than me, right?”

“The world is vast, so who knows. If they are from the Ten Clans, they might pique your interest.”

“If they are from the Ten Clans… they are the descendants of your colleagues, right? From now on, I’ll be competing with them.”

“Why? Are you worried?”

“No! I’m really looking forward to it!”

“That’s a good attitude. Then go down the mountain.”

“Aren’t you coming down with me, Master?”

“I plan to go in a different direction after seeing you off. It wouldn’t be cool for the master and disciple to descend together.”

“…That makes sense.”

Leaving the place they had lived for five years wasn’t easy, but unfortunately, they had to say their goodbyes here.

Where there is a meeting, there is also a parting.

Having heard Seo Jeongjin’s teachings, Kang Hanbyeol gathered his resolve and bowed his head to bid farewell to him.

“I express my gratitude to you, Master. I will do my best to make sure that being your disciple is not something to be ashamed of, and to let people know that you were a great hunter!”

“I’ll be expecting it.”

“Then, I’ll be going!”

With Kang Hanbyeol’s determined ambition,

Seo Jeongjin smiled as he watched his departing disciple.

He never forgot the conversation they had one day.

―As a hunter, my talent was mediocre.

―Why, Master? Why?

―I handled all kinds of weapons well, but I never excelled in any field.


―Whether it was swordsmanship, archery, magic, martial arts, or any other field, I could be top tier, but I could never be the best. There were people who excelled more than me in one field, like the Sword Master Dogga. That’s why people consider me inferior to the heads of the Ten Clans.

―There’s no way you’re weak, Master! You’re strong!

―In a life-or-death battle, you never know who will be stronger. Of course, as people say, if it’s just a competition in one field, I would be below them. But Hanbyeol, you’re different.


―Hanbyeol, you possess a talent. A talent that can absorb everything I have achieved and then move forward. You have the potential to excel in every field you desire. Perhaps, meeting you was meant for me to pass on all my skills to you.


―So, I want to ask you a favor. If someday you make a name for yourself in the world, I would like you to let people know. That you were my disciple. I may not have become the best, but I want to hear that I had the best disciple. And that my skills were not surpassed by anyone.

―…Yes, I will make sure to do that. When I become a Hunter, I will proudly say that I am your disciple!

―Good, I entrust it to you.

It seemed like it had been not long since they had taken Kang Hanbyeol, who lived only because he was afraid of dying, from the orphanage.

Five years had passed since then.

The disciple who was once trapped in the past now sought to move towards the future.

Seo Jeongjin was content with his growth and was trying to descend the mountain himself.

It was at that moment when Kang Hanbyeol called out from a distance.


Seo Jeongjin stopped in his tracks.

Turning around, he saw Kang Hanbyeol, who had suddenly prostrated himself on the ground.

He shouted, “Thank you for raising me all this time! Father!”



Seo Jeongjin had no children.

Hearing a term he had never used in his lifetime, a part of his heart felt touched.


Kang Hanbyeol rose from his position.

He bowed his head once again.

Unknowingly, Seo Jeongjin found himself smiling at him.

Kang Hanbyeol gently shook his hand.

“Let’s meet again someday, son.”

He infused his voice with mana.

It must have resonated in Kang Hanbyeol’s ears.

Seo Jeongjin felt awkward at the thought of looking at his face and turned away without a second glance, descending the mountain in the opposite direction.

“Thank you very much.”

Kang Hanbyeol kept bowing his head until Seo Jeongjin was out of sight.

Finally, he straightened his shoulders with determination and proceeded on the path he had to take.

And thus, Kang Hanbyeol, Seo Jeongjin’s disciple who drew the attention of the world, finally descended.

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