I Became a Foreign Worker Loved by Transcendents

Chapter 100: Ominous Omen

Chapter 100: Ominous Omen


Like mana and divine power, spirits were a concept that didn’t originally exist in this world, but given their will, they might be classified as a race similar to demons.

This thought strengthened just by observing the manifested group of spirits in front of me, acting as if they were a personified entity.

“Boss, is this being imitating me?”

“Yes, from its form to its actions, it mimics the being that led it. As this continues, its sense of self and personality become more distinct.”


The cluster of spirits, quietly howling as if responding to my words, stared intently at me.

I could understand what they were saying, but I decided not to pay too much attention to it.

The important thing was that they recognized my existence, and this accelerated their growth.

“And such awakened beings exhibit a level of mana control that is unrivaled. While humans can only exert the will of ten to twenty, maybe a hundred at most, a cluster of spirits consists of countless entities, each controlling mana independently.”

In other words, if one could enlist the cooperation of spirits, their precision of mana control could far exceed human limits.

As he spoke, holding his staff upright in front of me, he took a deep breath and repeatedly focused on the hand holding the staff.

“However, being led by humans and mimicking their form and mindset is ultimately a temporary phenomenon. If the concentration needed to lead spirits wavers, the cluster will disperse, and this will result in the dissolution of their personality and self.”

“Disappear? Does that mean they die?”

It was akin to a person being assembled at the cellular level, only to be split apart again.

Naturally, such a process would result in death for a person.

Even if the same cells reassembled, it might result in a similar person, but could such a recreated being truly be considered the same as before?

“Interacting with spirits means just that. With each attempt, it’s endlessly confronting the birth and death of a being that reflects you…”


The cluster of spirits was still howling beside me.

Did they understand what Jang was saying now?

Or were they unable to comprehend the concept of death to begin with?

“Then, is it meaningless to interact like this now?”

It was a bit bitter, but more than that, doubts began to sprout about the significance of practicing with spirits.

No matter how precisely spirits could handle mana compared to humans, it seemed impossible to seek cooperation from a being that was no different from a newborn each time it formed.

“It’s not entirely meaningless. Even if they die and disintegrate, remnants, however small, remain with the practitioner.”


“It means that each time the personality created by a spirit is born and disappears, traces of it are imprinted on the practitioner.”


The aura forming around the lifted staff began to stabilize gradually.

It was like when the undead had been sliced earlier.

Even though I was manipulating the power that manifested physical force in response to will, there was no slight vibration felt in the hands manipulating mana.

Noticing the strange feeling, I closely observed his hand and soon realized that something was changing there.

“So, by repeatedly interacting with the spirit and accumulating such remnants, if one keeps practicing… eventually, the remnants that have learned from the practice adjust the mana or instantly employ the necessary strength for the practitioner.”

What appeared in his hand was different from a circle created by the concentration of power flow.

It was a translucent form overlaid on his hand, with neither the typical vibration sound nor light distortion that occurs when mana is concentrated.

For a moment, I thought a glove made of mana had been put on, but no, it wasn’t a glove; it was a hand.

He had succeeded in temporarily manifesting a more distinct presence, surpassing even the unstable cluster that formed beside me.

“This is the realm of mastery that is achieved in the end.”


A rock was split in half and cleaved by the swinging staff.

If the aura accentuates the properties of a bludgeon, the destructive power should increase, yet the actual result of the staff’s swing was a clean cut, like that made by a sword.

The power seemed entirely focused on cutting; the rock that should have been split did not get pushed aside but stood firmly rooted in its place.

“Remember how I handled the aura with a sword? I can manage this realm even with such a staff.”

Yes, that was the result of borrowing the power of a being capable of precisely controlling mana.

Furthermore, by leaving and remembering the remnants of such beings in his body, he continuously trained and reached this realm.

“How about it? Do you think you can do it?”

“…Not at all.”

That realm seemed far too distant for me.

At least among the heroes I knew, none had demonstrated such feats with pure mana alone.

How could I, branded as a foreigner, even consider a realm impossible for heroes?

“Indeed, as you expected, mastering spirits is not an overnight task. Typically, to clearly manifest even a part of your body as a goal, it would take at least 30 years.”

“…What? 30 years.”

Yes, indeed, it wasn’t something that could be done overnight.

This moment made me realize once again why the empire was so obsessed with summoning heroes.

Yet, Jang still smiled and spoke to me in a gentle voice.

“Don’t be so frightened. In your case, haven’t you caught up with five years’ worth of growth from the start?”

Five years.

Does it usually take that much time to implement even such an imperfect form?

Does this immediate implementation mean that I possess a talent and blessing that I have not yet realized?

“I understand your anxiety, but don’t worry too much. If you don’t give up, I will also not give up and will help you till the end.”

Hearing such sincere encouragement, the confidence gradually building inside me began to turn into conviction.

Yes, this person wouldn’t have arranged this without any basis.

So, whatever it takes, let’s see it through to the end.

“…I look forward to working with you, Boss.”

“Ho-ho, yes, I hope you follow along well.”

Thus began the practice of handling spirits.

Under his guidance, I devoted my time to training, focusing solely on that one aspect.

Until a month had passed since I arrived in this land.

While dedicating more than ever to growing stronger.

Commonly known as the Dragon’s Tomb.

