I Became a Childhood Friend of the Middle Boss

Chapter 99

I Became A Childhood Friend Of The Middle Boss 98

Chapter 98


There were regulations even at Geumgang Academy.

Therefore, students had to be in their assigned classes by 8:30 a.m. when regulations started, or at the latest by 9 a.m. when morning classes began.

We were no exception, having drunk until dawn.

Returning to our rooms without much sleep, we had to drag our tired bodies to class.

“Sigh… Hello, looks like you’re here early.”

“…Yeah, hello. Seems like you drank a lot? But why sit next to me when seats aren’t assigned… Oh? Hey, are you ignoring me and doing something over there!?”

“Sleep. And it’s awkward to sit in the front, so let’s sit a bit behind from now on.”

“What? When did I say I’d sit with you!? No, listen to me, I said sleep or don’t, that’s all!”

Class 1-17.

When I entered the classroom, Min Arin was already seated.

She, who was reading a book that looked like a spellbook, had been pestering since morning.

I was too annoyed to respond to her, so I just lay face down on the desk.

“Hey? Could you listen to me for a moment?”

‘She didn’t expect the sky to be that strict…’

It didn’t feel like it was the same as the night before in my past life.

Because of Yeonha, I suppose.

“I don’t think I can drink anymore…”

“Me neither… I feel dizzy…”

“Geumdong, are you okay?”

“Eundong, what are you looking at while talking… ugh…!”

“Do, Dongdong! The restroom is over there!”

“…They said go to your room and throw up.”

As Goeunbi led the drinking game, the speed of emptying glasses increased.

One by one, people who couldn’t hold themselves back due to intoxication started to emerge.

I was also reaching my limits.

The moment I let go of my sanity, it felt like my eyes would close shut.

“Ah, it’s sweet.”

Even in such a situation, Yeonha was casually sipping her drink.

She was a better drinker than I had thought.

Among us, only Yongha seemed capable of keeping up with her.

“What’s this, everyone’s down already? Yeonha, you seem quite good at this… Can you handle another drink?”

“Yeah, pass me one too.”

“That’s right, a real man should be like that! You’re a true man, Yongha of Uihyeong Yongga! From today, I acknowledge you, Yeonha, as my drinking buddy! Cheers!”

“…You’re not drunk, right? I don’t know where to start tackling you, but… there you go… Cheers.”

As everyone sprawled in my room,

Two people sat across from each other at the table, exchanging drinks.

As someone who was Yeonha’s childhood friend, I couldn’t just stand by and watch.

I knew she found Yongha challenging.

Moreover, it was pitiful that she had to face him alone.

So, I forcibly intervened.

“…Pass me one too.”

“Huh? Gyunwoo, you can drink more? If it’s tough, lie down on the bed over there and rest.”

“I’m fine, so I don’t need to rest. When things get tough, the gift will kick in. So, give me a drink too.”

“―Yeah! That’s the way to make it fun! Indeed, I’m the man approved by me!

―You don’t even know what a ‘gift’ is? …Do you think you’ll awaken if you drink? Oh, you’re drunk. How many fingers do you see?


―Wrong, it’s three.

―But you only have two ears.

―Hey, shouldn’t you look at my hand?

―You have one tail…

―…you’re drunk. Lean on me if you’re tired. And drink slowly. Or just lie down on my lap.

―Well, I’m not drunk.

―Yes, Gyungwoo, the kid, is right. Would you like some water? I’ll feed you myself~

―I’m not drunk…

―Yes, you are, you’re drunk.

Struggling to gather my wits.

I drank until dawn, leaning against Yeonha’s shoulder.

Yet, neither she nor Yongha showed any signs of being affected.

No, Yongha just seemed that way, but she was already dozing off sitting down.


―Wow… How can you sleep in that position?

―Hoo… Heaven, want more to drink?

―Hmm… It seems late, so should we finish with one more bottle? Gyungwoo, if you’re tired, go to sleep too.

―…No. One bottle of soju will be quickly finished, so let’s drink together.

At that moment, I was on the verge of death myself.

But I couldn’t bear to leave Yeonha alone to drink, so I desperately had to hold onto my sanity.

“Hey, are you listening to me?”

‘I’m so sleepy I could die…’

After that, I barely slept and went to school.

There was no way I wouldn’t feel sleepy.

So, I wanted to sleep a little more before the ceremony started, but Minarin kept whining and bothering me next to me.

Lying on the desk, I turned my head to look at her.

“Sorry, could you keep it down? I couldn’t sleep last night….”

“What? Are you saying I’m noisy?”

“I never said that…. You seem energetic since this morning. Didn’t you drink last night? That’s why you’re not that tired.”

“What? I drank last night too. Don’t judge me just because you drank a lot ignorantly.”

“How much did you drink last night?”

“…I had one can of beer. Why?”

“You only had that little to drink?”

“So, you drank ignorantly…”.

