I Became a Foreign Worker Loved by Transcendents

Chapter 1: Heroes And Elders

Chapter 1: Heroes And Elders

Hey, Porter! Arent you coming quickly!?

Ah, yes. Im sorry.

For some unknown reason, it had been about 2 years since I was reincarnated into another world.

As a porter, performing the role of the partys inventory, I gripped the straps of the luggage bag tighter and apologized to the irate woman who was walking ahead, shouting.

Dont just say sorry, hurry up! Cant you see that were delaying our dungeon raid because of you!?

Ah, yes. I am sorry, my legs are a bit slow.

Although it was annoying to deal with her tantrums without carrying any load myself, this was something I had to endure as it was difficult to make a living without doing even this.

Having initially dealt with nasty customers, it was part of the hardships of being in the service industry, so it was within the realm of understanding that someone like me, just a lowly porter, would be treated this way.

Still, if there was one thing I regretted, perhaps it was that I wished she would call me by my proper name?

But, um, party leader? I have a name, and its Woo Hyo-sung.

My fathers surname was Woo, and my given name was made up of Hyo, meaning to resonate, and Sung , meaning sound.

It meant to always uphold your convictions and speak out.

After coming to this world, my confidence had dropped, and I had become more passive, but still, if possible, I wanted to live proudly and have my voice heard by others.

Huh, so?

But my actual employer, the mage, just shot me a look of displeasure.

Do you think I have an obligation to remember the name of an insignificant maggot like you?

No, theres no obligation, but since were traveling together, at least the name

Shut your mouth and follow. If you dont do it right, Ill speak to the labor union and have your score marked, so just know that!

The mage muttered and continued deeper into the dungeon.

Generally, a mage would serve as a rear guard and not lead, but she was different; she was a being recognized by the world, unlike a porter like me.

It was like comparing an ant to an elephant.

Even if one only relied on the advantage of being physically bigger, it meant that they were in a position to act haughty among the ants.

Tsk, tsk, this partys hero seems to have a rather prickly personality.

Our kind doesnt know, but it seems like you, the porter, are from the same school.

What was somewhat of a relief was that, unlike that woman, who was a hero, the inhabitants of this world werent always so sharp and hostile toward me.

In fact, since they were also ignored by that woman, what I felt towards them was probably closer to a sense of camaraderie.

Haha, what can we do? As a foreign laborer, even serving the hero is an honor.

Hehe, to endure that much even when she doesnt remember your name. Youd probably treat your wife very well later on.

Well, from what I see, it looks like youre the one whos going to be caught.

While following behind the mage, the middle-aged vanguard and the archer exchanged jokes with a sneer.

Following them with a forced smile, I mulled over what they said to me.

A woman who couldnt even remember my name. Well

I doubted that was the case, though.

Status Open!

Then came break time.

I sat down after putting my luggage bag aside and took some time to check my status, the ability I had awakened in this world, commonly referred to as a special ability.

Oh, are you doing something interesting there?

And like ghosts smelling blood, my colleagues showed their curiosity.

But I didnt really feel like entertaining them.

Ah, go away. Why do you keep trying to look at my personal information?

Hehe, why so sensitive? We cant read it anyway.

Whats that, Spicy or SexState? Whats written in there? People from other worlds like you are said to have unique abilities.

Dont be overly interested in personal information.

Nosey bastards.

The two people chuckled and continued to fine-tune their equipment, undeterred by my empty threat.

I shifted my gaze from the two and inspected the status window that had appeared before me.

Transmigrator Woo Hyo-Sung

Class: Scout

Unique Ability: Existence Imprint

Aptitude Ratings

Physical: C+++

Skill: C++

Intelligence: C-

Sense: C+

Spirit: A

Mystery: F

Well, this is truly something

At first glance, aside from the spirit, there didnt seem to be anything special about the status.

If it wasnt a hidden class, one would acquire it by joining a guild, so lets bypass that

What merited attention was the unique abilities and the aptitude ratings.

The aptitude ratings existed even among the residents of this world, similar to a status in a game, but not linked to a level-up system.

To put it simply, it was as if the individuals parameters had been ranked In other words, if you were strong, your Physical would increase; if you had skill or technique, your Skill would rise; and if you were intelligent, your Intelligence would increase.

Taking Physical as a reference, an adult male with experience in manual labor, specifically me when I first arrived in this world, was around C rank.

Based on my encounters with various people, although not accurately, it seemed trained athletes or soldiers might be B, and those naturally gifted with combat experience, like special forces, would be A rank. The strongest in the human realm or beyond that would be estimated as S rank.

