I Became a Dark Fantasy Villain

Chapter 43 (2)

Chapter 43 (2)

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A few nobles who had been glancing over here stood up from their seats.

Lets discuss what we were talking about earlier.

The king commanded.

One of the nobles who had bowed his head began to speak.

I believe, Your Majesty, that Liurel is behind this incident.

Based on what evidence?

We all know that the former lord, Vernon Liurel, fell as a minion of darkness. Furthermore, Maeve Liurel has incited unrest in the kingdom and even succumbed to delusions. Its clear that she has invoked the madness of the Black Wall.

He was one of Regis followers.

Several nodded in agreement, but there were more with eyes that couldnt accept it.

Regis observed everyones expressions, even the kings, then softly spoke.

However, Lord Liurel is a devoted messenger of the strict goddess and represents Agellan as a Divine Knight. Also, shes his grief-stricken sister, and Liurel is a distinguished family that has been loyal to the kingdom through generations.

With a gaze filled with sorrow, Regis turned to the audience.

Moreover, if Lord Liurel has requested this meeting herself, why would she create such an incident?

If thats true, why havent we seen a single person affiliated with Liurel here? Also, where is Lord Liurel, the shield of Your Majesty?

They must be somewhere battling the cursed creatures.


The king raised his hand, interrupting Regis words.

I understand my uncles intentions. But in my ears, their words dont sound entirely baseless. Since the return of Liurel, ominous events have continued in Agellan. Isnt that an undeniable fact?

Doubting his own personal bodyguards in front of his subordinates, foolish man.

Even as he thought this, Regis wore an expression of regret.

Your Majesty?

Look into this matter. Once this damn night passes, reveal the truth unequivocally and help restore Lord Liurels honor.

Regis didnt respond.

Seeing him steadfastly, the king added.

You, Uncle, should handle the investigation. If its indeed proven that Lord Liurel is innocent, I will sincerely apologize and never mention it again.

A fool whos proud of opposing my will. I suppose I should be thankful.

Despite inwardly chuckling, Regis simply bowed his head.

As silence settled in the hall, and amidst the quiet unease in the eyes of several knights, a voice resonated.

Fear not, Your Majesty.

A hushed voice spread through the hall.

The gazes of those in the audience turned toward the entrance from which the voice had come.

The king and Regis were no exception.

The faithful have arrived.

Under the flickering candlelight, a knight in full armor was approaching.

How did she end up here?

Amidst Regis searching gaze.

The king narrowed his eyes.

Knight. I have one question. How did you enter the castle?

I entered through the main gate, Your Majesty.

Finally, Maeves appearance became clear.

A figure clad in the black blood of hunting dogs, her entire form transformed.

With each step, droplets of blood splattered from her armor.

A man in ash-colored leather armor followed her from behind, but not a single person paid him any attention.

It was because Maeve exuded such an uncanny and ominous presence.

Surrounded by corrupt beings, how can the gods leave Your Majesty all alone?

Corrupt beings Are you still using that term?

Thud, thud-

Without even bothering about the kings voice, Maeve continued walking, and eventually stopped at the entrance of the assembly hall.

Her bird-like faceplate glanced slowly around the hall.

Dont you see? The ones who deceive Your Majesty are hiding around, causing confusion in Agellan.

Every word she spoke was true, yet it was clear that the king didnt hear it that way.

Regis forehead became increasingly furrowed.

Has she truly lost her mind?

His gaze seemed to darken for a moment.

The icy gaze beyond the faceplate stopped, even though it was just a fleeting instant, it halted even for him.

Could it be? Is it really that dire?

The thought briefly crossed his mind.

However, do not worry, Your Majesty.

Maeve kneeled on one knee.

The king, who had been growing more and more somber, spoke.

Knight, what on earth are you talking about? Where are the members of the family?

Maeve slowly stood up and answered.

They are all dead, Your Majesty.

As the kings expression faltered, she continued.

Therefore, please observe, Your Majesty.


Maeve drew her sword slowly.

Here, I, your loyal knight, will eradicate the corrupt.

What Did you say?

Finally, the kings eyes widened slowly.

An intense tension that seemed like it could explode at any moment filled the hall.

For an instant, the hands holding the spears of the soldiers trembled thinly.

Liu Lord Liurel has truly gone mad! She plans to kill all of us!

Someone who couldnt withstand the pressure shouted.

The faces of the refugees started to display fear, and they began to retreat.

Y-Your Majesty! Protect Your Majesty!

Just as Regis was about to say something, someone shouted.

A member of the royal guards. One of those who aligned themselves with Maeve.

He had been overwhelmed by her presence like everyone else who was with her, and belatedly remembered his role.

Six members rushed toward the king almost simultaneously, and the remaining knights drew their swords as well.

Amidst the trembling spear tips of the soldiers aimed at Maeve.


A red divine power emerged from Maeves sword as she held it close to her chest.

The eerie red glow spread throughout her body from her sword.

Do not forgive my insolence.

The moment her gaze turned toward him, Regis finally realized the depth of the threat.

That madwoman, has she really come here with the sole intention of killing the corrupted ones?

Even if it meant killing everyone left in the castle.




Its not just for show; shes serious.

Ian watched Maeves back with a wry smile.

Although he hadnt taken a single step, no one paid him any attention.

Maeves presence was just that overpowering.

The divine power emanating from the avenger wasnt as radiant as when she was the apostle of damnation.

It flowed down like blood and evaporated eerily.

It seemed like the essence of vengeance itself.

Ian remembered the sight of a vengeance-driven person shedding blood, the memory itself.

And in his eyes, what he saw wasnt just the surface appearance, just like back then.

She must be planning to finish her revenge and then die.

Maeve started to move her steps.

Ian, who was loosening his ankle and shoulder, hurled his body forward with a chilling gaze.

Im sorry, but that wont happen.

There were still dues to be paid.

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Translator; ippo

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