I Became a Dark Fantasy Villain

Chapter 73 (1)

Chapter 73 (1)

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The wall stretching from across the Guandu to the distant mountain slopes in the east looked as natural as if it had guarded this place for a very long time.

It seemed to be a gate modified and expanded from ancient city walls, as was often the case elsewhere.

Guards holding iron maces looked down at the carriage from atop the wall.

The guard captain, who had been eyeing Charlotte with dry eyes, approached Ian.

State your identity.

As if he had been waiting, Ian handed over a thin piece of tanned leather.

Mercenary, Ian Hoff.

The guard captains eyes immediately narrowed as he unfolded the leather.

The Temple of Furnace? Can you prove this is not a forgery?

No, but if I intended to forge my identity, I wouldnt have used that name.

Well, I suppose thats true.

The guard captain nodded his head.

Ian had carefully taken advantage of the Temple of Furnace. He had requested not only maps and blessings, but also documents to certify his identity. Purifying the corrupted holy water decaying in the void realm was a bonus.

Of course, the temple granted all the requests of their benefactor.

As a result, Ian obtained an identity certificate stamped with the seal of Cherwin Astraia.

It was a name that would be recognized in the Northern Territories and the Empire.

It seems you have a special relationship with the temple. But Ive heard the flames of Furnace are dying out.

This Ian here was of great help in reviving those flames.

It was Charlotte who spoke out.

Meeting Ians gaze, she ran her tongue expressionlessly over her lips, as if speaking the expected words.

As their peculiar overlapping forms made Ian narrow his brows, the guard captain continued.

I see. Well, I did think you seemed out of the ordinary, but its fortunate that it was in a good way. Are all those in your party your subordinates?


For now.

A mercenary band, eh? Then you are honored guests here.

Muttering, the guard captain took a stamp from his pocket and pressed it on one side of the leather.

Waiting for the stamp to dry, he looked back at Ian.

So, where are you headed? Travelgar?

Were heading north for now.

How far north? This Ninglosl is far enough north already.

A curious fellow, this one.

But Ian answered casually despite thinking so.

Further north. Near the Aghorn Mountains.

Even to Ian, the sight of this carriage and its occupants would pique curiosity.

An Imperial black carriage. Purebred warhorses wearing matching black barding.

A sullen-looking burly woman in a robe sat hunched at the footboard by Ian.

It was an unusual enough combination even in this insane world.

Ah, you mean the true north. Thats no place for humans to tread, especially this time of year. Did you receive a request?

From the Temple of Furnace.

Ian nonchalantly name-dropped the temple. Even if they heard, he doubted they would make a fuss over such a trivial matter.

You must be truly formidable individuals then. Otherwise they would not have made such a reckless request.

Is the situation in the north that bad?

Are you new to the Northern Territories?

Ian nodded readily.

The guard captain paused briefly, seeming conflicted about saying anything unnecessary.

Nothing will change whether I speak or not, so feel free to say it. It may even help.

Ian gently added.

The guard captain nodded.

To answer your question, yes, it is very bad. The entire north is called the Northern Autonomous Region, but in reality only the areas not covered in snow can be considered the north. Beyond that is little more than the White Demonic World. Even those who lived near there have long since migrated south. Ninglosl here is one of those places.

Pausing, the guard captain scratched his thick beard.

If it were me, I would stay at least until spring, or turn my horses east. Without even going as far as Karingion, Travelgar alone has plenty of work in need of capable mercenary bands. Here is a bit dull, admittedly.

Well, there you have it.

Nodding slowly, Ian asked,

So youre saying this is effectively one of the northernmost cities of the Northern Territories?

Not yet, but it will be soon. The cold has been creeping down year by year. It wont be long before the snow covers the upper neighborhoods too. Above here are just villages not even worth comparing to this place. In fact, anyone still holding out there probably isnt in their right mind.

Then well need to resupply thoroughly before departing

It must be an urgent request.

It doesnt seem like waiting until spring would make much difference.

Thats not entirely wrong.

