I Became a Foreign Worker Loved by Transcendents

Chapter 115: Tashian Pheloi

Chapter 115: Tashian Pheloi


A being that exercises great influence on this world, being the apex of all things and part of the world itself, called a small world with its own will.

In the beginning, the ancient dragons, under the guidance of those called gods, helped shape the world. However, once the world was completed, their descendants, despite their inherent nature, led empty lives after losing their purpose.

Such a fate was also expected for her to walk through.

Smoke Dragon, Tashian Pheloi.

A symbol of an era of decline, using an absolute oath among dragons to prolong her life even with a shattered body.

Thump, thump.

The remnants left behind by such a being until the very end.

Facing the dragon that proclaimed the extinction of humanity at this moment, she felt the ember gradually flaring up.

“Has it really come to pass as foretold?”

Now, she could wield her power even if the conditions of the promise were not met.

The promise she made was to judge whether humanity’s existence was justifiable, and if deemed not, to bring about humanity’s extinction with her own hands.

Of course, if someone causes a calamity that could annihilate humanity before the moment of judgment arrives, she must prevent it, as she couldn’t achieve the outcome of humanity’s extinction by her own hands.

“Well, if they’re a race that will perish even without my intervention, I suppose they have no value in existence.”

Thump, thump.

At that moment, her heart, which had been asleep for so long, beat furiously.

She finally realized she had lived for this moment and flung the cigarette she was holding in her mouth to the ground.

Suppressing her power by inhaling her own remnants was no longer necessary.

“…Are you leaving?”

A faint voice came from behind at the moment she was about to step into the scene.

She paused her steps forward and exhaled smoke before answering.

“I must go. The end has finally arrived.”

“Yes, if you step in this time, you won’t be able to stop.”

The prerogative to decide on the extinction of humanity was given to her.

But even if she succeeded in stopping the enemy, she would not return to being a bystander.

Once the kindling started to burn, it wouldn’t stop until it was all burned, and she knew that wielding that power was her last chance to annihilate humanity.

“But, are you really okay with this?”

Such a future was already prophesied by the fortune teller who appeared behind her.

Despite that, the fortune teller’s concern continued, and Tashian chuckled as she turned to look at her.

The fortune teller, holding a crystal ball in her hand, was gazing sadly at the future that was about to unfold.

“How long have we known each other for you to worry?”

“Hyo-sung will be sad.”

A slight shudder.

It was only for a moment, but the fortune teller did not miss that reaction.

That reaction showed that the declining calamity, who only valued her own promise, did not take lightly the existence of her chosen adversary.

“Tashian. I’ll ask you once more.”

If she stepped forward now, there would be no turning back.

After this moment, she would emerge as a calamity towards humanity, which would also mean it would be his first trial to gain strength to oppose her.

“Are you really okay with this?”

“…I must endure.”

And Tashian was already prepared for that path.

“It was my choice, and it is the path he decided to walk.”

If he had fallen before reaching this point, it would have been over.

However, since he had reached this point without faltering, she, too, had to be prepared to clash with him.


With that answer, her burning body soared into the sky, becoming a beam of light.

And she descended.

Igniting a log buried in ashes right here and now.


At the end, the symbol of the declining world descended to the ground.

The Smoke Dragon, Tashian Pheloi.

The last remaining embers in her body, now little more than ashes, began to fiercely burn the plague spores in response to her will.

Rumble, boom!

At the moment when such a calamity began rampaging across the entire mountain range,

Humanity, insignificant in comparison, watched the spectacle from afar. Even the undead gathered around began to be swept away by the heat and debris.


Whether it was the incarnation of war that noticed the situation belatedly, or the army of the dead she led.

For a dragon that could shake mountains with a single movement and split the sky, such things could be easily trampled and crushed.


The only one who could possibly match her here was this being.

Only the mass of plague that imperfectly mimicked the ultimate being, borrowing the remains of an entity like hers.

“Tashian Pheloi. You were alive?”

The Plague Dragon, Blight.

As he crumbled mercilessly under her assault, he tried to recall her name, retracing his memory.

Yes, indeed, such a calamity existed in this world half a century ago.

Although he hadn’t seen her personally, unlike his younger sibling, who followed the hero, he had repeatedly heard that her existence had ended the era of war.

“Amazing. That power, that stature…”

Above all, her very existence alone had quelled the madness of humanity killing each other at that time, uniting them all under the cause of fear and survival.

A being that moves the world simply by existing.

The end of all things, rightfully called a part of the world itself, a small world with will.

“If I could make the life force and power of that body mine…”

The Plague Dragon faced such an entity.

Feeling the yearnings of the dead that comprised his spirit become clearer, he started charging towards her.

“If I make that power mine, the world she carved out will not fall to anything!”

He felt helpless when his prosperous kingdom fell to a plague.

Thus, to create a world, a kingdom of the dead, that would not fall to any calamity, the power of an absolute being like her was needed.


She easily thwarted such a desperate assault by biting his neck, then started exerting her power by pressing his body with her forelimb.

