I Became a Foreign Worker Loved by Transcendents

Chapter 19: Agree To The Terms And Conditions Carefully!

Chapter 19: Agree To The Terms And Conditions Carefully!

Ego weapons.

A term that encompassed weapons with their own will, always ranked among the highest-grade equipment in this world.

Considering mana, the main energy of this world, was harnessed by human will, the idea of a weapon handling it autonomously and creating synergy with its owner wasnt so far-fetched, was it?

Having such a weapon recognize my presence and engrave me as its owner would be a significant event.

Yes, I thought it would certainly be so

But I should tell you, having the ability to forcibly contract with an ego weapon is more of a curse than a blessing.

What? A curse?

Whether its a holy sword or a demon sword, ego weapons are inherently stubborn about their purpose.

She held the mithril spear that had been in my hand and examined its surface closely as she continued explaining.

For instance, a demon sword inevitably goes berserk if its not periodically stained with blood, and a holy sword has an obsession with fulfilling its mission, often imposing this obsession on its user. What do you think happens if the owner neglects these purposes and misuses the power?

Would the weapon try to kill its user?

It could be worse than death. The user might become a puppet, consumed by the weapons will, be punished for not complying, or in extreme cases, be kept barely alive and sealed away

Hearing these examples was enough to make my throat go dry.

Ignoring my anxiousness, she began leisurely tapping the tip of the spear with her finger.

Moreover, unlike humans, ego weapons are solely focused on the purpose for which they were made, leading to an obsessive attachment to the contracted individual. Thus, its ideal to use them in a cooperative manner only when interests align, rather than recognizing oneself as the owner.

Yes, in my excitement at handling such a prized weapon, Id momentarily forgotten.

That my ability, simply to be remembered by someone, was far from winning their favor.

Considering I was unwittingly registered on the adventurers guild blacklist, how could I simply be elated after hearing her words?

So, then. The weapon Im holding now?

Dont worry. While ego weapons need some growth to fully awaken their consciousness, this one is newly made and only operates on instinct. If theres a problem, we can just melt it down and forge a new weapon.

Is it okay to melt down an ego weapon that easily?

Not easily. A mature ego weapon would fiercely resist upon realizing its being destroyed.

I meant it more in the sense of being a precious item

But she mentioned reasons that could pose even greater problems than I thought.

Rumors said a berserker consumed by a demon sword had slaughtered a thousand soldiers; a holy sword had excised a demon generals heart If such formidable weapons ran amok, it would lead to devastation beyond measure.

Still, it would be a shame to send it back as is.

She casually handled such a dangerous weapon, then smirked and pointed the handle of the spear at me.

As if suggesting that I should grasp the handle of the spear.

Having the ability to affect an ego weapon just by holding it is something Ive never seen before You havent fully harnessed that ability either, so you wouldnt want to let such an opportunity slip away, would you?

At that moment, she encouraged me to hold the spear again.

But this time, it probably wouldnt end as a mere test.

Though I wasnt yet certain, there was a chance I might handle this precious weapon with my own hands again.

-Thump, thump.

With such anticipation swelling in my chest, I found my hand reaching for the spears handle, heedless of the warnings.

Not just the material, but more so, the allure of something known as an ego weapon felt significant.

Though the risk was great, so too was the potential return

Despite not living up to my expectations, I found a way to utilize my abilities. How could I, a lowly foreign worker for two years since I arrived in this world, easily pass up this opportunity?

What would you have me do?

But I hesitated to take hold.

After all, life seldom goes as one expects.

Wouldnt it be thoughtless to eagerly accept and handle this offer without knowing what she was thinking?

Nothing much.

Sensing my wariness, she spoke nonchalantly, still holding out the spear.

Ill just lend you this spear. Use it for a week, then return it to me.

Youre lending it?

You get to experience a weapon you cant afford right now, even if briefly, and I get to see how my crafted ego weapon works with your abilities Isnt that enough reason for a deal?

It was not a transfer or sale, but a loan

It was merely a trial, but perhaps the most ideal outcome under the current circumstances.

Too precious to give away just because of interest, and too expensive for me to buy right now.

You can refuse if you dont like it. This is just an offer, not a compulsion.

Tacchia spoke softly to me, still hesitant to grasp it.

With that, I felt strength returning to my half-opened eyes.

But if you accept, its good to know. For those who dont keep their promises, its no surprise if anything happens.

Anything happens?

Yes, anything happens.

At that moment, the gravity in her voice made all prior indifference fade.

A chill ran over me, causing goosebumps, as I recalled the words of the old man I had met before coming here.