“Who did you drink with?”


“Well, it’s not like your personality would have you drinking with others. You were probably just alone in your room as always.”


Minarin had a domineering personality. She was ambitious, seeking recognition for her excellence. She even had a sense of righteousness ingrained within her. With such traits, it was hard to imagine her having friends with whom she could relax, laugh, and have a good time.

As her face revealed a look of being caught off guard, my suspicions seemed to be confirmed.

“You, you….”

She was taken aback. Minarin wasn’t good at handling surprises, and her reactions were lacking when faced with unexpected attacks.

Blushing like a beetroot, she simply pouted like a goldfish. I turned away from her, burying my head back into the desk, pretending to be unbothered, and even gestured with my hand.

“Let’s have a drink together next time. I’ll call some people to join us.”

“N-no need! I find aimless fun distasteful. If someone calls, I’ll know when to go!?”

“Anyway, I’m going to sleep.”


Though she said it out loud, deep down, she was subtly hoping for it. Did she think I didn’t know Minarin’s personality? She wouldn’t hold a grudge anymore; I decided to just pretend to sleep.

Time seemed to pass quickly.

“Hey, wake up.”


Minarin nudged me with her elbow. Waking up groggily, I could see Hong Yena and Yuno entering the classroom.

It was time for the morning assembly.

Hong Yena called for attendance.

“Well, thankfully everyone is here. It’s a relief that no one skipped out after getting drunk for the first time, not knowing their limits. Well, if you can just magically shake off the hangover, you probably did that if you thought about it.”


“Still, it seems like quite a few are suffering from hangovers. Or is it because they stayed up late drinking and couldn’t sleep? Either way, drink in moderation. Did you come to the academy just to drink?”

“Yeah, everyone! Have fun, but remember your duties as students. Get up and get ready quickly!”

After scanning the classroom and closing the attendance book, Hong Yena clicked her tongue and briefly stuck out her tongue, speaking.

Her gaze seemed to linger on me for some reason. Meanwhile, Yuno clapped his hands cheerfully, waking the students up.

Then, Hong Yena instructed, “The president and vice president, come and distribute the handouts to the students.”


It was bothersome, but there was no choice. I got up with Minarin and started distributing the handouts to the students.

There were many students sitting apart, so I had to walk around the classroom.

“If we do this, only we will be the ones struggling… Should we rearrange our seats later so we can pass on the message.”

It seemed like a good idea.

If students resist in the process, I can just overpower them with my skills.

After printing all the documents, I decided to seize the opportunity and took my seat.

The printouts contained information about the course guide.

At that moment, Yuno manipulated the computer and displayed the same content on the screen.

“You all need to remember that you are no longer children. If you came to the Academy, you should know how to take care of yourselves. From now on, think and act on your own. Do you really think that just by quietly attending classes as students and killing time, you will naturally become hunters? Anyone who thinks like that needs to change their mindset immediately. Otherwise, it’s better to withdraw now or return to a civilian life. We won’t feel any regret. Even if you withdraw, there are many students and applicants who can replace you.”


Crossing her arms in front of the screen,

Hong Yena spoke resolutely.

The atmosphere suddenly turned chilly.

I could feel the students’ sharp gazes behind me.

But she, who was the center of attention, paid no mind at all.

“Instructors are there to guide you in the direction of becoming a hunter, not to make you into one. You should become hunters yourselves. So, I hope there’s no one here who foolishly believes that just attending classes as instructed, like when you attended school on the mainland, will be enough. From now on, you must choose your classes and attend them. The handouts we distributed…”

“Instructor, I need to use the restroom…”

“Instructors don’t exist for restroom breaks―! If you want to go to the restroom from now on, just quietly get up and go.”

“Didn’t I just say that? You are no longer children, so you must know how to think and act on your own. Do you need permission for that too?”


“Look at the screen. I will now explain the Academy’s course curriculum.”

When I turned around, I saw a student with a flushed face leaving the room.

Yuno just smiled silently, while Hong Yena sighed with a look of pity.

Then, she began the explanation.

“The classes you will take for three years can be broadly divided into morning and afternoon sessions. For morning classes…”

The explanation went as follows.

A class that lasts 50 minutes once a week is worth one credit.

An Academy student must complete a minimum of 35 credits per semester by attending classes.

There is no limit to the maximum number of credits that can be earned.

Students are free to choose their classes for the afternoon sessions.

Morning classes are fixed to be taught by the homeroom instructors.

The maximum credits that can be earned through morning classes are 15.

“So, you must take the remaining 20 credits to attend the afternoon classes you desire. If you want to take more than that… The afternoon classes are…”

Simply filling up the 20 credits is not enough.

Afternoon classes are categorized into disciplines, general education, humanities, character, and practical classes.

In order to graduate from the Academy, students must earn the minimum required credits in each category.

The minimum required credits vary depending on the students’ academic records.

“I can’t show you the credits required for each academic record individually, so look at the handout.”