And the Physical that was merely C had now gained three plusses after two years of menial work.

This suggested that aptitude ratings could increase with intensive physical exertion Damn, the more I contemplated it, the less the numbers seemed to make sense.

The only standout was the Spirit at A rank, but that simply meant maintaining composure even when something occurred right before my eyes.

In reality, the Physical, Skill, and Intelligence ratings essential for combat were all at C rank, far from satisfactory.

No, what was even more baffling was why my Intelligence was at C rank?

If my average SAT score was in the top 20%, shouldnt that warrant at least a B rank? Did this world also dismiss those who didnt score in the top tier?

Sigh, why does the SAT continue to trouble me, even in another world?

Of course, transmigration to another world might allow one to soar with some luck, but ironically, even that luck seemed to evade me.

It was because of this unique characteristic.

A special skill given only to those who transmigrated to this worldthe very reason why the people of this world were so enamored with transmigrators.

Unique Trait - Existence Imprint

Those who you encounter will not forget your existence. No matter who they are or what happens.

Yes. That was it; they just remembered my name.

No matter who they were or what happened, they didnt forget my name.

What was this?

What was I supposed to do with this?

Hey, Porter. Carry all this and follow me.

As I grimaced at the status window, something suddenly clattered down in front of me.

Looking down, I saw the spoils hunted by the mage, who had been roaming inside the dungeon even during break times.

A fist-sized fang, leather, each with sizable magic stones Wow, had she just wiped out a cluster of monsters by herself?

This was why people in this world were so smitten with the capable ones.

What are you doing? Hurry up and pack the stuff.

Yes, yes~ Ill do as you say~

Your tone is annoying, you know? Do you have a problem?

Oh, no complaints at all~ How could I have any when I should be thankful just to have food and shelter?

Keep that in mind because Ill be watching.

Tsk, the female mage clicked her tongue, turned her back on us, and left.

Eventually, after a rough patch-up, my colleagues began to awkwardly follow her, trying to ingratiate themselves with her.

Um, Miss? It seems like you overexerted yourself even during our break. Wouldnt it be better to rest a bit? You must be low on magical energy by now.

If its magical energy youre worried about, I have plenty. Just shut up and follow me. All you have to do is obey me, the hero.

Ah, yes, yes. Indeed, we mere nobodies should just follow the heros words.

Even though I mocked her in my mind, it only led to a feeling of self-loathing.

Ha, how did I end up being treated like a foreign laborer?

Indeed, she, who awakened immense power through her reincarnation, was a hero, and I, who awakened such insignificant power, was a foreign worker from another worldabbreviated as a foreign laborer.

To think that I reincarnated into another world only to be treated like a slave just because of the damn lack of luck Life truly is unpredictable, but there should be a limit to this kind of thing.


Amid these thoughts, a scream came from up ahead.

Startled, I looked forward and saw the mage, who had marched ahead confidently, now caught by tentacles that had burst forth from the ground.

That damn woman. She marched ahead so boldly, trusting in her strength, but didnt even check properly for an ambush.

What, what is this? Let go of me this instant!?

Oh no! The party leaders been caught! The tentacles are thicker than we thought; its difficult to approach!

The massive and thick tentacles spread out in all directions. Before we could react, the limbs of the mage were progressively being constricted by the tentacles.

Realizing she was in danger, the veteran fighter in our group turned to me in desperation and shouted.

Damn, I might get swept up if I go in there. Hey, Porter! Dont you have some way to save that lady?

Eh? Even if shes a hero, she is such a damned person; cant we just leave her?

Surely, as you say, that hero is always foul-mouthed, conceited, and wastefully spends the money she earnsnothing more than a pretty-faced, big-chested thug. But still, isnt she pretty and well-endowed? Who knows?! If you save her, she might let you touch them once!

This uncle and his reasoning confused me.

Was the chance to get a feel of that womans chest really worth risking his dear life?

So, a man was all set if he had good looks and a large dick?

Now that I thought about it, it seemed about right.

Hyiik, this monster!

But even as I harbored such thoughts, the mage had been completely bound by the tentacles.

Could it be

The moment I registered the bizarrely writhing tentacles in front of my eyes, her face began to pale with fear.

It was as if she could sense her imminent fate from their movements.

Th-this monstrous thing! Its not trying to violate me, is it?!


Before any proper countermeasures could be taken, her limbs were torn apart by the strength of the tentacles.


The damned womans eyes rolled back, and her head dropped.

It was a clear and unmistakable instant death.

Uaaaah! Its a limb-severing tentacle monster!

A scream erupted reflexively as I hurriedly moved to the opposite side.

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