Shes very sensitive about promises, so if you make one, do it carefully.

Promises should be made carefully

If that warning wasnt just out of politeness, then it surely applied to this deal as well.

It wasnt just the danger of the ego weapon.

If I accepted the deal and failed to return the weapon lent by Tacchia, there was also the risk of unpredictable consequences.

So, will you do it?

Would I try out this weapon, ready to face its dangers and inherent risks?

Or would I just refuse and leave with ordinary weapons and armor?

I am

The answer to this crossroads of choice came only after a considerable amount of time.

Weighing between desire and safety required such careful deliberation

Youre always smoking a cigarette whenever you come.

How much time had passed since then?

While I smoked a cigarette against the entrance to soothe my solitude, someone made their presence known in front of the forge in a secluded alley.

The tapping noise on the street was quite familiar to Tacchias ears.

Thought it was someone else, but it turns out its the kid.

Chuckle, youre the only one who would call the big shot of this street a kid.

Commonly known as the alley boss, Jang.

As the old man, so called, burst into a good-natured laugh, Tacchia clicked her tongue as if annoyed and retorted.

So kid, what brings you here this time? Did you lose your way?

Im not senile enough to get lost. Im here to entrust the repair of an item bestowed by a great being.

Saying so, Jang pulled over a nearby worn-out chair to sit, handing over the cane hed been tapping on the ground.

Looking down at it, Tacchia frowned and spoke in a sharp tone.

Did you shove it into some magical device?

You knew right away?

Human-made auras dont leave such measured scars.

Unlike tools aligned with a steady flow of mana, human will is quite variable.

Guessing this, Tacchia grumbled and brought her thumb to the canes handle.


At that moment, the dented part unfurled with the force of her thumb.

After a rough check, she tossed the cane back to Jang and drew on the cigarette in her mouth.

Use it moderately. Its not made to be abused.

Haha, you say the same thing as before.

Well, did I say that about 300 years ago?

If you met me then, it must have been my ancestor, not me.

A voice too blunt to be joking.

But even that couldnt have been considered an exaggeration by her standards.

After all, she had been bound to this world for a time beyond human comprehension.

To her, even he was merely a fleeting encounter. His significance might have been less than that of a maple tree glimpsed by the roadside.

By the way didnt a guy named Woo Hyo-sung come here?

What happened to the person she introduced?

Yeah, he came.

At the immediate answer, Jangs eyes widened in surprise, and he looked at her.

For someone who hardly felt the passage of time to instantly recall someones name, wouldnt anyone familiar with her identity be surprised?

Its fascinating. The older you get, the harder it is to remember people, but that young man seemed familiar at first glance.

But even that had a somewhat predictable aspect.

Jang, stroking his beard, soon started to scrutinize her with half-lidded eyes.

Its a long shot, but did you feel the same way?


No answer came.

She simply shifted her attention away from him and directed her displeasure elsewhere.

Hey, kid.

Call me Jang. Havent we known each other for over half a century?

Do I need to remember the name of every short-lived species that doesnt even live a hundred years?

Regardless of their prowess, they were just entities that seasoned a single epoch.

Of course, the humans who had passed through here before were quite interesting, but they were only intriguing to some degree because they were anomalies from another world.

At least for now, they were merely familiar, not outstanding enough to warrant significance.

Anyway, didnt I tell you not to bring troublesome people here?

Troublesome people

Jang flinched at her irritated tone.

He wondered if she meant the young man he had earlier mentioned, but then he too sensed the approaching presence and his expression turned grim.

I see.

Not one, but several

This wasnt the first time, so it wasnt entirely unexpected.

Im sorry. But you know it, dont you? Just as you made a promise with that person, I too have made a promise with him. How can this old body control all the unpleasant things that happen in the process?

Only at times like this do you talk about promises.

So audacious for a short-lived species.

Tacchia clicked her tongue, removed the cigarette from her mouth, and addressed the leader of the group that had just entered the alleyway.

Sorry, but were not taking customers today. If you have business, maybe make an appointment for later


An explosion erupted before she could finish speaking.

Caught in the flames, Tacchias body was hurled backward, crashing deep into the workshop.

Where she had stood, the blazing flames raged, and her body was charred to the extent that there was nothing left to burn.

How dare you speak without permission in front of me?

Despite incinerating someone in such a manner, the man who burst onto the scene spoke in an utterly cold voice.

Yes, he had the right to do so.

It was evident from the way the flames blazed on his body without burning his skin.

Do not trouble me, you insignificant mortal.

The disdainful smile on his lips had a basis.

Surely, it was the power of the ego weapon he held, still smoldering in his grasp.

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