I Became a Dark Fantasy Villain

Chapter 74 (2)

Chapter 74 (2)

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The judge let out an exclamation.

Now able to freely manifest shadow magic ravens. Indeed, you are different from the previous specimens.

Keep your praise. Ian! Dont tell me hes knocked out like this beast? Ian!

Tessia spat, as she shouted.

Meanwhile, two raven shadows circled protectively around her, yet paled in comparison to the swarming bats cloaking the area.

After that big talk! To pathetically collapse like this!

Backing up against a building wall, Tessia vented her outrage.

The judges laughter followed.

Its futile. This is

His voice trailed off.

His previously casual footsteps halted.

The judge turned around.


A howling gust blew aside the surrounding mist.

Through the clearing, Ian rose to his feet.

He spat out a chunk of flesh from his mouth.

Sorry about the boasting.


Color returned to Tessias face. The judge exclaimed.

That was an amplified sirens scream Remarkable. Youre the first human to remain awake after hearing it.

Ah, yes. Thanks to that, we can fight without interruption.

Ian nonchalantly gripped his sword once more.

The pain from biting his mouth kept his mind clear, but his bodys senses were still not fully recovered.

Insisting on battle Hoh? This is?

The judge abruptly closed his eyes, then inhaled deeply, as if savoring a scent.

His lips parted, revealing elongated fangs.

The corners of his mouth split open to below his ears.

Yes You are no ordinary human. An irresistible aroma.

It was then that a quest window appeared before Ians eyes.

The Shadow Judge.

I understand. These situations are presenting quests for Ian. Thats fortunate.

As Ians gaze hardened, Tessia shouted.

Back off! Ian is mine! Touch him and youre dead!

This is no place for you to interfere, mongrel.

With a wave of his hand, the judge opened his eyes.

As the bats surrounding the inn building converged on Tessia, he fixed his flickering gaze on Ian.

Somehow, a sword had appeared in the judges grip.

A twisted blade, its tip curving forward like a crescent moon.

Fate is an amusing thing. That this mongrel would keep company with one possessing such special blood. Consuming you will surely make me stronger.

The feeling is mutual. If I defeat you, Ill gain experience.

What do you mean by that?

Instead of answering, Ian threw a dagger that whistled through the air. The judge lightly dodged to the side and raised his left hand.

Billowing black mist rose up, instantly engulfing Ian.


A gust of wind immediately scattered the mist.

Ian charged through the gap, his eyes glinting coldly.


Unable to contain his laughter, the judge lunged to meet him.

The dense mist parted with each of the judges steps.


Their swords clashed.

For an instant, their charges came to a halt.

A heavy impact reverberated through their grips.


It was Ian who first withdrew.

For when the judge slightly flicked his wrist, the crescent blades tip closed in as if to graze Ians shoulder.

The judge pursued relentlessly, his hands continuing their motion toward Ian.

Chiang! Clang-!

Their strikes and parries rapidly exchanged.

Delight danced more fervently in the judges eyes with each passing moment.

It had been so long since hed found such a delightful meal.

The scent of blood like well-aged wine wafted with each breath, and Ians gaze remained unwavering even amidst their sword clashes.

His swordsmanship fell short of expectations, but his overwhelming strength and speed far exceeding his build, the aid of what seemed like wind magic armaments, and his bold judgment in exploiting openings, these compensated for his lack of finesse.


The crescent blade occasionally scraped along the chains binding the judges limbs, releasing faint whiffs of blood that stoked his ecstasy further.

The madness concealed beneath his composed elegance rippled in his crimson eyes.

The swirling black mist seemed to echo his surging emotions.

Magnificent! Simply magnificent! Hone your skills a few more years, and you would surely have become a consummate swordmaster!

The judge shouted amidst his relentless sword strokes.

But do not lament! Your determination and courage have already reached a level rivaling theirs!

Even while purely defending, he found greater delight in Ians calm, unflinching gaze.

A desire welled up to savor this battle a while longer. He was also convinced this exquisite delicacy was too precious to devour in haste.

Until that stoic facade crumbled into terror and despair. Until the light of determination in those eyes was utterly extinguished.

Only then would he cease toying with him and finally consume Ian, once the scent of his blood lost its rich aroma.


Their inward slashes collided once more.

Kaghak! The sword of condemnation scraped along the crescents edge, showering sparks.

Just as the judge moved to flick his wrist, the continued pressure forced him momentarily back.

It felt as if the force behind Ians sword had grown stronger and more fluid.

The judges brow furrowed briefly before Ian murmured through their locked blades.

Finally feeling lighter now.

Holding the judges gaze, he calmly added.

Im grateful. Thanks to you not intending to kill me, I bought enough time.

What? Haha!

I only hope this isnt all you have. Otherwise, the experience youll yield is going to be pitiful.

What is this experience you speak of?


Again, no answer came.

Instead, an immense pulling force emanated from the judges blade for an instant, followed by an even greater invisible shockwave that slammed into him.

As the disoriented judge was flung back, Ian pursued relentlessly.


The raised his arm to deflect Ians unnaturally powerful downward strike.

For one who had trodden the path of the sword for ages, such a direct attack could be parried or deflected unconsciously.


As their locked blades pressed against each other, a swirling gust of mist-shrouded wind battered around Ian.

But the judge could not afford to mind the raging vortex

For crimson magic swirled in Ians pupils as he glared at the judge.

A mage? For such tremendous power and superb swordsmanship to exist in a mage?


Before he could complete the thought, pillars of flame erupted explosively from beneath the judges feet.

Translator; ippo

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