I Became a Foreign Worker Loved by Transcendents

Chapter 23: Drawn By Tranquility, Feeling Destiny

Chapter 23: Drawn By Tranquility, Feeling Destiny

Yes, what entered her eyes at that moment must have been a future soon to unfold.

The foreseen future only changes when the whims of a transcendent being occur as a variable or when the observer of the future intervenes to change it

Certainly, my coming to this empire was for the revival of my clan, but could it be because that person is Mr. Woo Hyo-sung?

If she only considered the purpose of finding a companion, then the scene she was witnessing now fits exactly.

Moreover, even though it was insignificant now, he had already been involved with one transcendent being and had met her twice.

Even that alone made it undeniable that he was born with an extraordinary fate.

No, no. Since the future can change, theres no need to make this a reality. After all, its something that should be decided carefully Wait, if I need to think and decide carefully, does that mean I shouldnt rashly attempt to change the future?

Confusion grew stronger, leading to a moment of dizziness.

But even amidst that, her gaze remained fixed on the crystal ball.

It was a scene hard to accept, yet if she did not take significant action, it was what would happen in the not-so-distant future.

-Hehe~ Do you like doing it this way?

I-Im doing such shameless acts

-Ah, ahh I like it there~ Please, touch me harder~

Airi, covering her eyes with her hands yet peeking through the gaps, trembled.

Despite her embarrassment, she couldnt look away, and this continued for a while on the empty street after he had left.


As soon as I entered the adventurers guild, I was engulfed by the bustling crowd.

True to a dark fantasy world rife with incidents and accidents, the building that was managing adventurers was swarming with those seeking overflowing quests.

Naturally, with many engaging in dangerous tasks, it wasnt unusual to see clashes and fights among those visiting here

Uh? Wait a second.

But even the adventurers, who had previously emanated a murderous aura, calmed the overheated atmosphere as soon as I stepped into the entrance.

The tumult quickly subsided, turning eerie.

The ripple that started at the entrance spread throughout the entire guild in just a few seconds.

Hey, is that the guy who just passed by?

It seems Im not the only one who noticed.

His face looks familiar. Has such an adventurer been in this guild?

Curiosity and suspicion emanated from the sporadic glances directed at me.

I didnt react; I just steadily closed the distance to the reception desk on the opposite side of the entrance.

Despite the current atmospheres impact, completing the adventurers registration process was crucial.

Yes, then I will make the final confirmation.

Amid everyones focused attention, the clerk scanning the document spoke to me,

Woo Hyo-sung, an otherworlder, has requested to temporarily transfer from the Labor Union to the Adventurers Guild as of today. All procedures for this have been completed at the respective branch, and if there is no reversal of this decision within a month, the identity records in the empire will also be changed to the Adventurers Guild

The clerk recited the contractual obligations with a businesslike demeanor.

Normally, such explanations would be drowned out by surrounding noise and ignored, but at this moment, most of the adventurers in the hall were focusing their attention on me.

This meant that everything the clerk mentioned was clearly conveyed to them as well.

Woo Hyo-sung, thats the name, right?

Yeah, the one from the rumors going around

Damn, it seemed I was still blacklisted among the adventurers, separate from the registration process.

I recalled a fact I had forgotten and activated the information window to enter the necessary details for the contract.

At the same time, an irritating line of text caught my eye.

[Unique Trait-Presence Imprint]

[People you meet will never forget your existence, regardless of who they are or what transpires.]

Even upon reviewing it, the ability seemed utterly absurd.

A power that solely ensured those I encountered would remember me.

Yet, this seemingly insignificant ability felt like a noose tightening around my neck as I attempted to register as an adventurer.

The fact that they wouldnt forget my existence meant that even in trivial gossip, the likelihood of my name surfacing increased.

Being an adventurer often entailed collaborating with strangers and engaging in casual conversations with unfamiliar faces at social gatherings.

In such environments, rumors about someone like me attending an event, being seen at a party, and then a heros subsequent death could spread.

As these stories multiplied, another acquaintance of mine might join in, discover commonalities, and soon theyd begin weaving in their speculations and exaggerations, wondering, Perhaps?

Could it be that the hero in our party died because of this guy? Even if it wasnt his intention, the heroes in parties we both attended have perished. Could there be a connection?

Such baseless conclusions spread to complete strangers, circulating perpetually within the community like an unfounded rumor.

In such scenarios, actual facts or evidence would become irrelevant.

In a fantasy realm filled with magic and curses, suspicions about bad luck naturally arose, right?

They say that nine out of ten parties he joins end up decimated, dont they?

I heard from someone in his party that he deliberately betrayed heroes to snatch dungeon treasures.

His gear seems expensive. Could he have acquired all that through betrayal?

Indeed, how could a mere porter afford such equipment? He must have devised a plot and taken advantage of heroes to obtain it.

What was he thinking about becoming an adventurer? Its as if hes openly taking advantage of his own party members.

The murmuring, which began with anxiety and fear, grew like a rolling snowball, and by the time the procedure was complete, it had escalated into overt criticism and loathing.

Despite that, I tried to sign the consent form the clerk handed me, but my attempt was interrupted by a sudden remark.