Even though he was an incompletely constructed corpse, he was still undeniably a dragon. He might not overwhelm her with power, but he was certainly capable of resistance.

“Hey, kid, do you know what a dragon’s reverse scale is?”

The reason his strength drained just from being bitten on the neck was simple.

Even for a supreme being that had risen to the pinnacle of all things, there was at least one spot that could be called a weakness.

“My ancestors told me this. The Creator made one means to control the slaves to be used in creating the world.”

One scale among the dragon’s scales that was reversed.

As soon as her teeth pressed on that sole weak spot, his body began to convulse, and the spores composing his body started to scatter involuntarily.

“Heh, hahahaha!”

But even as convulsions struck him, what leaked from Blight’s mouth was not a scream but joy.

Together with that, he tried to suppress the collapse of his body as much as possible, but not for his own regeneration.

“Reverse scale? What does that matter?! This body can’t even feel pain in the first place!”

Just as he said, this body was merely an imitation created by mixing himself with the immense potential of the dragon’s remains.

If he perfectly imitated it, the weak spot would immobilize him when struck, but if it broke, he could just press on and crush his opponent.


He pulled his disintegrated body towards himself as much as possible, then released that power towards her.

The spores that slipped through the gaps in the scales covering the gigantic body reacted to her vitality, consuming flesh and blood, rapidly swelling in size to dominate the living dragon.

“No matter how great an entity, as long as it’s alive, it can’t be free from disease.”

Moreover, the disease he wielded was the same plague that had destroyed his homeland.

The disease, not originally from this world, was an ‘otherworldly disease’ that tore through the dimensional rift. Thus, even a great being wouldn’t have complete immunity.

No matter how much she had reached the pinnacle of the world, she was ultimately limited to this world. Her absoluteness would not extend to the outer world.

“Tashian Pheloi!! A great threat to humanity!! I will consume you here and become an even greater entity…”

“You talk too much.”


Following the slight murmur, flames surged from the mouth that had bitten the neck.

Feeling his body being consumed by flames after having his reverse scale bitten, Blight began to express his astonishment at this incomprehensible phenomenon.

“H-how? My disease should have infiltrated every corner of your body, yet you have this much power…!”

As a dragon is also a creature, she would have to feel pain to some extent.

Especially if it was an otherworldly disease, it could rot her flesh to some degree, allowing for vulnerabilities and giving the opponent an opportunity to counterattack.

“What does disease matter? There’s nothing left to burn in this body anyway.”


“Do ashes get diseased?”

What stood here was the Smoke Dragon.

Her body was composed not of flesh and blood, but of ashes that had nothing left to burn.

Even a corpse could be a medium for disease.

But a body no different from a heap of ashes simply couldn’t be penetrated by disease in the first place.

“A body… not even infected by disease… A body that’s not even a corpse anymore?”

Even though the last embers remaining in such a ruined body foretold that everything in its path would be burned, for the plague calamity about to be swept up in it, there was no sense of despair.


A sigh born of unconscious admiration, an emotion that surpassed awe…

Yes, the one before him had transcended even the ‘limits of the ideal’ he had conceived.

Even the dead could rise from their graves to leave their mark on a doomed world, if only his will accompanied them, extending their life forcibly even when they reach the end of their lifespan.

“A dragon…”

Even defying the inevitable fate of all living beings.

A being that could maintain her integrity without breaking even the vessel containing her soul.

To scholars who admired such an absolute being, it was an irresistible charm.

“A truly magnificent dragon…”

But such human sentiments…

To a calamity that divides heaven and earth just by existing, they were nothing but insignificant.


From her mouth, the released wrath began to incinerate everything that comprised his body.

Not only the bones but also the spores that had swollen to form his body, and the decaying spirit that had sustained it as a vessel.

And everything else existing in its trajectory.


One by one, raindrops fell on the scene where everything had ended.

Feeling the cold emanating from them, Marcus had a moment to gaze silently at the scene spread out before him

“C-Commander. What exactly… What happened here?”

Soldiers beside him voiced their questions one by one.

They, too, found the current situation incomprehensible.

The scene of everything being burned by the breath of another calamity that descended from the sky to deal with a resurrected great calamity…


As the raindrops falling at the end turned into a fierce shower, cooling the scene glowing in the heat, it was an unprecedented phenomenon.


But Marcus felt a sense of déjà vu from the current situation.

The phenomenon where all the moisture in the area evaporated due to the heat, rose to the sky, and rapidly condensed into clouds to form rainclouds.

The resulting shower, although temporary, ended up erasing the heat that should have existed in her path every time.

“Really… she was alive…”

Yes, on that day, it had also rained.

The downpour that settled after the fierce battle had erased all the overheated heat and bloodstains of that day.

The difference was that, unlike that day when she vanished, now she revealed herself, albeit in a weakened body.

“Tashian Pheloi.”

The nemesis of the last hero born to this world.

At this moment, emerging from the shattered body of the dragon, she began to reveal herself in front of the human army in her weakened form.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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