I Became a Dark Fantasy Villain

Chapter 72 (1)

Chapter 72 (1)

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Tessia fell asleep soon after.

The aftermath of fighting with Charlotte and being interrogated by Ian seemed to have taken a considerable toll.

She had been huddled up like a wild animal with her robe pulled over her head, but she stirred again as the eastern sky began to grow faintly bright.


She had jolted upright spasmodically, and upon making eye contact with Ian sitting across from her, she let out a belated sigh.

Why are you startled?

Ian muttered as he poked the campfire with his Sword of Condemnation.

Blinking her eyes, Tessia smiled.

Its just not familiar having someone by my side. Sorry.

She huddled down further into her robe, fidgeting restlessly.

Her awkward movements suggested she was unaccustomed to having anything draped over her body. If Ian hadnt given it to her, she likely would have tossed it off long ago.

Its scratchy.

Endure it. Ill buy you some clothes to wear when we stop by a village.


Tessia frowned in distaste, but then looked at Ian with a strange gleam in her eyes.

Wouldnt it be better if you just gave me the clothes you were wearing instead, Ian?

Theyd be too big for you.

Currently the tallest of their group was Charlotte. Ian was about half a head shorter than her, and Tessia was about a head shorter than Ian.

It doesnt matter. Theyd have your scent.

Tessia sniffed at the folds of her robe. Her fangs glinted between her lips. A thirst swirled in her red eyes.

I wont stop you from just smelling. But if you try any foolishness with me, youll lose your head.

Ian growled a warning.

Tessia nodded.

Dont worry. I wont do anything that stupid.

At least not while she could control her instincts.

Ian answered with a derisive snort.

He had no intention of letting her drink his blood, no matter what.

There was no telling what else she might consume along with it.

Ians gaze turned towards the eastern sky.

Judging by how bright it was getting around them, the sun would soon rise.

His eyes returned to Tessia.

She had been sniffing the robe, but now looked back at him.

What? I said the scent is fine.

The sun will rise soon.



Ians brow furrowed.

Will you be alright in the sunlight?

Not really. It weakens me. Ah. Were you worried about me?

Tessia gave a wry smile.

Straightening her back, she removed the hood she had pulled over her head.

Let me show you.

At that moment, the sun peeked over the eastern horizon. Its rays extended out along the distant mountain ridge, immediately illuminating the side of Tessias face.

Squinting her eyes shut, Tessia flinched as if from the sting.

Soon, her silver hair began to lose its luster, fading to an ashen gray hue.

Her once pale skin also completely lost its vitality, turning dull and lifeless. The pronounced fangs vanished from her lips.

Getting direct sunlight really is painful.

Mumbling, Tessia opened her eyes.

Her red irises had somehow turned a deep, murky green, the color of an ancient swamp.

Feeling a mages characteristic curiosity, Ian asked,

Is that your true form?

I dont know. Its just what I become during the day. I can barely use any of my power. A simple stab might kill me right now.

Tessia answered nonchalantly as she pulled the hood back over her head.

Gray hair and murky green eyes.

She now resembled an older, ordinary fairy.

So during the day, I mostly just hide in the shade. In this state, Id struggle to beat even a single bear.

Do other vampires become like this during the day too?

I dont know. Ive never seen another vampire in daylight before.

And sleep?

Unless its a situation like last night About once every three days is enough for me. Normally I sleep hidden away in caves or grassy areas during the day. Its too dangerous to just wander around in this state.

Ian nodded slowly.

These were facts he hadnt known.

If other vampires were the same way, killing them during the day might be an easy task.

Thank you for telling me your weakness.

Charlottes soft voice followed.

She had woken up at some point and rose with a yawn, looking rather like a large house cat stretching. Licking around her mouth with her dry tongue, she glanced over at Tessia.

Ill be happy to keep it in mind for when I need to kill you.

Unfortunately, that wont happen, beast. And feel free to attack anytime. Ill happily claw up the other side of your face too. For balance.

Tessia smiled as she spoke.

Charlotte snorted derisively.

Disgusting gremlin, just as repulsive even after becoming one of the demonic races.

Are you alright?

Ian asked. Charlotte rotated her arms and neck as she answered.

Perfectly fine. Doesnt hurt at all.

Come here then. Ill change your bandages.

Again? Charlotte flinched with that look, but then glanced at Tessia and approached Ian with an unbothered expression.

Unwinding the bandages from her face, Ian blinked in surprise.

Well, this is quite remarkable.


Tilting her head in puzzlement, Charlotte felt her own face, her expression soon matching Ians astonished one.

The wounds had almost completely healed, leaving only faint scratches where the claws had raked.

Even accounting for an immortals accelerated recovery, this rate was abnormal.

The effect of the blessing is more potent than I imagined.

Ian realized the reason.

One of the benefits granted by the Furnaces blessing was an enhanced healing rate.

Amazing. Now that you mention it, my body does feel lighter.

Charlotte marveled as Ian also removed the bandages around her arm. The wounds there had vanished entirely without a trace.

No need to rebandage then. Prepare some breakfast. Well eat and depart right after.


As Charlotte turned away, Tessia spoke up in a mumbling tone as she climbed into the wagon.

What a pity. I should have dug in deeper.

Glaring at Tessias retreating form, Charlotte looked back to Ian.

Please allow me to at least cut out her tongue, Ian.


Though he answered flatly, Ian felt an odd chill. He soon chuckled and added,

But if the need arises, I may ask you to do just that.




The wagon slowly proceeded along the main road. Although they could have moved faster, Ian chose not to hurry. It was an aftereffect of their previous job, where they were constantly chased by numerous trackers.

Moreover, there was no urgent reason to rush at the moment. It was still an earlier point compared to the games timeline, as the rapidly changing situation had brought them to the northern regions sooner than expected. The war between the border kingdoms had not even begun yet.

It meant there was still time before the major events that would only emerge once the war reached its peak. Tessias joining their group also did not necessitate hastening their journey.

Of course, not everything was peaceful.

You look quite befitting seated on the drivers bench, Charlotte.

Dont call me by my name, you snake. Its repulsive.

Aw. Saying that just makes me want to call you Charlotte more.

One more word and I really will cut out your tongue.

Charlotte and Tessia were still exchanging hostilities with each other. If Ian wasnt present, the atmosphere suggested they would immediately try to take each others lives again.

Ian let it be for now. He couldnt yet tell if this was a lingering bitter feud or the process of former adversaries who had once tried to kill each other growing closer.

I was going to mention this earlier, but if you cut out my tongue, itll just grow back at night, you idiot.

Then I can have the pleasure of cutting out your tongue daily, you repulsive gremlin.

Im curious about something.

Ian suddenly spoke up as he looked down at the map.

Translator; ippo

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