What are the guards doing, not arresting that guy quickly?


I applied too much force with my hand.

The pen snapped, and the clerks eyes widened in surprise, but my focus had already shifted from the document to the surrounding noise.

Damn it, what are these idiots saying now?

What? Arrested by the guards? Ive never even broken a law in this cursed world.

You need evidence to arrest someone, right?

No, evidence or not, when rumors spread this much, its as good as fact


Feeling as if someone had poked a raw nerve, I slammed the end of my spear onto the ground and turned to face them.

The noisy crowd fell silent at the sound. I stood there with the spear embedded in the ground, my patience disappearing as I faced them.

Hey, you guys.

I kept my voice as low as possible, but made sure to convey the irritation I felt at that moment.

Dont bother me. Shut up, and do your own thing. Dont grumble and spoil everyones mood for no reason.

Uh, uh?

Ah, yes. Yes. S-sorry!

The adventurers, taken aback, trembled and backed away.

Given the rough nature of these people, one might have expected retaliation, but most simply retreated or fell silent.

Of course, the malice aimed at me was fueled by vicious rumors. Would those who truly believed and spread them dare to confront me?

Is the procedure all done?

Yes, it is. Here is your adventurers badge. For class changes or adventurer rank promotions, please go to the corresponding department

Alright, Ill be going then.

After bidding the flustered clerk farewell, I turned and walked away with heavy steps.

I would have liked to say a friendly goodbye since she had helped me, but if I didnt maintain the tense atmosphere, it seemed like the skittish ones around would start pestering me again.

Is the show over?

No, no.

The fools trembled and backed off as soon as they met my fierce gaze.

I withdrew my gaze from them and moved on, deliberately making noise by slamming the spear in my hand into the ground a couple of times.

Thud, thud.

The adventurers stirred in the silence caused by the loud noise.

After slinging the spear shaft over my shoulder, the adventurers crowding the path I intended to take began to make way on their own.

Good that you understand quickly.

The corners of my mouth lifted as I walked through, probably because I found this moment somewhat satisfying.

It was ironic that I, a mere foreign laborer, had become a source of fear even for the most skilled adventurers.

Honestly, it would be strange not to enjoy this a bit, right?

But remember, Woo Hyo-sung. The moment you forget your place and overstep, youre just signing your death warrant.

Yes, that previous incident was because they had crossed the line with someone who had always been a law-abiding citizen. If someone not just taunted but openly picked a fight, then I would just have to shut them up by knocking their forehead to the ground first.

My goal should not be a legendary holy sword but a mithril walking stick.

Remembering to minimize my involvement with others, I swiftly pulled out a note that I had tucked away, intending to carry out what had been planned.

Lets see, I was told to read this note once all the procedures were finished, right?

Airi Haven.

She, with the ability to see the future, had foreseen my death on the mission I would undertake after becoming an adventurer for the first time.

The note in my hand contained the key to surviving that future

[After completing the procedures at the guild, head to the tavern connected to the guild and interact with the minstrel performing there. Their involvement in the mission you will undertake is a crucial factor in determining your survival.]

A minstrel?

The first thing I felt upon reading the notes content was doubt.

Recruiting companions was a common consideration in quests.

I acknowledged that it significantly impacted survival, but the subject being a minstrel was hard to believe.

Generally, minstrels traveled as much as adventurers, but they were non-combatants and didnt get involved in life-threatening situations

Wait, there was another note.

Could it contain something I didnt know? As I was about to unfold it, the words written on its surface made me stop.

[Only unfold the second note when an unbearable danger presents itself during the mission.]

Does it mean not to unfold it right now?

Surely, she had said it was better to minimize variables by not viewing the prophecy at a crucial moment

Damn, without this note, there was too little information, and it was unsettling.

A minstrel doesnt seem quite right

Despite this unease, I only hesitated momentarily before entering the tavern connected to the guild.

Suddenly realizing that the usually noisy tavern was quiet, I quickly shifted my focus from the note and looked ahead.

Normally, a tavern frequented by adventurers would be rowdy due to drinking and gambling.

However, the inside of the tavern I had entered was not just quiet. It felt almost serene.


Along with the clear sound of strings being plucked.

The voice of the woman, playing it softly, resonated through the space.


Yes, it was a woman.

From her skin and hair color to the cloak and robe she wore.

A woman with a pure demeanor, everything about her appeared to be dyed white.

La ta~ ta Labiri la~

Amid her clear voice filling the quiet tavern, I found my gaze, like that of others around me, drawn to her.

Though she was simply sitting in a corner, singing.

The lanterns light on the walls and ceiling seemed as if they were arranged just for her.


Such thoughts naturally arose as everyone in the place seemed absorbed in the moment.

As if the world revolved around her.

Her fingers deftly plucked the strings, her eyes closed, and her voice blended with the sound produced.


Immersed in such tantalizing tranquility, a fluttering sensation emerged in my chest, and the note in my hand began to feel more significant.

Yes, it had to be her.

Realizing she was the one who would share my destiny, my heart swelled.

Whos making all this noise singing here?!

The peaceful atmosphere shattered in an instant.


Someone barged into the tavern, roughly shoving chairs aside.

They directed their malicious hostility toward her.

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