As the guard captain rolled up the leather and handed it back, he added,

There are mines to the west beyond the city. That area is off-limits to outsiders. Same goes for near the castle walls. Best not to leave the city streets if you can help it. I trust you wont cause any trouble.

Dont worry. Well just rest up and spend plenty of coins before moving on.


The guard captain stepped back.

The soldiers guarding the gate cleared the way.

Charlotte leisurely drove the carriage through the gate.

Barren abandoned fields proving the season came into view, along with the surprisingly expansive cityscape.

It exceeded Ians expectations.

In fact, this was a city he had never seen in the game.

It was not unusual for villages unseen in games to appear, but never on this scale.

Its almost a shame there are no quests here We have the leisure.

Still, in a city like this, even if the bloodsucking judges followed, it was unlikely to rampage in plain sight without going insane first.

If word of a demon outbreak spread in the heart of an autonomous city, the Empires pursuit would soon follow.

Then, Tessia glanced around warily, her face regaining some color after the nights hunt.

Do you always have to go through these tedious procedures?

Only when not in free cities, Ian replied.

It was an interesting experience. It was the first time I boldly passed through the gate.

Im sure it was.

Ill do well inside too. Strangely, I always drew attention before.

Well, thats probably because you walked around naked.


Her actions were probably not so ordinary either.

Ian smirked and turned his gaze away, as if feigning ignorance at Tessias reaction.

In any case, with Charlotte around now, she would relatively receive less attention.

Where should we go first?

Charlotte then asked.

Yet another basic question.

Ian gestured with his chin.

There should be a stable somewhere in the city or an inn. Go there first.

Got it.

Why did you butt in earlier? That was unlike you.

Ah, that. At the Temple of FurnaceI learned it.

There was an embarrassed tone in Charlottes voice.

Ians brow furrowed.


He came up to us while you were talking to the High Priest and started spouting off about how to introduce you, the duties a squire should perform. That came to mind. In any case, now Imbasically your squire


Ian let out a hollow laugh.

So they were still passing that down.

It was right after that when Tessias eyes lit up.

Theres a specific way to introduce Ian? What is it?

He said-


Ian cut her off, glaring coldly between the two of them.

I told you not to fight, not to act buddy-buddy. And Charlotte, forget that nonsense. Its not needed.

Well it would be more comfortable for meBut it does seem necessary to advertise your achievements, Ian. Reputation is important for mercenary companies.

What a mercenary company with just three peopleIts not needed. We can rebuild a reputation later.

Why not? I like the idea of a mercenary company.

Tessia snickered.

Im sure you do.

Ian retorted, rubbing his temple.

If you want to keep that up, just act like a fairy mage for now.

Got it. I will.

The wagon rolled into the city.

Drab black earth and brick buildings.

It wasnt hard to find the stables a fairly large one was located right on the main street, likely due to frequent transportation of goods.

Not far from the inn either.

A mighty fine horse, sir.

The stable master glanced back and forth between the wagon, horse, and Charlotte as he spoke.

Ian, stepping down from the wagon, stated.

Could be a couple days stay, could be a few more. Take good care of them feed them well, let them rest easily. Were headed north.

How far north, if you dont mind me asking?

Hes asking that again. Though this was already the northern region by Imperial standards.

Near the Aghorn mountain range.

That far north The horses may not make it back, sir.

As long as they can get us there. Oh, and have them cleaned up too.

The stable masters lips curled up at the few silver coins Ian handed him.

Ill see to it personally.

Ian nodded and turned around.

Charlotte and Tessia walked abreast behind him.

The gazes of passersby lingered on them briefly.

Ian silently licked his lips.

Not that I want to stand out too much

But it was something hed have to get used to as long as he was with Charlotte.

Finding the blacksmith wasnt difficult an entire street was lined with smithies.

Keep it straight, you idiot! It keeps bouncing when you swing down!

Do the bellows properly!

Humans and dwarves bustled about ceaselessly amid the commotion.

Translator; ippo

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