Academic records of Academy students are divided into disciplines and categories.

The disciplines include combat, production, administration, and more.

In the Combat Department, there are ten main disciplines including shield techniques, swordsmanship, magic, archery, spear techniques, along with other disciplines.

From Noble mtl dot com

“I belong to the Combat Department’s swordsmanship discipline… Ah, here it is.”

To obtain a Hunter’s license.

To acquire the Hunter’s license, Academy students needed to achieve the minimum grades required in their academic records, and choose classes tailored to the Hunter they aspired to be with the remaining credits.

Wisely and wisely.

“The classes and grades you receive at the Academy will be the criteria by which you will be evaluated when you act as a Hunter in the future. Think of it as your portfolio.”


“So, don’t follow others, but rather think carefully about your career path and make your decision.”

“Instructor, the ceremonial time is now ending. How about taking a break and finishing the rest in the first period?”

“When did the time pass like this… Yes, that sounds good. Let’s take a break and continue in the first period. In the first period, I will explain about signing up for afternoon classes.”

One must think and act for themselves.

For students who have recently graduated from middle school, it was no different than having their heads spinning.

Yet, it had to be done.

Because the only person responsible for their own life is themselves.

Of course.

“It’s something that came out in games too.”

I was already prepared.

In the game, players could choose classes strong stars and party members could take each semester.

Characters would increase their physical abilities or acquire skills depending on the classes they took.

As a result, players could nurture their characters as they pleased.

It was the charm that made the game diverse.

“It brings back memories. Even though I never attended university, I remember diligently planning my characters’ timetables…”

In my past life, I was an old hand at the game.

Being deeply immersed in the game, I had mastered all sorts of patterns.

It meant I knew what classes were suitable and necessary for me.

Not only my timetable, but also those of other characters were the same.

Therefore, I didn’t need to wrack my brains like other students to plan the timetable for afternoon classes together.

“Time has flown by already. Since today is the first day, let’s end the morning classes here. Anyway, everyone has class registration this Thursday, so don’t forget to plan your timetable in advance. You all know there are no afternoon classes this week, right? Everyone must be hungry, so go and enjoy your meal! If you have any questions about your timetable, feel free to come and see me anytime!”

The morning class ended 20 minutes early, just before lunchtime.

After finishing the class, Hong Yena and Yuno left the classroom, while other students prepared to leave.

Min Arin, sitting next to me, was trying to get up from her seat with her notes and stationery in hand, ready for the morning.

I made a suggestion to her.

“Do you have time later?”

“…Why do you ask?”

“If you’re free, let’s go grab a bite to eat. There are a few of us planning to eat together, and then we’re going to work on our timetables at a cafe. If you’re okay with it, why don’t you join us?”

Min Arin’s yellow eyes stared at me.

In the game, only after she joined the party in the first semester of her second year could she arrange her schedule.

But the world I live in is not a game; it’s reality.

According to my efforts, I can interfere with the story as much as I want.

I couldn’t miss the chance to tamper with her schedule from the first semester.

I waited for her response.

The response was as expected.

“Why me? Why should I eat with people I don’t know and arrange schedules? I appreciate the offer, but I’ll pass.”

Given Min Arin’s personality, it was a natural response.

There was no reason for me, who was expecting her response, to be flustered.

If that’s the case, I can predict the next reaction as well.

I brought up something intriguing as she packed her things and turned away.

“Oh, really? I wanted to introduce you to Haneul since you’re in the same department…”


“Haneul knows, right? Top of the class.”


“He’s also a disciple of Gyowang Hong.”


“He agreed to arrange schedules together, do you really have no interest?”

During the drinking party yesterday.

I heard from Yeon Haneul that there had been friction between Min Arin and him during the entrance exam.

Also, that she had all her exam papers taken away after losing to Yeon Haneul.

That was the reason she couldn’t seize the top spot in the entrance exam as planned.

“Who could have known that Haneul and Min Arin would fight….”

I was surprised when I heard it from Yeon Haneul.

In a way, it was my negligence not to anticipate the situation where the two would clash.

But what’s done is done.

Rather than blaming myself for the unexpected situation, I had to look for a better outcome.

The conclusion I reached was to provoke Min Arin through Yeon Haneul.

“Min Arin, who is strong-willed and even competitive. If I mention Haneul’s name, she’ll have no choice but to react.”

My prediction was correct.

Min Arin stood still, lost in thought, unable to take a step.

After what seemed like a calculation, she sought confirmation from me.

“Is he really coming too?”

“My story about being his childhood friend isn’t famous? Obviously.”

“Fine, then I’ll go too.”

“Good choice.”

I took the bait.

There’s no character as easy as Min Arin.

I raised the corners of my mouth.

‘Why is she smiling?’

Speculatively, perhaps she was running a happiness circuit, contemplating what kind of courses Yeonhaneul would take, typical of Minarin.

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