It was an excavation area formed under the leadership of the empire, called humanity’s last hope.

But even as an excavation site, with the Legion, a core force of the empire, stationed there, it was essentially a military post.

In other words, Marcus Cradle, who led the legion on the imperial order, could be seen as the de facto highest authority and the overall commander of this place.

“Legion Commander, we have received reports from scouts that a large number of undead have gathered at the entrance of the canyon.”

For such a responsible figure, more important than the excavation itself was ensuring the safety of everyone involved in the excavation work and eliminating any threatening elements.

Naturally, as the internal undead extermination work was nearing completion, the new danger approaching from outside was a matter of concern.

“…As expected, the Corpse Lord is targeting this place too.”

“Yes, if they move in groups, it would be certain.”

With the confirmation of the soldier who came to report, Marcus’s expression hardened rapidly.

It was not surprising.

Actually, before they stationed themselves, the undead were already wandering around this mountain, some even searching for something or digging the ground.

With most of the previously dispatched undead dead, it was a logical inference that the undead legion, sensing the danger, started stationing troops nearby.

“How many troops? Any traces of the Four Knights?”

“The troops identified so far are battalion-sized, and according to the scouts, they are led by a lich. Probably, a vanguard was dispatched for reconnaissance or to probe an attack on this place.”

“Never slacken the surveillance. While I continue to check the defenses, instruct the scouts not to leave their positions until further orders.”

The soldier saluted and left after receiving Marcus’s orders.

Afterward, crossing the station area with his aide, he hurried to the barriers being erected on the outskirts of the excavation site.

“Legion Commander, are you sure it will be okay?”

Amidst this, the aide’s question continued.

Although it was still just a precursor, given that the undead legion was directly targeting this place, the possibility of a full-scale battle happening here soon was not insignificant.

Of course, there had been reports that the Corpse Lord was currently engaged in a power struggle with the Demon King’s army, but even that did not involve the entire legion, so it wasn’t something to be complacent about.

Even if only one of the Four Knights came here, it would surely bring a calamity to this land.

“Don’t be anxious. What we must do is represent the imperial court and protect humanity… Regardless of what happens, we must not lose our morale and do our best.”

But regardless of the opponent, the duty of the imperial army remained unchanged.

Marcus was well aware of his mission to protect humanity, and therefore, he was devoted to reinforcing the army and managing its morale.

Whatever the outcome of the upcoming battle, they would at least be able to exert their maximum power.

“…And for that purpose, we have also brought many heroes.”

Yes, with such an army and the addition of heroes, there should be nothing to fear.


The place they arrived at with such confidence was a defense line being constructed based on the valley area.

There, the construction of the defense line was in full swing with the laborers, and the pace was more than three times faster than previously planned.

All thanks to a hero exerting his strength among them.


A helmeted man struck the ground with a shovel, accompanied by a loud shout.

As the ground received his power and seemed to defy gravity, the earth moved along the trajectory of the shovel he wielded, starting to form a wall-like structure.

Though it was temporarily solidified by magic, if the laborers worked using it as a framework, it would greatly assist in constructing a solid defense line.

“Phew~! Good! This side is done. Let’s move to the next location!”

“Hero, thank you! The work has become easier because of you!”

“Don’t thank me for this. I’m getting paid to shovel, so I have to do the work I’m paid for.”

Hero Nam Ja-seong.

A hero who had grown a small order without any significant backers, and among the heroes intoxicated with their power and achievements, a rare kind who preferred humble labor.

However, his ability to overturn the earth greatly expedited construction work that would normally require many laborers to dig and handle.

It was no exaggeration to say that the speed of the construction increased nearly tenfold after he joined the work.

‘In addition, he possesses the leadership and inclusiveness that even laborers who are usually resistant to heroes follow… It’s worth considering him as a leader when forming a troop in the future.’

Marcus, watching from a distance, assessed the situation.

Overall, he concluded that this hero was necessary for this station area, but he couldn’t help feeling a bit of regret.

No matter how efficient the hero’s power was, surpassing hundreds of laborers, it would be difficult for him alone to construct a defense line capable of protecting the entire mountain range.

If only one more hero had come to help here.

Thud, thud!

As he thought about this, bricks flying in from afar began to cover the earthen wall.

Though not thrown by human hands, the bricks neatly balanced themselves, forming the plausible structure of a wall.

Creating a barrier with structure, mass, and durability happened in the blink of an eye.

With such efforts repeated, and the laborers focusing only on finishing, a defense line no less formidable than the empire’s walls would be established in this canyon.

“So, I just need to stack these bricks on the wall over there?”

A girl with pigtails seemed to have come to lend a hand in the process, intruding on the scene.

As Marcus realized she was also a hero, the male hero previously working on the defense line turned to the girl, expressing his joy.

“Wow, kiddo! Are you here to help, too?!”

“I’m not a kid. I’m Ga-ram!”

She retorted sharply, but only for a moment.

Soon, the girl, having calmed down, chuckled and confidently said, lifting the bricks floating with her power.

“Well, I’m free right now, so if you need help, I can certainly lend a hand.”

Hero Yi Ga-ram.

A unique hero who was helping to strengthen the station along with Nam Ja-seong, and a super rookie who purged several corrupt heroes shortly after being appointed.

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